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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. I am so sorry. So handsome, so young, too soon. Sending hugs and prayers.
  2. You've got it! Gathering all the protective power of the universe and sending it to Miss Aquitaine! Praying for a quick, uneventful dental and a quick recovery.
  3. :yay Whoo-hoo! Fabulous news! Keep up the good work! :yay
  4. Didn't I read in another thread that eliminating rice and substituting pasta or potatoes helped to resolve a similar problem in another hound? Adding a fiber cap? Prebiotics and/or probiotics? Hope the tests point to a resolution. This is not fun for anyone.
  5. Oh, I'm so sorry. Hope this is just an isolated incident.
  6. Kiss his boo-boos, give him lots of love\in, boat loads of treats and he will be just fine! Poor Frankie!
  7. Good thing the lock on the door to the cave under the rock opens once ina while or I would miss everything! How did I miss this? From the dates on the posts, I am praying that the results of the spinal tap came back negative and it's just a matter of meds now. Praying, praying, praying.
  8. Aw, beautiful Gracie! Hope you feel better tomorrow, honey! Sending prayers.
  9. Oh, no. I came here first this evening, wanting, wishing, hoping, WILLING that there be an improvement, any improvement, to give Larry more time to revel in your love. Thank you for putting him first, foremost and always. He was a handsome guy, beautiful soul and he touched so many of us here. Will pray that his spirit will help heal your heart. Please give Ollie some extra lovin' from us. :grouphug :grouphug
  10. I am so sorry that Angel had to leave. I am sure that she will be watching over her Mom.
  11. Godspeed pretty girl. You will be missed. :f_red
  12. Oh, you don't know the half of how Tramadol can send some hounds to outer space! I am praying that now that Deeni will be in complete control of her faculties, she will be able to make more sound doggie decisions instead of viewing her world from somewhere out in la-la land. She is absolutely beautiful! Please kiss that little beautiful face for me! Hoping for a much better weekend for the two of you.
  13. He sure is putting on a brave front! Will be watching for updates and praying to that greyt cowdoggie doG and keeping the candle burning brightly for Robin. He's right where he needs to be - in the best hands possible.
  14. Oh Adrianne, that is very encouraging! All of Larry's fans will be awaiting each update over the weekend. Sending the most powerful healing white light. Larry
  15. I hope you can appreciate the HUGE leap toward recovery that Deeni has taken by allowing you to touch her - and all within such a short time after following Xan's advice! Reading about it just sent chills up my spine - it was just fantastic! While it may not seem fast enough to you, I think it was monumental. Please continue to do whatever you are doing and you will be rewarded tenfold! I hope you can help her reconcile the car issue. Don't you just wish you could plug into her psyche for just a moment? Sending powerful prayers of recovery and emotion healing white light to Deeni.
  16. You will never know how hard I am praying for all of you.
  17. It has been a very rough couple of months for you. Sending hugs of comfort and prayers of healing.
  18. Regardless of when the appointment is............................................ :hope :grouphug
  19. I just want to scream "Nnnnnnooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!" Oh Adrianne, I am so sorry! I have reveled in your love for Larry, from the moment that his story appeared on these pages and the hint that you were interested. You are the BEST Greyt Mom! There are so many of us here on GT that will be with you and DH in spirit this afternoon. Godspeed, Handsome.
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