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Posts posted by duncan41

  1. He may not have been with you as long as you would have liked, but he certainly enjoyed every minute, despite his challenges. Thank you for giving him the love and attention he deserved in the twilight of his life! I am so sorry he couldn't stay longer. Godspeed, Jimmy.:f_red

  2. Oh, no,no,no,no! This one took my breath away. I am so sorry! Pipi was one special girl - has to be one of the all time favorites of GTers. Hugs to you Hilda. So many of us loved her from afar. :f_pink :f_pink

  3. It's probably from the blood draw, but if you want an easy indicator to rule out a bleeding disorder, do a mucosal bleed test. It's much less expensive than the blood test for von Willebrand's. If it happens again, and blood work is normal, I would go ahead and test for von Willebrand's. I have one that is positive for vW - it doesn't change anything, but it's good to know "just in case".

  4. FWIW: If you decide to go with pain management, please ask for a referral to an oncologist. In my experience, most Vets do not have the experience/knowledge or intestinal fortitude to prescribe pain medication combinations at appropriate dosages to control pain. So many states are on a witch hunt for narcotic prescriptions writers that even Vets are afraid to prescribe appropriately. My former Vet's office told me that they probably wouldn't be able to refill my prescription because "it's a controlled substance". Seriously? The dog is dying and they were worried about creating an dog drug addict?



  5. Mimi and Karen together again. Poignant is the word that comes to mind. Life continues to be a mystery, guided by faith, comforted by memories, but the loss of a loved one is devastating. I pray that you will soon be able to speak Mimi's name with a smile. Sending prayers, healing white light and hugs of comfort. I am truly sorry for your loss.

  6. There is no doubt that you and Silver had a special connection. His job was to show you all that love could do and I would say by your heartfelt and deeply touching tribute that he did his job well. Godspeed, Silver. Your Momma misses you deeply and will love you always. Rest well.

  7. How fortunate everyone was to have the opportunity to love and be loved by Billy! How many dogs have two families to love them? I am so sorry he couldn't stay longer. Godspeed, Billy. No doubt you were loved - double.

  8. Haven't been here much these days, but this posting took my breath away. Janet, I am so sorry to read about Peanut! So much about her was out of the ordinary, especially your love for her. I hope the good memories help to heal the jagged edges of your heart. Run and get all the stuffies at the Bridge, Peanut.

  9. This is one of those "NNNNNooooooooooooooo!", gut punch postings. Judy, I am so sorry about Saint! He had a legion of fans and came to life with your stories. You're right - he was probably much smarter than that for which he was given credit. Godspeed, handsome boy. You taught everyone so much!

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