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Posts posted by duncan41

  1. I hope that you will soon come to understand that your feelings of guilt are just leftover sheer determination that you used after he was diagnosed and your belief that you were doing all you could. You did everything you could and I am sure Baker knew that. Cancer is a monster that robs us of so much love. But cancer can't rob our heart of that love and it can't rob our minds of the beautiful memories. You came through for Baker when he needed you most and he is now pain free. Cry, grieve and then open your heart to the warmth of memories of how much he loved you, silly things he used to do and adventures you had together. Maybe someday you can honor him by doing it all over again with another hound who was meant to find a spot on your couch. I am so sorry for your loss. :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

  2. I am so sorry for your loss. Freya came to you for a reason and I think you and she fulfilled your promise to each other. She was truly a beautiful soul inside and out! I hope your memories will bring smiles soon to help heal your heart. :f_pink

  3. So happy to hear that Steak is seizure free and back to himself! Does this mean that we can see pictures of him again?


    Oh, boy! Pictures! Yes, please - when can we see more pictures? So glad he's doing so well! Hope this is just the beginning of many more seizure free days ahead!

  4. I think everyone would agree that at this point, it doesn't really matter what he eats, but rather that he eats and keeps it down. If you explore this forum, you will find all sorts of suggestions for dogs who have poor appetites for a variety of reasons. Satin balls, doggie meatloaf, baby food meat, tripe, even prescription I/D or A/D can sometimes help. Sending prayers.

  5. Greyt Treat Recipe:


    2 cans 100% pure Pumpkin - no spices

    1 cup powdered milk

    1 cup organic flax seed meal

    1/2 cup organic unsweetened applesauce or one VERY ripe banana

    2 cups of organic oat flour


    Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Mix all ingredients by hand or with an electric mixer in a large mixing bowl. An electric mixer makes a fluffier batter and tends to yield more. Drop quarter size mounds (I use about half of an iced tea spoon) on a silicone cookie sheet (or a greased standard cookie sheet). The mounds can be spaced as closely as possible because the treats do not spread during baking.

    Bake for 15 minutes to 20 minutes depending on how your oven temperature varies. Let cool for about 10 minutes before removing from cookie sheet.

    Store in an air tight container in the refrigerator. This recipe makes about 130 small treats. If organic pumpkin is used, more flour may need to be added to give the treat batter more body. This recipe is very "forgiving" so feel free to experiment.

  6. Jessica, I am so sorry for your loss. It sounds like you and Gigi had one of those very special bonds. So many of us on this board have tears in our eyes while reading your beautiful tribute because no matter how much time passes, it only takes reading words that evoke such raw pain to conjures up those old feelings. Sometimes I still sleep in my clothes.......a habit I acquired because I never knew when Nikki would need to go out those last couple of months while she was on Prednisone for Lymphosarcoma. It has been 5 years and I still sleep in my clothes..........................

    You already have such wonderful memories and support of people on this board who were fortunate to have met Gigi, so feel free to visit us more, chime in or just lurk. Everyone here understands. Sending hugs.

  7. I am so sorry that Pretty Girl had to leave sooner than you would have preferred. Thank you for taking in a senior, giving her the love, comfort and support she deserved in the last year. And bless you for knowing when it was time to say goodby. She was a beautiful spirit inside and out.

  8. One of mine is a "panter" but I discovered during the 4th of July war celebrations in our neighborhood that those gel packs that I keep in the refrigerator calmed her right down - worked better than Benadryl! The more she panted, the hotter she became and placing the gell packs on her chest, belly and groin did the trick!

    How old is Huck? Mine are 7 and 11 years old, and in this weather I limit walks to no more than 20 minutes before dawn and after dark and no more than 15 minutes in the middle of the day/afternoon! It is just too darned hot and humid here in Central Florida - and I'm on the coast! I read somewhere that if you want to get a sense of what it's like for a dog walking in this weather, dress in a flannel shirt with long sleeves, long pants, gloves and a hat and go walking with them.


    Hope Huck was just too pooped to participate!

  9. There's always one - your "heart" dog or cat with whom there is that special connection as if the two of you are one. The pain is excruciating when they leave regardless of how old or young. Time does ease the pain, but I am typing this with tears streaming down my cheeks as I remember my dear, sweet Harley. I am so sorry for your loss. It's ok to open your heart to another - it will never be exactly the same, but then again, neither are snowflakes. Each is a masterpiece.

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