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Posts posted by duncan41

  1. Can you describe how the blood pressure was taken? Was Duke standing, sitting or laying down? Was it before, during or after an appointment? Anything unusual happening beforehand? How many readings were done and what were the variations, if any? How long has be been dx'd with hypertension? Assuming that all kidney/urine tests have been normal?



  2. You don't give yourself enough credit - there are only a few people who know how hard you have worked to heal Lazer! He is the Miracle Man, but his Mom is way beyond extraordinary!


    I still feel like dancing around the room, hugging, screaming, laughing and crying like 8 year old girls! Yee-haw! :offwall :offwall :offwall Go Lazer!



  3. Thanks everyone for your kind words - they help beyond measure. It's just so darned hard - I didn't realize how so much of our daily lives revolved around Anna! What I miss the most is pulling up in the driveway and hearing her announce our arrival - at the top of her lungs! My DH used to say "Do you think we can sneak up on Anna?" every time we approached our house. It became a game that we always lost.:lol Run full out, sweetie. Miss Kitty and Simon miss giving you head butts. :beatheart Mom and Dad will miss you forever. :brokenheart

  4. Remember when you were first inquiring about Greyhounds? One of the things that I was told was how quiet they are. Well, Anna must have been taking the how-to-do-everything-with-enthusiasm seminar for the 10th time because she definitely missed the one on how Greyhounds are supposed to be quiet.


    Late August, 2008; I received a call at the office from my BFF which sent me into a panic because she never called me at the office. What's wrong? Who is sick? Do you need help? Is it DH? DD? Nope, none of those. A friend of a friend was going to place his dog in the next 4 days even if he had to take her to the pound. She was 8 years old and black. 'Nuff said...............she had a home with us.


    She wasn't an "easy" dog, but she may go down in our household history as the happiest dog ever. She chattered, shook her head in a "no-no-no" motion but it really meant "yes-yes-yes" for food or treats. She had a lot to say about everything; the garage door opening, neighbors walking down the street, the dogs in the yard behind ours, stopping for traffic lights while riding in the van, hearing the van pulling in the garage when I came home from work and of course, those magic words, "Do you want to go for a walk?"! Everything she did was over the top with joy and enthusiasm.


    Rest well, sweetie. Osteo may have claimed your body, but your joyous spirit will live on in our hearts. Go and find Grandma..............I'm sure she will have some egg and toast for you.


  5. Trying to catch up and saw this pop up more than once. Welcome to GT! Sorry it was under these circumstances, but it sounds like everything is headed in the right direction. GT is the best sight with the best people! You know, it would be ok if you posted some pictures of your little girl now that she's better. Hope you see nothing but improvement.

  6. Jennifer, sedation has not been a problem so far, but she is still limping. From her x-rays, the dark area is still well within the bright outline of the bone, (layman's terms for I-was-told-that-it-is-the-early-stages) so I am still questioning the amount and effectiveness of real pain relief she is receiving. On the one hand, she has a significant limp (but only while she's in the house), but it's not interferring with her ability to relieve herself and if it were left up to her, she would tear around the yard with her usual abandon! She is still bowing and doing all the normal postures, but the limp is pronounced.

    Is there another med or another strategy that should or can be explored?


    Valerie, is palliative radiation being combined with any other modality besides pain meds for Gabe? Are the treatments "as needed" or at regular intervals? How long are the treatments?


    Tricia, Bee Wiseman's memory will always bring a smile to my face but a tear in my heart. You're right, it sucks. :grouphug

  7. Kristin, as a matter of fact, my decision to up the Gabapentin rather than the Tramadol was due to the experiences of others in this thread. Anna is a big girl - 71.5 pounds and all muscle - who has only been sick once in the 3.5 years since she was bounced to us; a UTI 6 weeks ago.


    Am also considering palliative radiation therapy. I would appreciate hearing about the experiences of others.


    Jen, would appreciate your input.

  8. First, please know that everyone on this thread is in my prayers. I won't be posting much only because I want to spend as much time with Anna as possible. I didn't do that when my best-first greyhound was diagnosed with lymphosarcoma - I spent so much time researching and worrying and trying this and that, I lost sight of what was important.

    But, I do have a question regarding pain meds. Anna came home the day of her dx with the usual pain med combo and instructions to give her 75mg Rimadyl twice a day, 50mg Tramadol every 8 hours and 100mg Gabapentin once a day. After 48 hours, Anna did not seem to be getting any pain relief, and actually seemed more uncomfortable. I added another Gabapentin, but after 36 hours, no change. At that point I added another 100 mg Gabapentin and saw a huge improvement. She is now getting 50mg of Tramadol and 100mg Gabapentin at 6 am, 2 pm and 10 pm, and 75mg of Tramadol at 6:00 am and 5:00 pm - oh and a 10mg Pepcid 30 minutes before breakfast which is followed immediately with the first dose of meds.


    I had to stop by my Vet's office today for something else, and mentioned that I may need another prescription for the Gabapentin and the message that came back through the receptionist (who had to catch her between patients) was "You can't do that.". If she was getting 150mg of Tramadol, 150 mg of Rimadyl and 100 mg of Gabapentin and that combo didn't seem to be helping, was I wrong in increasing the Gabapentin? Should the Tramadol have been increased instead? I'm not a big fan of Tramadol due to a bad experience with one of my other girls, but Anna seems to be tolerating it well. The strange thing is that the panting and general appearance of being uncomfortable went away with the addition of the 3rd dose of Gabapentin!

  9. Like everyone else, I never wanted to have to open this thread. I bless Jen and Chris and everyone about whom I have read, supported and prayed for along the way while lurking in H&M.


    Received the official dx today, even though I new as much last night; yes, it's osteo, right shoulder, "beginning stages". Anna is 11 years and 7 months young, a bounce who has been teaching us so many things since Labor Day, 2008. We're going to keep her as comfortable as possible until she tells us that the meds aren't working anymore.


    Right at the moment I am numb, exhausted and brain dead and I promise to go back and read everything, but for now, can someone please guide me to the best time to dose in order to realize the best affect of the individual properties of Rimadyl, Tramadol and Gabapentin? She had a Rimadyl at the Vet's office at 3 pm and Tramadol at 5 pm. When would be the best time to give the Gabapentin? Do they work better dosed at different times a day or is there a combo that works better.


    Thanking everyone in advance.

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