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Posts posted by kolarik1

  1. I'm wondering as Pop is on Purina Dog Chow as that's what controlled his Lupus, but the last month or so...OMG the gas coming out of him! It was the previous bag and this one...I even started giving him digestive enzymes which have helped some, but he is still not like he was...you can even hear his stomach just gurgle :eek

  2. I'm sooo jealous of you humans with the tile scared greys...how I wish my Bella wouldn't nag me, standing there saying "Are you done making my dinner, is it ready...is it? Is it?!" :lol


    I sometimes wish Jack had laminate floor phobia. As it is, he follows me into the bathroom to watch me showed (and once barged in on my BF), and tries to sneak into the kitchen. One day he actually managed to get himself trapped in there for about an hour and scratched up the door trying to get out. Not deterred. My solution is to cool baked goods in the cupboard, and keep all the cupboard doors latched. And no goodies left on the counter.


    Me too! I can't potty in peace, Zelda has to come and stick her nose in my undies and say 'hi momma' whenever I'm in the bathroom. Pop hates 'small' spaces (although you can do wheelies with a wheelchair in my bathroom) so he just sticks his head in. As for the kitchen, they both come in because 'mom must have something yummy in there.'

  3. even with the stitches? I'm sooo tempted. :blink:


    Well, even though I'm human, they allowed me to shower normally 24 hours after getting stitches on my side/hip area (skin biopsy)...so as long as you don't shoot the water stream at that area, it may be ok? Just try to keep the soap/shampoo away from there unless it's really mild.

  4. For the other Lupus pups on the board, do you notice that they tend to get tired more easily? Or that they have spells where they are tired? Pop has seemed really tired the last few weeks...he still plays, but he is out cold a lot more than normal. Plus he is a little wobbly when walking but seemed fine on our walk last weekend.

  5. Any suggestions on something I can give my pup...lately he has had some majorly bad gas and I haven't changed his food. He is on meds for his lupus, so I'm wondering what he could eat or take orally that would help. OMG, he just lays there and lets them rip! I'd rather my house not smell so horrible...and with it being winter I can't just open the windows.


    I should add, dairy seems to intensify the gas.

  6. Um, my girl was deathly scared of ceiling fans. We found out that if they were on when she entered the room she was more willing to accept them...just don't turn them on/off with your pup in the room. Eventually when all the fans are on and your pup has nowhere to hide she will get used to them...Zelda will now not pay too much attention to them, but she will watch them. I swear, it's like they think the ceiling fans are going to come down and eat them alive.


    Zelda also used to spook at tree limbs swaying, flags flying on flagpoles, etc. A harness was great with her and now she spooks much less, but there are times when I'm like 'really Z? Haven't you spooked at this 100 times before?'


    Good luck, it just takes patience on this one.

  7. The months you see listed in the Interceptor wrapping are merely suggestions - kind of a reminder system, to make it easy to look at the remaining tablets and know whether or not you gave the pill for that month. There is no difference in the amount or type of medication in each tablet.




    SO what are people giving instead?


    Not a clue...one site had 'alternatives'...but all it did was list the medications that couldn't be purchased along with what they protect against, then list the other heartworm meds...

  8. So I didn't know about the plant being shut down until tonight and I use Interceptor on my 2. So far all online places are out of stock :angryfire :angryfire I still have a few months worth, but my question is...on the package, certain pills are for certain months i.e. one pill will work for feb/nov (example, unsure of exact month combo) and another for march/december. If I can't get the pills from my vet, can I use a pill from a different month? Give one march pill next month to one pup and an april pill to the other pup? Or is the amount of medicine in them different?


    I really don't want to switch, but if I have to I would like a product that also deals with whipworms as not all of the heartworm preventative does...and my 2 were exposed to a pup who had them, so I want to make sure they stay on a med that has that in there.



  9. Well she is fine...and didn't knock over the baby gate yesterday looking for the trash either. I put it on top of a cabinet that hangs over the toilet...if she can get it from there, well then I would have to put it behind the sliding doors that close off the washer/dryer.


