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Posts posted by duncan41

  1. . I noticed it seems to bother him more when we're walking on the roads vs. the sidewalks.


    That's exactly how Suze's started - worst on asphalt, better on sidewalks, better yet on grass, even better on tile and no limp on carpeting. During that 6 months of monitoring, the limp became much worse to the point where the only time she didn't limp was when she walked on carpeting.


    Glad you opted for a Vet appointment. Will pray that it's just another mystery limp.

  2. I am so very sorry! She made her way to you in order to fulfill her purpose and thank goodness you recognized her potential!! I know she would be proud to be remembered just as you described her.................a beautiful soul. I hope the memories of the magic she created helps to heal the ragged edges of your heart. Godspeed, Rainy.

  3. My experience taught me:

    1. It is impossible to step in front of 3 dogs to defend them.

    2. Do not count on the VOG to work. Chances are the attacker is high on cortisol and will not respond to the sound of a human voice, regardless of how loud or menacing.

    3. Do not count on throwing "treats" at a dog he11 bent on attacking your dog(s) as a distraction, unless it's 50 pounds of frozen meat that will knock the attacker out cold.

    4. With multiple dogs, sprays or clubs endanger your dog(s), too! The action is too fast and furious - the dog you want to hit or spray will not be in the position your brain is aiming at when the spray or blow lands. Same goes for kicking.

    5. Report all attacks, even if it's your next door neighbor's dog. Make sure that all reports are filed under the same category if the dog is a repeat offender. If you ever go to court, the court may not recognize previous reports if they were for a "loose dog" and your're in court due to an "attack".

    6. If you see a loose dog, take a photo. If you can, find the address of where the dog lives. Report a loose dog to AC accompanied with the photo. Some municipalities have a procedure/form for this purpose. If there is no support from local officials (leash laws are common, so there should be some recourse), take someone with you and speak to the owner stating that you have seen the dog loose, you have a photo proving it and will take the necessary precautions to protect your dog(s) should their dog attack yours. Stay calm, be brief. Follow up with a letter to the police, AC, the city council, the mayor or anyone in local government in order to go on record with your complaint and conversation with the owner.


    My three dogs have been attacked by the same Boxer two times three years ago and all three became aggressive to all dogs afterwards. In March, 2010, I ended up with a broken pelvis when they pulled me over and dragged me across a two lane highway going after a loose terrier mix who did nothing more than the classic terrier "challenge" at night, from out of the shadows.


    Due to a very complicated family situation, I was unable to have them "reconditioned" and the classic "distraction" conditioning would not have been appropriate with my "pack" situation. I read about a method which employs gradual, controlled confrontation, using the assumption that the "attack-first/ask-questions-later" response is more of an attempt to "scare" the attacker away. I have begun using it by not avoiding other dogs, but rather standing still and making my 3 realize that no matter what they do, their out of control actions are not going to make the other dog disappear. Please understand, this is a very slow process, and I take every precaution in gauging each situation for the safety of everyone involved. I have seen a marked improvement in their crazed response implementing this response. I find myself much more calm and under control, too. I used to turn around and head in the opposite direction, heart pounding, legs shaking when another dog came within view, even leashed and under the owner's control. Now, we're all "on guard" more than anything. There is still barking and the occasional lunging, but the negative reaction is probably 30% of what it was in March 2010.


    Everyone's experiences are different, but my point is that all bets are off when walking more than one dog or being attacked by more than one dog. I guess I am fortunate that our AC is very responsive when it comes to leash law violators. I was told by an AC officer that they wish more people would report loose dogs and should I find myself in the same attack situation, I am free to use whatever means are available to me if I feel threatened or if I feel that my dogs are in danger.









  4. Hope this turns out to be "nothing"!


    Went through something similar with a 3 year old about 4 years ago. After 3 sets of x-rays and 4 exams by two different vets over a 6 month period revealed nothing, treatment with Rimadyl and rest (no running!), we purchased TheraPaws for both back feet. Our girl wore them for two years on walks only and then we weaned her off of them (read: DH got tired of putting them on and taking them off - LOL) and she has been fine ever since.



  5. It's been a rough month for many of us thus far, but I have to believe that we did right by our furkids; I cherished every possible moment with Ronan and I waited until he told me he was ready. That is my silver lining and my comfort. I hope it provides solace to my fellow mourners as we face the coming days, weeks, months, and years without them. They are waiting for us :gh_lay




    Beautifully said....................................

  6. There's always a reason they find us..............and it only took Pistol 9.5 years. Special boy who loved you in his very special way. Run, run, run at the Bridge Pistol. I am so sorry he couldn't stay longer.:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

  7. What a wonderful update! You two make a wonderful team and obviously have a strong bond in order for Lazer to be responding as he has been. Hope he can go on more walks, chase more bunnies, eventually play with his beloved stuffies and smile more! Always on my mind, always sending prayers and healing white light. :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

  8. He played you like a fiddle and loved you all the more for trying to keep up. He was an amazing hound fitting of your beautiful tribute. Rest well, Harrison, you did an amazing job with your family! The photos are precious, but that last one did me in. I am so sorry for your loss.:f_red

  9. I have no experience with those conditions, but I did have one with a mystery limp that lasted two years! At two years of age, she was x-rayed by two different Vets, palpated numeroour times by two different Vets - no definite diagnosis. After two years of wearing TheraPaws on both back feet, she is now limp free. Still have no idea what was causing the limp.


    Her sister has sprained both outside toes on both front feet on two separate occasions. The first time was pretty dramatic/traumatic. We ended up leash walking her at all times (even in our small yard) for 6 months before she was able to sprint around our little yard for more than two seconds without ending up with a limp.


    Good luck! I hope Jack heals quickly.

  10. Vacuum, treat everyone at one time with whatever is your favorite - Advantage II is working well for us this year. Vacuum every day - including dog and cat beds or anywhere they like to hang out. Wash dog and cat beds weekly. Vacuum daily. Treat the yard with something. I have tried everything non-toxic except beneficial nematodes. May try those next. Vacuum daily including dog and cat beds. Buy flea combs (there are many but only a few are really effective due to the diameter of the teeth and spacing). Vacuum. Oh, and vacuuming daily will help. And yes, I have been following this regimen since April 1st. It's not perfect, but compared to the horror stories going around earlier this year in our area, we are comparatively flea free.


    Good luck! With persistence you will hit on a combination that works for you.

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