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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. duncan41

    Chancy Dancer

    Godspeed ChancyD. You did your job well by imprinting your essence on your Momma's soul. I am so sorry he had to leave so soon!
  2. I am so sorry your handsome Danny had to leave so soon.
  3. duncan41


    I am so sorry for your loss. I hope and pray that your memories will help heal your heart. She was certainly a force in your life. Run pain free at the Bridge, beautiful Maddison!
  4. duncan41


    :f_redI am so sorry!
  5. In the meantime, would you consider giving Buddy some Denamarin? You can get it from your Vet. It's a little pricey, but it's an excellent liver support med and will take effect immediately. Sending prayers.
  6. Loads of kisses and scritches to Sparks! Hang in there, honey! Momma's not done lovin' on you yet! Sending prayers and hugs.
  7. Praying for restful sleep, treats and eats befitting a king and plentiful tickles for many days to come.
  8. I switched to Advantage, bathe the girls with De Flea Shampoo once a month (no chemicals), and "mist" with Adams before their evening walk which I use as much to ward off mosquitos as anything else. I feed a fish based, grain-free food with the addition of various oils (rotating salmon oil, human fish oil concentrate, flax seed oil), feed homemade treats made with loads of organic ground flax seed. Also add Springtime's "Longevity". One of my girls used to be in constant motion - scratching, biting, licking, twitching. Poor baby! It took a year or so to get to this combination but it has eliminated about 80% of her itchies. Frontline stopped working in this area. Had been using it for years.
  9. Praying for blessed sun beams to shine on you and Flash.
  10. Ugh! Hope there's an easy answer to this perplexing problem! Sending prayers and will be waiting for an update.
  11. I am so sorry for your loss. Will keep you and your family tucked tightly in my prayers.
  12. Oh, how devastating! And so young! I am so very, very sorry for your loss. :grouphug
  13. Every dog is different. I have one that could use a dental once a month even if I brush every day and use Petzlife. Another might need a dental once a year and the third could probably go about 2 or 3 years between dentals. I have a friend with RA and she has patiently trained her dog to accept an electric toothbrush! Has made a world of difference in the appearance of his teeth! She gives a treat after using the electric brush, so he now comes running when she gets it out.
  14. Whoo-hoo! Hope her recovery goes very smoothly! Sending healing white light.
  15. If it were me, I would leave it alone based on your description of her improvement while on the med. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
  16. OMG! I have been avoiding this thread like the plague - so terrified of the radiologist's report! Holy cow! It just doesn't get any better than that! Wonderful, wonderful news!
  17. Prayers and hopes for lots of memory making moments. :grouphug
  18. Glad to hear Oreo is recovering. I will continue to pray for significant improvements.
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