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Posts posted by kolarik1

  1. Robin was just over 2, and it didn't take long to all but disappear.


    It was gross at first, though. It was the only thing that touched the floor when he sphinxed. :puke (Sorry for that image. I just couldn't resist.)


    Bad image :lol:lol Pop didn't have anything when I adopted him, so Uno (foster) is the first one I've seen right after being neutered (I watched the surgery years ago, just never had to deal with the after look). I feel like I'm violating Uno if I look back there to see how it's healing, but I check it over anyway :eek:blush He goes to his first meet'n'greet tomorrow, so I'm hoping no little kid asks what that is on him...that'd be just my luck to try to come up with some age appropriate language for the kids.

  2. Don't get me wrong, on myself, I have no problem picking at the pimples/blackheads...but on anyone else my stomach turns over just thinking of it! I did manage to pop a few yesterday without getting queasy, so I am going to keep the warm compresses going for now in the evening and keep cleaning the areas twice daily and applying the cream. If I get some spare time, I may go and pick some of them!


    ETA, neither of my 2 pups have them so I have been lucky so far! Adora came with the blackheads, she has only been in foster care for just over 3 weeks (since I got her on Aug. 22).

  3. I believe it depends on the dog's quick...try shining a flashlight through her nail from the back side to see where her quick is. I have heard that you can do it every couple of days to get the nails under control. I have done it as frequently as every 4 days, but Pop's quicks seem to recede rather slowly....whereas with Zelda her quick recedes more easily. Just my 2 cents, I'm sure others will have a better idea for you.

  4. Steak has a crop of blackheads like that on his belly. He has been here a year now and they are better but still a large area of them. It doesn't really bother me or him. It's like people I think, some have more acne than others. No biggie.


    Well, until Friday night I was hoping they'd go down by themselves...that was until that huge area showed up. Now I'm making sure to do the warm compresses, clean the area and then put on the cream from the vet. I will put in the antibiotic cream as well to help get rid of any infection. I'm not using the acne cream now that I have the other cream.

  5. Good Golly. Does anyone know why she has so many and so consistent? I know we may get one in from the farms like that and clear them up and they go away, but why the consistency and severity?


    Just wondering on some theories.


    I would check that acne cream and make sure it is OK for her to ingest as you know she will lick some of it!


    I haven't used it since yesterday...BUT...surprisingly, she doesn't lick the areas I treat. If she does, it's in the middle of the night when I'm dead asleep. She is a very good girl (so far) about not licking the treated areas...I also have a Kan Sel muzzle that I can use if I do ever catch her licking.


    Does anyone know if Neosporin is bad for them? I don't see why it would be, but you just never know...I actually got the knock off brand as you got more for the $$.

  6. Well, I did the warm compress twice a day over the weekend...I only have time in the evenings during the week...BUT good news!!! It is now down to about the size of a nickel! I am so excited as I did take her into the vet yesterday & his first thought was something very scary! He gave me a cream to put on it that has antibiotics in it. Before that, I was using an actual acne kit to clean her chest and butt (yes, her butt has blackheads as well). Now with the cream I clean her butt and chest after the warm compress (which she does awesome with), then put the cream on. I'm also going to start putting some neosporin on there before the medicated cream to help make sure everything is nice and clean. I did pop a couple of blackheads on her butt....GROSS!!!!! So we will see if it keeps going down like it is.

  7. Yes she does have blackheads, so I will try the warm compress. That's if I can get her to lay still! I don't have any antiseptic, just hydrogen peroxide...so I will have to get some of that today while I am out and about. I also have a pamphlet that says raw virgin coconut oil or witch hazel can be rubbed gently there...but once infected needs antibiotics!!! She also has a bald butt...and a helicopter tail that I'm trying to make sure she doesn't end up with happy tail....

  8. So I noticed a reddish, raised area on Adora's belly tonight around 10:30 pm....I am thinking maybe an allergic reaction or a bite from some type of insect or something like that? I checked it over and see no cuts, nor do I see a 'sting' area. I know something was flying around her about 5 hours earlier when we were talking to a lady down the street because she tried to grab it with her mouth, but it was flying around on her other side. I never did see the bug but the lady said there was one bothering her. So...should I try to ice it? Giver her Benadryl or just wait and see if it goes down? See the pics below, it is the reddish area on her chest/upper stomach area.




    In this picture, toward the bottom of the pic, just off center to the right is the reddish area.