    She's been running and acting like her normal self...even tried stealing Pop's food last night so they got into a huge snarling match...then when I got after her she flipped onto her back and put her tummy in the air like 'I promise, I'll stop, I'm cute'...knuckle head

  10. So, for the second time in about a week or so my foster has gotten into the bathroom trash...ugh...first time she had her normal basket muzzle on and peppered the hallway with used pantiliners, toilet paper (from blowing my nose) and an old bra I had thrown out, but I couldn't see where she had eaten any of it. Last night I caught her chomping on a used pantiliner :blink: :blink:


    Today I came home (she had a kan-sel muzzle on, much harder to eat/grab ahold of anything) and she had knocked over the baby gate that I had put up and got a used tampon out of the trash can...I didn't see the string on it, but it may have been just pushed up against the side of the tampon....


    So, should I worry about it? Or just wait and see if she has any distress? Since the baby gate wasn't latched, I'm sure she just pushed on it til it fell over, so now the trash will just be put up out of her reach...it's weird, she left it alone for a couple of months and just started getting in to it...


    She did eat her dinner just fine tonight and is acting normal for her.

  11. So I was rubbing Pop and noticed an area about 6" long by about 1/2" wide right next to his spine where the hair has come out and some lesions in the skin. So my questions are...has this happened to the other Lupus pups? Or did the dog door somehow scrape him there? His spine does stick up more than the other dogs...I checked Zelda and my foster and neither are having this issue, so I'm thinking it may have something to do with his Lupus. I put some Neosporin on it, but what else can I do?

  12. Hi Everyone.


    So, long story short, Pop was diagnosed with Lupus this past spring and the vet had me keep him on the crappy Purina Dog Chow as his symptoms improved while he was on it. I tried switching him back to Diamond Naturals in October, but his symptoms flared up so he's back on Purina Dog Chow.


    So...he is eating poop (started a couple weeks after my foster came in back in August)...which I highly suspect is because he is upset over having a foster here (so no more fosters after this one is adopted)...but I'm thinking since he seems to only go after his own poop that maybe his body needs more nutrition.


    Does anyone with a Lupus pup (or any pup really) feed supplements? If so, what supplements? Also, for those with Lupus pups, what food do you feed? I should add, I tried giving him a Vit E oil and Fish Oil pill and the gas he produced nearly peeled the paint off the walls (he woke me from a dead sleep several times a night it was so bad)...and he's had those pills in the past without that effect...so those may be interacting with his Lupus medication. He gets Prednisolone as needed and then hydrochloroquinone (human anti-malarial med) every night.


    I'm also going to regularly start giving all 3 pups pineapple in their food so hopefully the poop will taste nasty to him, but I want to eliminate all possibilities. Until he gives up his poop addiction, he is crated while I'm gone as I do not want to come home to poop flung 3' up my hallway walls...or drops all across my bathroom floor...disgusting. You get the idea.


    Thanks in advance! I may just have to take him back to MSU, but I just recently found out the vet who had been there when he was diagnosed is no longer the resident vet there...and I'd hate to start all over with another vet but I may have to. I know they have his file, but I don't want to go through it all over again...I just want him to stop eating poop and be nutritionally healthy :)


    ETA now that he's on meds, his poop is never overly formed...at most a soft formed stool...but usually just puddles of soft poo. It doesn't matter if he's eating Dog Chow or Diamond Naturals, his poop piles don't seem to improve. Part of me is thinking of giving pumpkin to firm up his stools, except it can be hard to find in the off season, which means I'll have to majorly stock up on it.

  13. Sounds like mine when I don't have a foster...mine will become grazers and always seem to eat plenty to maintain their weight...I'm curious what others will say. I offer mine how much they're supposed to get in a day, but when they get into this mood, especially Pop, he eats when he likes...I've tried picking up food after 20 min and nothing til dinner, but he'll still do it.

  14. I started giving fresh pineapple to all 3 dogs tonight...Zelda wouldn't eat it, but I *think* Pop is going after the foster's poop anyway. I'm hoping by the time the foster goes to his new home on Friday their poop will be so yucky that Pop won't want it...plus I'm going to pick up daily.


    Zelda and my foster were chasing each other while I was out mowing tonight, so of course I felt bad that Pop was inside crated...but at least he wasn't digging around in dog crap while I was mowing in the front yard.


    No he doesn't vomit every time, but I still don't want him eating it...and while mowing, I thought back to the past...


