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Posts posted by duncan41

  1. Is Odormute still on the market? It was a wonderful product, but I am in agreement; once the dog is wet, the stink may be there for the duration. In another life, I had a dog that killed a skunk! I have to tell you, that takes the odor to an entirely different galaxy! OH EM GEE! Lived in MI at the time, it was fall, so all the windows in the house were left open, but it still took 3 or 4 days before the smell went away - in the house. The dog..............well, his face had lingering traces of the aroma for several months.

  2. I am so sorry for your loss. I hope in time that the grief you feel transitions to sweet memories. When you are ready, please consider that getting another Greyhound is not replacing Hewlett in any way, but rather honoring his memory because he was so special and showed you how wonderful and rewarding it is to have a Greyhound. Besides, I think he would want you to give a home to one of his kind. They are all so special and deserving of the very best. Sending gentle hugs to all who loved Hewlett.

  3. Was a urinalysis done? What were the results, specifically with regard to evidence of infection and the Specific Gravity? It would help all those on this site who can help if you had a copy of ALL test results so that you can posted them here - call your Vet and have them emailed or faxed to you. Welcome to GT, and I am sorry that it is under these circumstances. There are many here who can provide the guidance for which you are looking. I wish you and Diesel the best.

  4. Tears of joy..........................many, many tears of joy for the trememdous will to live; you willing him to live and his response. Bunnies, Mom! I gotta chase those bunnies! OMG - he has a sense of humor! You should be keeping a journal - it's beginning to sound like an episode of "House" - except you're not a Doctor, but I think you could play one on TV right about now.

    :yay :yay Go get em Lazer!:yay :yay :grouphug :grouphug Lorinda :grouphug :grouphug

  5. Spoke to rep from Merial regarding a possible resistance -- all of their research points towards NO resistance. The company claims that if a flea infestation happens it's because of improper application of the product or do to an impostor product being used Merial will stand behind FL and will send out an exterminator if a problem arises only if the FL was purchased from your vets office.

    Btw- most vet clinics will give a free application for every 3 purchased- 2 for every 6--- pretty good deal.


    The Merial Reps were "here" last year and offered to conduct seminars at my Vet's office, retrain staff, etc. because of complaints from this area two years ago! By that time, it was too late. There were so many people turned off by wasting their money that they started purchasing other products. Unfortunately Merial is a dime short and a day late in this area. You know Merial is getting desperate when Frontline in now sold in WallyWorld.

  6. For now I would try the diaper rash cream and put on a muzzle to keep him from bothering it, unless you have another preferred method, but he must leave the area alone!. Are you familiar with what to look for if the anal gland becomes infected/impacted?

  7. FWIW: I have purchased both from Australia and from a big box store, have been diligent in regular applications and have found that the product from both sources is not nearly as effective as it once was. My Vet agreed with my observation last year - she said long time clients that purchase directly from her practice and had good results in the past were complaining about the product not working anymore, or working for about two weeks and then the itching, scratching, biting returns.

  8. Our dogs would not ask us to bankrupt ourselves.


    No truer words.......................Isn't ironic that in general, our dogs are very stoic? (Remember, I said "in general" because I have a DRAMA QUEEN, as do so many others!) It's as if they don't want to worry us, they don't want to cause any trouble - well, except maybe Loca or Ekko or a few others who shall remain nameless. They would NEVER want us to do anything to jeopardize life, limb or our wallets, because of them. They would be horrified if they knew how distressed we become due of the cost of their care!

    Beth, Steak knows you love him beyond words. You are doing everything possible for that boy and obviously, an MRI isn't going to stop his seizures. You are SO fortunate to have Judy and Heather and others with so much experience with seizures to guide and advise you!

    Sending prayers and hugs of comfort.

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