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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. According to the internist who treated Suze during Feb's ARF episode - it's basically a cr*p shoot. He (and his wife, who is also a Vet) have never vaccinated their indoor cats and titer their two dogs for everything else. He doesn't give Lepto because it doesn't cover all the strains and the potential reactions to the vaccine outweigh the benefits. He did qualify his statement by saying that the very first case of Lepto he saw while in Vet school was in a pocket Yorkie who had never been outside! His words: "..........so unless an infected animal came in the house undetected and peed in the dog's water bowl, no one was able to figure out how the dog contacted the disease." That being said, our county shelters have just recovered from a second distemper outbreak within a year. Because my dogs do M&Gs at Petco just down the road from "ground zero", I had them vaccinated for distemper only this year (their 3 year rabies booster is due next year), but only because their titers indcated that their immunity was almost non-existent. Bottom line; rabies every three years and titer for everything else every year.
  2. Gathering all the powers in the universe and the power of GT to keep Lexie wrapped tightly in a cloak of love and protection so her Mom can work the magic. Eat, baby girl. Please eat!
  3. Last winter was miserable around our house while using Frontline, so 3-1/2 months ago, I switched to Advantage. First two months were heavenly but this month, in week 2.5, two are biting at their tails again and my flea magnet is acting like something is sticking her in the behind while on our walks, which is a dead giveaway that the little buggers are back. UGH! What now? Anyone use Comfortis? I live on the east coast of FL, so it's a year round battle.
  4. Praying that Jaynie continues to improve, even in small increments. Praying that Mary has the strength to handle everything on her more-than-full plate. Praying for Dr. Norris to continue to be inspired in his treatment plans for Jaynie. Come on, Jaynie! Give Mom a sign!
  5. Suze is sending powerful prayers to Jaynie - she went through the same thing in February. NO PLATELETS upon admission along with horrorfyingly high BUN and Creatinine. It took 4 days for her to show signs of recovery. We never got a diagnosis - every test in the book was run twice - all negative. If Suze can do it, Jaynie can, too! LET THE POWER OF GT GET THIS GIRL ON THE ROAD TO RECOVERY! Come on, sweetheart - we're holding you tightly in our prayers.
  6. Definitely treat the infection and then re-test. I wouldn't adjust her diet until after the abx and the re-test. Good luck. Will keep you and Jewel in my prayers.
  7. Whatever it is, you know it's contagious! So glad the majority are on the mend!
  8. Oh, this is just not happening! Sending many prayers of healing and hugs of comfort.
  9. ...............but is she SICK? With blood test results like that, she should be really sick! Something's not right. Repeat the BUN & Creatinine, if they are the same, start branching out; titers, urine culture, specific gravity. Sending prayers that this was a mistake or a momentary spike due to the surgery.
  10. duncan41

    Sahra's Gone

    I am very, very sorry.
  11. Aww! He looks so comfy on that cushion! Sending hugs and healing white light to you both!
  12. I think of the two of you often. Sigh! Six months. Doesn't seem possible.
  13. Something definitely went wrong with the first blood test. While wildly excited that Dr. Doug appears to be fine, I would certainly make a case for "what if" the first test results were used to determine treatment. Then I would ask for an adjustment to the charges. Am so glad that everything appears to be as it should be! Congrats!
  14. Suze went into Acute Renal Failure after 3 doses of Proin. Initial bloodwork showed she had NO platelets and was treated a if the kidney failure was caused by a massive infection or Lepto; 2 antibiotics, IV fluids, Cerenia and a pain killer. It took 4 days before the Internist used the word "when" instead of "if" during one of our twice daily consults. Every test in the book was run twice - once in-house and once by an outside lab an all were negative. Will never know if Proin was in the equation, but the important thing is that we got lucky. Suze is alive and well and completely recovered. I am praying non-stop for you and your girl. Please update when you can.
  15. I'm exhausted from reading about your adventures! I need a nap. ....for Diamond! You go, girl! Sending white light, comforting hugs and prayers for long days, peaceful nights and lots of opportunities to make memories.
  16. This is the absolute BEST advice to start with. A diagnosis is paramount because if you start making changes, you could end up going in circles. And please read Dr. Stack's articles, print them out and take them with you to the Vet's office in order to start a dialogue, if you think it would be helpful. You have lots of support here - please update when you can.
  17. What's the treatment for Paranoid Mama? (Great news!)
  18. Scott, don't get discouraged. It took Suze a full 5 days AFTER the 6 she spent at the Evet to show signs that she was "back". Will pray for encouraging news from the Vet tomorrow!
  19. Are her kidneys able to concentrate her urine? Is her urine OUTPUT equal to the INPUT? If the answers are "yes", ignore the test results for now and concentrate on supportive care. If she's not on Cerenia, ask for some. It will help with the nausea she's probably experiencing. Having gone through the exact same thing in February (took 4 days before the internist used the word "when" instead of "if" during treatment consults/updates), I can tell you that you may never know what caused this. Suze was in ICU for 5 days was released on day 6. She has no residual effects from her acute renal failure and no known cause despite running every test in the book twice - once in the E-Vet's in-house lab and followed up by outside lab confirmations. I am sending powerful, loving and hopeful prayers.
  20. Sending powerful prayers to Warlock and hugs of comfort to you.
  21. Just catching up with Riley. I hope this is the start of his recovery. It still sounds like there's a lot going on with him! Just as an aside - Suze had a horrible reaction to Tramadol. Talk about a space cadet! I will never give it to her again! Sending prayers and healing white light to Riley and hugs to you. I hope he can spend a comfortable night followed by a comfortable day so that the healing can begin.
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