    My ex b/f had approx. 1/2 acre of land, most of it was fenced in...we literally only picked up maybe once/month, never in the winter (we were lazy). Pop never ate dog crap back then, just grass and occasionally it looked like bunny poop but not 100% sure on that one. So I'm thinking there is some reason he is going after his and Zane's poop...I know it's not Zelda's because I've caught him in an area of the yard that Zelda doesn't go to unless she's running through it....her highness can't be bothered to potty in the back half of the yard, and that's where I either catch Pop or always find the smeared crap when I'm picking it up.


    So until my foster goes to his new home and the pineapple kicks in, Pop will be crated...his eating obsession really started to kick in within the last couple of weeks (I've had the foster for approx. 5 weeks now)...I switched his food back in March, so I really don't think it's the food.

  15. I left for 1 hour today to get some pineapple and some gas so I could mow the yard...came back and Pop's muzzle was covered in dog crap and he had smeared it on the clean sheet that I keep over the dog beds in the dog room...so Pop earned a dog crate. While I'm out mowing tonight he's going to be crated along with while I'm at work until he can learn to leave the dog crap alone. I'm hoping the pineapple kicks in by this coming weekend so he'll hate dog crap again...plus I'm going to be diligent about picking it up. Pop is literally going over to a fresh pile of dog crap and rooting around in it...no way I can pick it up while I'm at work, so I have broken down and set up a crate...

  16. Thank you all for the advice so far. The other dog's owner (who wasn't there at the time - it was a dog sitter) was extremely apologetic and has offered to pay for the bills ($1000). I will certainly be reporting it and I think I'll pick up some kind of spray for now. Walking around the city I think it might not be a great idea to carry a stick or small weapon. I will definitely try to keep a positive attitude, but right now I feel like total garbage. *sigh*


    I am so sorry this happened to you and Olivia, but glad to hear Olivia will be OK. After this happened to us, Fletcher, who wasn't great with other breeds before, became much more leash aggressive. Some dogs become more fearful. The best thing you can do for your dog is to try and have a positive, upbeat attitude, and not tense up when you see other dogs. I sat "try", because I know how difficult that is :rolleyes: I think a stick is probably the best defense, one long enough to keep some distance between the other dog and you (if possible) The bad thing about sprays is, they can blow back in your face, or your dog's. I have yelled, stomped my feet, even thrown a full bag of poop at one dog :lol You do whatever it takes, but, as you know, everything happens so fast!


    I suppose it is too much to hope the other owner offered to pay your vet bills :unsure


    I used to live in downtown Lansing and after a little frickin ankle biter tried attacking I kept my sjambok with me at all times...needless to say, NO ONE came near me when I was out walking. Even though I'm in a much better area of Lansing now, I'll continue to carry the sjambok because I have had a dog leave it's yard to follow mine, with the hair standing up on it's neck...the owner called it and it didn't listen to the owner, but as soon as I put a muzzle out towards it (it was my foster's first real walk so I had his muzzle) the dog backed up instantly. If anyone has a problem with you carrying a stick, then that's their issue...better to be safe.

  17. Well foster leaves Friday for his new home...and I do partially think it's jealousy over the foster. As for crating him, he's fine crated but when I go to 10 hour days I'd really rather NOT crate him...


    No, he's not really trying to destroy my house, but some days it SURE FEELS LIKE IT! And I can't leave him with a kong because then he wouldn't be muzzled...while I trust my dogs not to be snarky with each other, when you throw the foster in the mix you just never know. I'm just aggravated and probably should have put this in soap box because I'm fed up with cleaning up the dog crap inside the house...and I don't want him eating it period, whether he has a muzzle on or not!


    I don't trust anyone to come into my house and let them out midday...and the dog door was so that I wouldn't need someone to come let them out! I'll try the walks, but those will be in the evening, not in the morning as it'll be dark and people don't exactly do the speed limit around here (25 mph)...but I may just have to get up and take them in the morning and try to stick to the sidewalks...that's the other problem...parts of the neighborhood has sidewalks, other parts don't...all depends on the year that the house was built as to what the code was back then. And if there's a storm drain, there's no side walk there....because I have a storm drain next to me and the city sure as heck doesn't even mow it, much less care to put a sidewalk there.


    I was hoping by buying the house things would become easier...rather than me bundling up for subzero weather 5+ times a day, I was hoping they could use their dog door...plus rather than Pop peeing on my apartment floors because the neighbors drug a chair and he thought it was a thunderstorm that he could have a dog door to go outside and watch the storm...that's how I found out the dog door has to remain open...thunderstorm came through and rather than wake me up to let him out he just started peeing in my bedroom.


