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Posts posted by duncan41

  1. It so sad to think that there is a price on our hound's heads. Hopefully I will never be in that situation. In the meantime, doG bless your "Dad" and sending prayers for Aquataine. You did what you needed to do as her Dogma-ma and she will thank you a million times over for it. And yes, if it had been my practice, I would have let you sleep in the kennel with her. :lol


    Please update when you can.

  2. Oh, poor Winnie! Please don't underplay your description of her pain while speaking to your Vet. And when "rest" is prescribed, please don't hesitate to err on the side of caution for much longer than you would think is necessary. No, running, jumping, twirling, no playing, no jumping on and off beds or furniture, leash walking at all times even when in an enclosed area for at least 4 weeks! At Winnie's age, she needs to be treated with kid gloves. Praying that the dx is something simple. Please don't leave the Vet's office without getting an xray. lt's not foolproof, but it will normally rule out the big, scary stuff.


    Sure hope she feels better soon!

  3. OSU: Already planned on sending all of her records to them, which I will have next week.


    Tracy - I will ask about TEG. I suspect that there is something weird going on, because the first draw resulted in a "could not complete the test due to damaged cells". The second sample was spun before it was frozen.


    Haven't tried corn silk. Can anyone provide the best source and method to administer?

  4. P.S. Meds like benazepril and thyroid supplementation can make for more frequent urination, especially in the beginning. So if the problem has gotten worse since starting those meds, you'll want to keep track over @ 3-6 weeks as to whether the effect is diminishing, staying the same, getting worse ... and whether they're having the other *beneficial* effects you want.


    Can't remember if already mentioned or not -- at one point my vet wondered if Zema might have idiopathic cystitis, such as occurs in cats, who are sometimes treated with low-dose amitryptiline (an antidepressant).


    So far there has been no noticeable changes in any of her symptoms, other than the shallow infrequent panting that appeared soon after starting her on the Benazepril.


    I will make a note to put idiopathic cystitis on the table for discussion after the cycto results are in.

  5. Jey - I have been following your suggested limited ingredient diet - no change.


    Tracy - I have reason to believe that Suze is one of those dogs who may have exaggerated reactions to medications. I have read the standard available information about DES and understand the dosing and the history of the medication. If I can find it, I will post the photo of the abdominal bruising as a result of a simple x-ray. At this point I am not sure I could take the gamble with a med that can affect bone marrow of a VW dog, unless her percentage gets up to a minimum of 70%.


    Mary, Suze was tested for TBDs during her acute renal failure in '09 using the standard antibody test. The PCR provides identification of TBDs by DNA. All testing to date has been negative.


    Claudia - I did try Kidni Kare and Yucca Intensive in February. They did not seem to affect the leaking pattern, intensity nor duration. There is a holistic VET listed on the website (thank you) about 15 minutes from home. As soon as the repeat bloodwork results come in next week to determine if we can go ahead with the cystocentesis (Dr. L wants the VW range at 70%), and nothing is amiss with the cysto/culture, I will be contacting the holistic Vet.


    The raw diet is on the list. Dr. L is totally against raw diets (is it safe to say that most Vet are?), so I really don't want to cross that bridge while we are still in the diagnostic phase. He's not on board with Greyhound idiosyncracies either, so I have had to strong arm him on a couple of things, but nothing of any real consequence. I do think the raw diet would push him over the edge. The guy saved Suze's life in Feb '09, so I do owe him that. Once he discharges us, I will try raw.


    Please keep the suggestions coming! I appreciate every one of them. I will go and try to find that photo of Suze's bruising to post.

  6. Well, we're still without a dx, but it's looking more and more like just plain old incontinence for my Suze. This is not just dripping - we have to take her out every 90 minutes or she has a release. (Reminder of my previous posts: twice yearly incontinence now constant since Aug 13, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, low, low normal thyroid, high TSH, 62% for Von Willebrands, lethargic, devoid of personality, hot all the time occasional bouts of shallow panting. Taking Benazepril for HBP and .4 mg Soloxine. All CBC and Super Chem Panel results normal. Negative for all TBDs per PCR testing.) Appetite is better than good, poops are fine, no excessive water intake.


    If the VW goes up to 70%, Dr. L will do the cystocentesis to check for everything under the sun and culture. That's the last test to be done more to eliminate possibilities rather than point to one, before deciding whether or not to treat further.


    Since PPA is off the table due to the HBP and DES wouldn't be the first choice for a VW dog, is there anything else out there to treat incontinence? Any other estrogens? Haven't tried acupuncture or chiro yet, but that's on the list.


    To be clear, I will gladly take the incontinence if her personality would return. I miss my dog. Thanks for your help.

  7. Hi -


    We're doing OK. My mom had a good night sleep, Lila and I not so much. She had a hard time getting comfortable. For a while she would whine unless I was laying right next to her. But she took her pills like a champ and ate her breakfast (in the living room instead of the kitchen) and the wound looks really good. I went out to get her a tag collar and ID tag and got a tentative tail wag when I came home. I'm sad I can't find her tag collar. I walked the route from the attack to home twice, nothing. If someone picked it up, I would think they would call, there are three phone numbers on the tags.


    I did speak to the owner of the other dog. She feels horrible and gave me check for the vet bill. But she also said she knows her dog is reactive to other dogs, yet let her loose in the yard. :angryfire That's the part that gets me. It would be different if the dog slipped out the door or something. I left a message for the animal officer.


    Thanks again for all your good thoughts. They're working!


    I am so sorry this happened to Lila and your Mom! How horrible! What is it with Boxers and their owners??? We have been attacked by the same Boxes twice! He was IN THE HOUSE, body slammed a wrought iron reinforced screen door and chased us down. One of his owners is now home after an extended absense and the guy is letting the dog out - unleashed and unattended! I filed two "At Large" reports last month even though I didn't have photographic proof. When I explained the history of this dog to the AC officer, his attitude went from resistant to sympathetic about serving the papers.


    I sure hope Lila and your Mom have no long lasting ill effects from this incident.

  8. I am so very, very sorry. Your tribute to Rascal was very touching...............she surely was the perfect 1st Greyhound. I am sure Elizabeth was waiting to welcome her and all of your babies will be watching over you.

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