    Almost exactly dead center of this pic...she was a little worried about what I was doing to her with that freaky camera, but she was a good girl. She shows absolutely no reaction when I touch/move the area that is raised. It is approx. 1 1/2" x 3" max size.


    Any ideas would be helpful!!! We do have our annual picnic tomorrow, so if it is still there I will have PLENTY of people to ask, I've just never seen this before. I have seen little fly bite marks on Zelda, but this is definitely different....now if only Adora would quit trying to steal everything!

  9. Since I am in an apartment I would have to go out in the storm with him and I really don't want either one of us to be struck by lightning...at my ex's house, we had let him out once in the storm, he just shook, looked around quickly, ran back in and laid by the door looking out...


    We had storms today and I took him out right before it hit...he heard thunder in the distance while we were out walking...he became very alert and started walking faster to get away from the thunder...I don't think he realizes that by going outside it will just be worse than inside.

  10. Thanks...his problem is, he runs to the front door and lays by it when the storms get going...he hates small spaces so he won't go lay in a closet/bathroom etc. He does the sphinx position about 50% of the time in front of the door. Opening the shade so he can look out (my front door is all glass with wood frame...not safe for break-ins)seems to help him, but he really wants out in the storm. I don't console him as it doesn't appear to work...only Zelda wants to be held during the storms. I have heard about the cape/t-shirt/etc. but my thing is, short of putting a sleeping mask on him, how would I get him not to see the lightning as that seems to set him off...about 1 1/2 weeks ago when we were up at my parents some nasty storms rolled thru and Pop happened to look out their huge front window right as a bolt of lightning lit up the sky...he turned around and ran away from the window really fast and just shook.

  11. Literally scaring the crap out of my male. Back story: Pop was adopted almost 5 years ago and storms have always made him nervous...pants/paces and he would prefer if I would let him go outside in the nasty storms, lightning and all. Now trying to console him does nothing, ignoring him does nothing, being stern and making him lay down does nothing. After watching him over the years, it appears he is reacting to the noise of the thunder and the visual of the lightning. My problems are: 1) his anxiety is rubbing off on Zelda...at first she just wanted to be cuddled, now she doesn't like to lay still unless you are holding her, which is not really viable at 3 a.m. &

    2) Pop now thinks it's perfectly ok to potty in the house during the storm.


    Example, last night I had the dogs out at 11:30 and they did ALL of their business...they typically would have been fine til 7:30 when I walk them right before work...well, middle of the night the dogs are restless but I am so tired I just say 'go lay down' and they appeared to...then I heard the thunder, so I got up to check on them (and found out that we were in the middle of a NASTY storm)...this was 3 a.m. I find both pups and the cat cuddled together in my bedroom (I had crashed on the bunk beds)...I decided to check out the apartment and found that Pop had left a huge pile of poop on a training pad I had in the kitchen. This is the first time he has actually gone on the training pad, so it was the first easy clean-up I have had. Usually he will pee somewhere in the living room (which he didn't last night), he has pooped on a dog bed before, one time I crated him while I showered and he pooped/peed in there, so after I got out of the shower, I had to bathe him as he laid in it, then re-shower and go into work an hour late and work through lunch to make up the time.


    Granted, I live in an apartment and if I know of a storm coming I try to take him out right beforehand to ward off accidents...but when it comes in the middle of the night and he has already gone out, he should hold it...he never used to be this bad about it, but now it's almost like he thinks it is ok to potty in the apartment and I am tired of cleaning it up...several co-workers have told me they couldn't handle what he does as this has been on-going. One time the idiot neighbor upstairs drug their kitchen chair across the floor and Pop was convinced it was thunder, so he ran out into the living room and peed...I literally was dressed and was getting ready to put on my shoes when he did that, I could hardly believe it...he knew he was going outside in less than 1 minute, but he heard what he *thought* was thunder and just went...I tried telling him it wasn't thunder, but when I came out to the living room I caught him mid-stream peeing. It gets old having to drag out the bucket and mop right before work and clean up pee messes or try to scrape poop up because he is being a pistol...and it is frustrating.


    I do have some huggie pull ups that I am going to put on him tomorrow with tighty whiteys over it as we are supposed to have SEVERE weather ALL day and I don't want a huge mess when I come home at lunch or after work to walk the pups.