    Years ago at my ex b/f's house when he was on steroids, rather than wake me up to let him out he literally went over to my closet and started peeing on it...so I know I can't trust him to always tell me when he needs to go out, which is why a dog door is great. If he's not on steroids and is on a schedule, then he's very good about holding it until it's schedule time...unless a thunderstorm comes through and I used to accommodate for that by taking him out right before the storm would hit.


    I think in the almost 4 years I've had Zelda she has had I think 3 accidents inside...whereas Pop has had more, but usually due to steroids or thunderstorms....it just gets extremely aggravating after awhile. And I don't want my house to end up smelling like pee/poop all the time...I want it to be a place where I can come home to relax, not come home to mess after mess!


    So I'll try the suggestions and see what, if anything works.

  18. They really don't do it to drive the people nuts.


    Some times it feels like they do! I'm just tired of cleaning up the dog poop...it'd be nice to come home from work and not have to worry about where I may find his latest 'gift' for me...


    I love him, but I can't stand the dog poop smeared all over...and to have Zelda go outside and do her thing without getting into stuff makes me wonder why Pop is so hell bent on driving me nuts!

  19. When one of my dogs was on a different diet due to medical issues, she would go after the others poop and they would go after hers.

    At first I did not make the connection, it was after a year long search to find a food that worked for everyone -

    that I realized now they all eat the same food - none of them go after the others poop.

    Just another angle for you to consider.


    Thanks...I was going to ask the vet anyway about switching him back as this food really is not good at all, but he did improve... I want to keep his Lupus managed, but I'm tired of the bad food and the poop smearing habits. I love my boy, but I've never had these problems with my female...I'm starting to say it's a boy thing, because my foster will eat things/misbehave...and my last foster was a male who no matter how long you walked him, wouldn't always potty on a leash, but as soon as you got him inside he'd gladly crap in the corner or in the crate while you were gone (I was in an apartment at the time)...I'd walk him for up to half an hour and he'd just refuse to go, but when I came back at lunch 4 hours later he had gladly gone in his crate :angryfire :angryfire . My first foster was female, and aside from being very snarky I only ever had one accident with her and that was right after she came in and I didn't read her 'I have to potty' sign very well...


    So from my personal experiences, the male hounds have been PIA while the females have been pretty easy...I think for my personal hounds I'll be sticking with the females from now on!!!!

  20. No, it's my own dog...and I'm frustrated because he didn't used to do this! Sure, I'd catch him eating grass, but not getting into poop...years ago at my ex b/f's house we'd catch him eating bunny poop, which is why he has the muzzle that he does. I can try long walks with him and hope it works...but he is very sneaky. He is trying to get his muzzle off as he has never liked having a muzzle on, which more than likely explains the smears everywhere, but it doesn't explain why he now feels the need to get into the dog crap in the first place.


    Basically, I'm not happy that he is trying to destroy my house...I've accepted the silver marks on the hallway walls from him rubbing his muzzle, although if I catch him in the process he gets a very stern 'no' or 'ut uh.' But the digging into dog crap, yuck! And then coming inside to vomit...


    What gets me is, if I don't baby gate him into the back half of the house at night, he'll go into the dining room to vomit...but if I baby gate him in the back half of the house, he'll actually go outside. So now I have to baby gate all 3 dogs into the back half of the house, rather than letting them enjoy the beds in the living room...which the other 2 (my female and the foster) are never happy about having to leave the living room at night...but once the baby gate is up, they wouldn't have access to outside or their water.


    Just frustrating in general...so I'll start up the walks now that it's cooler...he can't handle much heat with his Lupus...and I'm going to try pineapple juice...my foster leaves on Friday, so I'll see if this is a behavorial thing associated with another dog being here, or if my male is really just being a bonehead...I'm thinking he's just being a bonehead because he tried to eat bunny crap all those years ago.

  21. Oh yeah, the pineapple juice worked great. I know of several other grey owners who also swear by it. Yeah he should still eat his food. THey love the taste of it going in, not coming out for some reason. Not sure how or why it works but it does :)


    In that case, all 3 pups will be getting pineapple juice as I'm not sure if he's eating his or one of the other dogs...YUCK is all I can say.

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