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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. Riley has been on my mind lately, so I guess I know why. I am so sorry for your loss. I know you did everything you could for him and made the hardest/best decision for him in the end. He's young and frisky and running around like crazy at the Bridge. Godspeed Riley!
  2. has not set their status

  3. Will keep you both tucked tightly in my prayers.
  4. I am so very, very sorry for the loss of your sweet Cougar.
  5. Too many of us know the excruciatingly painful road you are on right now. I am so sorry. The diagnosis is such a shock; resulting in an outpouring of "if onlys" and "but what ifs". Ultimately, it robs our babies of the time, energy and emotion they deserve from us during their last precious months, weeks or days. I spent too much time searching for answers after Nikki was diagnosed. At some point during chemo, it dawned on me that the time spent on the computer was taking away precious time I could be spending with her. You know what to do for your precious boy. He will just love you all the more for it. In the meantime, the power of GT will be here for you, DH and Sobe.
  6. I think "less is more" when it comes to pancreatitis, but at this point, you know Poodle best. The last thing you want is for any backward steps. So, just go with your gut feeling about what is right. So glad to hear Poodle is looking for food and even better, keeping it down!
  7. Wonderful! Keep up the good appetite, Wilbur!
  8. You didn't get overwhelming exceptional news, although bone growth is pretty great. BUT, you didn't get BAD news either (obvious cancer). You and your husband got some of your concerns hopefully soothed a bit by a similar opinion and that was the point. We all pray for that miracle with you! I totally agree! But just to be sure, let's all just cut to the chase and pray, pray, PRAY! Sending tons of prayers and healing white light!
  9. O....M........G...........you do KNOT want to know what I think of that kennel owner. I know people who know people, if you know what I mean. There are no words. Just won't waste any more cosmic energy on that SOB, but am redirecting all positive energy to Penny and Karen and Amy. Praying for a different diagnosis from Dr. C.
  10. I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for adopting a senior!
  11. duncan41


    I am so sorry. Godspeed, Annie.
  12. I am so sorry for your loss. Godspeed Reuben!
  13. duncan41


    That last photo.......................heart and soul, salt and pepper...............the things that go together naturally. Beautiful tribute to a special soul. I am so sorry for your loss. I will keep you in my prayers.
  14. Whatever Wilbur's story, he's family, and so are you Adrianne. I think you're on to something with the runner. Might be worth taking a few minutes to analyzing everything about his surroundings, putting yourself in his position. If you had a rod in your leg, what would cause you problems? As far as not wanting to leave the yard, he's probably feeling vulnerable right now - too vulnerable to expose himself to the outside world, although should you get a few pounds on him, he might feel well enough to just go out on the street and stand for a few minutes. Venturing out even for a few minutes will make him feel so much better, as long as it's on his terms. We will keep praying for a good appetite, rejuvenating rest and maybe a visit from a new friend to brighten Wilbur's day.
  15. Praying for sunny days, good appetites and wagging tails. Sending thoughts of love and support to you both.
  16. I am sending prayers of comfort to you, DH and that wonderful Wilbur. I just went through a scare with my 11 year Abysinnian - he started losing weight for no reason. Off to the Vet - every test in the book came back normal! Looked at the possibility of lymphoma; even scheduled him for an abdominal ultrasound. Then it dawned on me! His housemate (a 14 year old DSH) was eating the same food, only more and she wasn't gaining any weight! It was the food; novel protein source for the Aby's IBD that was 20% less calories than his previous food - had switched him in late August due to a weird episode. Transitioned him from Natural Balance Venison and Green Pea to Core canned and he gained 3.5 ounces in 5 days! The moral of the story - the answer may be staring right back at you. I would feed Wilbur whatever he will eat/whatever agrees with him throughout the day. If he's losing weight - prove everyone wrong by stuffing him until you see signs that it's too much and then back off! If I were a betting person, I'd say that he will have gained a couple of pounds within a week provided he doesn't have a reaction to the increased intake. Have you considered making him satin balls? Best of luck to you. I feel your pain through your posts.
  17. Praying for peace, quiet, comfort and healing on all fronts. Rest easy.
  18. Heartbreaking. I am so sorry. Please convey my heartfelt condolences to the family. Sending prayers of comfort.
  19. Bless you for making her last year the best year. I am so sorry she had to leave. May your memories help heal your heart. Run pain free, Brooke.
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