    With that being said, any suggestions on how to teach him that it's not okay to potty in the house, especially when he just went out? I mean, Pop has always had it in his mind that it is safer to be out in the storm...plus I don't want his bad habits rubbing off on Zelda. I am planning on moving to Florida and they are constantly having storms and sometimes hurricanes, so I need for him to somewhat behave or else he will permanently be in a diaper.



  12. Ok, so....honestly, does Beano work? My male has been so gassy the last couple of weeks, I think I just very well may gag! I am tempted to take him outside and press on his stomach til all the gas is out...but he is farting literally every couple of minutes and they are some major BOMBS!!!

  13. I know someone in our group has a dental done every 6 months for one of their greys...now mine on the other hand, have awesome teeth and haven't had a dental since they were adopted (4.5 years for Pop, just over 2 years for Zelda)...BUT I do try to give rawhides and brush their teeth (try to weekly, hasn't happened lately) and I try to scrape their teeth once a month with a tool that looks like one a human dentist uses...so I will do beauty parlor today with all 3 pets...b/f says I am the one who will be lucky enough to do his dog's teeth...um, yeah, we will see on that!

  14. Well, on the generic list they don't go above a 0.2 mg L-thyroxine for thyroid, so it would still cost about $60 which is about what I was paying at the vets....BUT I did some checking online and Drs Foster & Smith have the best pricing for the L-thyroxine...I got 0.3 & 0.8 (120 each) for a total of $18.00! :banana:banana And to top it off free shipping as supposedly everything from their pharmacy and flea/tick area has free shipping...I am so excited as that is a $38 savings over the vet for the same amount of meds! Now I am kicking myself in the butt for not looking online before!

  15. We chip everyone. I do it myself. I like Home Again because you can manage your account & dog's profiles online. You can update any medical info and post a picture. We used to use AVID but you have to call in any changes and they charge you for each change.


    How do you do it yourself?

  16. From the Dr. Foster & Smith pet education area: See the Insect Growth Regulators and Development Inhibitors section


    *Insect growth regulators & development inhibitors


    Insect growth regulators (IGRs) and insect development inhibitors (IDIs) are relatively new components of flea and tick products. Insect growth regulators include methoprene (Precor), fenoxycarb, and pyriproxyfen (Nylar). Insect growth inhibitors include lufenuron and diflubenzuron. Products containing IGRs and IDIs include Program, Sentinel, Bio Spot, Adams Flea and Tick Spray, Preventic Plus Flea and Tick Collar, and Frontline Plus.


    Mode of Action: IGRs and IDIs differ from traditional flea product ingredients in that their main activity is against the immature forms of the flea. The IGRs mimic the juvenile growth hormone of fleas. The juvenile growth hormone is what keeps the fleas from developing into more mature forms. When the levels of juvenile growth hormone decrease, the larva form matures. The IGRs keep this development from occurring and the immature forms of the flea fail to molt and death occurs.


    The IDIs inhibit the synthesis of a substance called chitin. Chitin is necessary for the formation of the hard outside skin (cuticle) of the flea. No chitin, no adult flea.


    Use: Note that the IGRs and IDIs do not kill the adult fleas, so to be most effective, they should be used along with a product that does kill the adults (adulticide). If there is little risk of flea infestation, the IGRs and IDIs may be enough to prevent a flea infestation. However, if flea problems already exist, or the risk is high, it is best to also use an adulticide.


    Many IGRs and IDIs are used in the environment as ingredients in foggers and sprays. They are also applied topically to cats and dogs, given orally, or by injection.


    Remember, at this point there are no effective IGRs or IDIs for ticks.


    Safety: Because IGRs and IDIs mimic insect hormones or alter a unique insect process (the making of chitin, which mammals do not make), they are extremely safe.*


    ttp://www.petandkennelsupply.com/Flea-and-Tick-c1/ See info. on IGR and Adams Flea & Tick Mist with IGR


    It's also listed as a chemical alternative (IGR): Alternatve to Chemicals


    There are several other references to the safety of IGR online. It might be wise if we emailed Dr. Couto, or one of his staff, just to be extra sure.


    I know I have used Frontline Plus in the past with no side effects from the pups...and this stuff is supposedly in there.

  17. I've been looking up the safety of IGR and it's stated as being extremely safe. I'll provide some links in a bit.



    Thanks for doing this! I am just the type, "if it isn't broke, don't fix it ...", so I use the old formula, BUT, if the IGR is better and SAFE, why not?


    And not to mention it is much easier to find! It seems like everyone has the IGR formula!

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