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Posts posted by kolarik1

  1. Like Batmom said, it takes time. My 2 are the best of buds now...Pop was here first, then Zelda was added. She ended up being the alpha, but she has never ever been snarky over it and Pop loves having his sister. They'll drink out of the same dish at the same time...for general food they'll share, but extra yummy treats Pop will get growly.


    Congrats on chipping!

  2. I would try those supplements. I've also used pineapple juice. Just put a couple tablespoons in their food and it makes the poop taste terrible to them. I tired this with Frank and it worked great. I only had to do it for about a week and now he wont go near his poop.


    and that was about a year ago.


    Are you serious about the pineapple juice? I could grab some today while out...they still eat their food though, right? If this works, I could almost kiss you! :lol :lol


    No point in punishing him -- he has no idea why you aren't giving him a chewy or what he did wrong.


    Here we pick up poop as it's deposited so nobody steps in it, eats it, or rubs their muzzle in it.


    In your situation, might be worth trying the coprophagia food additives.


    The only issue is, while I'm gone they're making their deposits and I can't get those picked up until I'm home...and by then he has it on his muzzle.

  3. Oh wow, sorry you are going through this. It sounds like a terrible situation. Have you tried any of those supplements that make the poop taste really bad? If you close off access to the dog door, would he poop in the house? Have you always muzzled him or did you just start doing it when you got the new foster? I would be going nuts too.


    Always muzzled while gone and he would occasionally do the poop in the muzzle, but now it's gotten much worse. I have not tried those supplements...but it's a thought. And I don't dare close off the dog door because if a thunderstorm comes through he has no issue with peeing in the house...if the door is open, he's fine.


    I'm making him stay in the dog room right now, I don't even want to see him...sounds bad, but I'm not happy with him at all. Pop has no issues with going in the house if he really has to go but he doesn't go just to go, whereas Zelda will absolutely hold it as long as she can (she's my good little girl).

  4. So I have a fenced yard with a dog door...while gone, the dogs are muzzled. The first couple of months weren't too bad, but in the last couple of weeks, Pop has been getting worse. I pick up the yard a couple of times a week so that there's not so much dog crap everywhere. Well, Pop thinks its FUN to rub his muzzle in it, then come inside and smear it on the baby gate, walls in the hallway/dog room and the doors...plus he occasionally gets sick from it and that's a fun mess to try to get out of the carpet after it's been sitting for a few hours. I've included a pic of his muzzle taken this morning to show it's not a normal muzzle, although I do still have normal muzzle for him...I swear he has what's called a Kan Sel muzzle so he's not supposed to be able to eat as well...notice that his muzzle is covered in dog crap...I didn't catch it last night because he hid it from me, so this morning it's time to scrub the muzzle again...and I have to keep the muzzles hung up or my foster will chew on them :angryfire :angryfire :angryfire




    I don't know if he's acting up because of my foster, or if he's just being a pain...but I'm absolutely fed up with cleaning dog crap up constantly. I cleaned up the yard yesterday before I went on a date...come home 4 hours later (went out with some friends after the date) and his muzzle is covered in dog crap... :angryfire :angryfire :angryfire :angryfire


    ANY ideas?!?!? He is currently on the food he has now because he improved on it (he has Lupus)...he gets plenty of food each day...now it's either boredeom or he just loves to piss me off. Yesterday when I came home from errands and his muzzle was covered in crap (yes, he did it twice yesterday) I cleaned it up, stuck the muzzle back on him and proceeded to give the other 2 dogs rawhides and not him...as he loves rawhides and I was *hoping* that he would realize being naughty equals no treats...but that didn't work.


    I am absolutely sick and tired of cleaning dog crap up constantly...and when I'm home I am constantly catching him trying to eat stuff off of the ground and I get after him every time...but it doesn't seem to matter. I don't want my carpet ruined because he feels the need to eat dog crap, then come inside and vomit! And I don't want bacteria covering all my walls because he feels the need to smear dog crap everywhere (I do thoroughly clean each spot that I find).



  5. I don't know what made her automatically go for outside...that is her first seizure at the house that I know of...the other 2 were in public. I'm hoping they stop, but if I see another one I'll have to ask the vet for medicine as she went about 10 months between seizure 1 and 2...now it's only been 2 weeks between seizure 2 and 3.


    I was honestly scared that she was going to fall off the deck, so I just held her...but she did thump her jaw on the deck before I caught her (I had let her go thinking she was done, but she started again almost instantly)...so she had a little blood in her mouth from that, but nothing to worry about.

  6. I know they can seize when their body temperature gets too high but I wouldn't think 10 minutes in the sun would be long enough to raise her body temperature that much. It may just be a coincidence.


    That's what I thought...but she was absolutely roasting after the seizure when she was inside. Since it was only in the low 60s here today, even in the direct sun she shouldn't have gotten that hot...so I don't have a clue what caused this seizure.

  7. Has anyone heard of a dog getting too hot then having a seizure? Zelda had a seizure a couple weeks ago because she was stressed, so I've kept her low stress since then.


    She has always laid out in the sun and enjoyed being outside...today I ate my lunch outside and she laid for maybe 10 min. max in the sun, then went inside. I was scrubbing some spots off the wall (thanks to the dogs) when she went stiff legged past me heading to the dog door...I knew something was up so I grabbed ahold of her and tried to steady her...


