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Posts posted by duncan41

  1. Hope, I am so sorry. I remember your anguish over Dolly, but didn't realize the amazing story about Miss Muffet and as others have already said, I am crying over a dog I never met. What a special little lady she must have been. Beautiful tribute for a beautiful broodie. I am so sorry she had to leave too soon. Godspeed, Miss Muffet.

  2. The following information appears on Dr. Suzanne Stack's website: greythealth.com. It is the last paragraph on the subject of Hypothyroidism. IMHO: I am all for being very conservative regarding dosing of all medications. Better to start at the bottom than chance a reaction if you have a med-sensitive dog.




    "The last mud to tread through with regard to hypothyroidism is dosing. Just about all veterinarians agree that brand name Soloxine is superior -- accept no substitutes. Dr. Jim Gannon, author of Care of the Racing Greyhound and probably the most knowledgeable greyhound vet on the planet recommends .1 to .2 mg per greyhound twice daily. The standard dog dose is .1 mg/lO# twice daily. The above-mentioned Veterinary Medicine article goes with this dose. The new 2000 Ettinger's Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine ("the bible") says that once clinical signs resolve, you can often drop to once daily. I split the difference and give greyhounds half the standard dog dose (.1 mg/20#) twice daily. What can't be a good idea is pushing huge Soloxine doses in an effort to push these greyhound T4s up into the 3.0s and 4.0s. Greyhound T4s aren't normally that high, and I worry about the unhealthy effects of hyperthyroidism (heart, kidney, GI Tract) when this is done."

  3. T4 (and even fT4) can be 0 and yet still normal in a greyhound.


    duncan41, see here http://www.dcpah.msu...d_Canine.php#11 for a discussion of when you might see elevated TSH but other values in normal range. Has a basic, free-catch urinalysis been done? Is the high blood pressure being treated?


    Read the article (thank you!) but there has been no illness, no thyroid medication just this long, slow slide downward. The T4 values I quoted were the second set in a month, both T4 results the same - TSH was not done the first time (gggrrr!).


    Free catch urinalysis was done a month ago; there was a trace of blood and protein. That's what started this journey; that and the horrible bruising after a simple xray.


    HBP is being treated with Benazepril.


    While I would prefer not to treat her with any medication unless absolutely necessary, if the cystocentisis is negative, my mind wants to revisit the thyroid issue. Would it be reasonable to think that her low-end-of-normal Free T4 results are too low for her?

  4. Don't mean to hijack this thread, but sometimes doing the tests doesn't help, either. I thought for sure that we would get a clear picture as the input above would suggest. Had the full panel run on Suze thru Idexx:


    Thyroid Panel #4 - Free T4: FreeT4 (ng/dL) is 0.7 - ref. Range 0.6 - 3.7.


    Free T4 (pmoll/L) is 9.0, ref Range 7.7 - 47.6.


    Thyroid Panel #4 - T4: T4 is .7, Ref Range 1.5 = 4.0 ug/dl.


    Thyroid Panel #4 - cTSH: TSH is .68 - Ref. Range 0.05 - 0.42


    This dog (7-1/2 years old) is incontinent, high cholesterol, high blood pressure (230 - 260 a week ago), is hot all the time, listless, depressed and has symptoms of Von Willebrand disease - still waiting on those results. All other Super Chem 27 and CBC results are within normal range. PCR was done for Lyme, Babesia, Anaplasma SPP, Ehrlichia, RMSF, Hepatozoon SPP, Leishmania, Neorickettsia and Bartonella - all negative.

    If the Von Willebrand comes back negative, a cystocentisis will be done for a UA, UPC and a culture.


    Why would the TSH be so high? Would you treat a dog with these symptoms?

  5. Oh, no. Lindsay, you did more for her than anyone else in her life! Please don't beat yourself up - with all of her problems, I'm sure she could be "off" one minute and "fine" the next. You were the best Mom - I for one followed her story closely; because of her challenges and your meticulous care, I learned a lot!

    Godspeed, Chase! :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug Lindsay :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

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