    My sweet little girl was trying to get outside before the seizure kicked in, I'm guessing so she wouldn't make a mess in the house? (she has never made a mess from a seizure, this is her 3rd one since last November that I know of)


    So, do you guys think it was something similar to heat stroke or a seizure induced by her being warm. When it was completely over she came inside, laid down and was roasting...she would only lap a little water when I offered it to her. I waited a few minutes, then called her back to the dog room and turned on the tower fan and had her lay in front of it, which she gladly did.

  8. I get ours from Puritan Pride also. We only are giving Glucosamine and msm. PP sells MSM in a powder form and I get the 1500 mg glucosamine tablets and crush them with a pill crusher. None of the dogs seem to mind that it's mixed into their food. Everyone get 1500 mg glucosamine and the old girls get 1500 mg msm daily.


    So is this 1500 mg glucosamine daily or twice daily?


    Also, is there any way to buy just chondroitin? I found a glucosamine HCl that is a 3000 mg pill (which I could halve after loading), but it doesn't have the chondroitin in it.

  9. If you want a pill form for a dog (and you can pill a dog - hiding won't work) you want to look for capsules, not caplets or tablets. Hard pills will pass through a hound's comparatively shorter GI tract - usually mostly intact - and you won't get the desired result. You'll want the glucosamine HCL.


    The form may be more convenient for handling, but the amount won't be less since the G&G don't contain fillers.


    I get mine from Puritan's Pride.


    Couldn't you crush up the tablets and then give them to the dogs? Or crush them up and then put them in capsules?


    I can get this, but again...it'd be 6 tablets morning and night for the load time, which is an awful lot rite aid version plus they're tablets, so I'd have to crush them or something

  10. Don't risk putting chemicals on your babies, we use Lavender Baby power on our and have not had a flea or tick in years! Just sprinkle it on, rub in into their fur, and your done!


    I'm sure I've asked before, but how often do you have to put it on? Do your dogs tend to go into pools/lakes a lot?

  11. Just got back from the vets, for dogs in the 61 - 100 lbs range for the Initial Administration (first 4 - 6 weeks) they want 2000 mg of glucosamine (or 2 tablets) in the AM & PM and then after that 1000 mg (or 1 tablet) in the AM & PM...they were recommending Glyco-Flex, which has 1000 mg glucosamine HCl and 600 mg Perna canalliculus (pre-cursor for chondroitin) for 1 tablet/2 chews


    That's actually low. Initial loading dose for a greyhound sized dose is double the standard dose of glucosamine. Standard = 1500mg. Loading = 3000mg.


    Good to know, because I've been looking at pills/liquids online to see what I was going to pick up. I got the dosage right off the sheet the vet gave me, so I'll give Zelda more...thanks!


    Do you know what it is for the chondroitin? There are all sorts of different amounts out there.

  12. I'm beside myself that I can get G/C/M in tablet format (all ingredients Kasey friendly) from Costco for $20 for 240 tablets and I can't get close to that for a dog version (powder or capsules)....what gives?


    Are the dosages correct for what your pup needs?


    Also, can we ever give too much glucosamine/chondroitin? Because I know I can get them for fairly cheap at Sams as well (nearest Costco is abut 50 min away on the expressway).

  13. no, this is cherry juice from I believe tart cherries...my dad has used it for his arthritis with success, so I'm wondering if it'd work on dogs? I'm from basically the cherry capital of the world...there's even a business up there that puts cherries (not sure how much) into meat...I believe the hamburger w/cherries has even made it to the White House a few years back :)


    I don't currently live in the cherry capital, but I'm from Leelanau County which is basically the little pinky of MI...lots and lots of cherries come from there, Grand Traverse County and other surrounding counties...that's why we have the National Cherry Festival in TC.

  14. She has ARTHRITIS! They did an x-ray and you can see that there really isn't much 'black space' left between her bones on that toe and it's in the process of fusing...so they are recommending glucosamine/chondroitin...and I have a script for Previcox which is to be given only when I notice she has an inflammation, but as of right now, time to start her on some meds...


    Meanwhile my little nut is happy to not be at the vets office...and Pop was trying to get between Zelda and the vet, because, you know...it's all about HIM :lol :lol :lol


    Also...has anyone tried cherry juice/pills on arthritic dogs? I know people have used it...the vet doesn't know of any research showing it would be either beneficial or harmful to the pups.

  15. Just got back from the vets, for dogs in the 61 - 100 lbs range for the Initial Administration (first 4 - 6 weeks) they want 2000 mg of glucosamine (or 2 tablets) in the AM & PM and then after that 1000 mg (or 1 tablet) in the AM & PM...they were recommending Glyco-Flex, which has 1000 mg glucosamine HCl and 600 mg Perna canalliculus (pre-cursor for chondroitin) for 1 tablet/2 chews

  16. She isn't crying and isn't even limping any more...she's trotting/running around...I'm starting to think she stepped on a bee or such. The swelling has gone down some...I tried giving her a little more benadryl and I'm going to ice it. If still not better by the morning or if she gets worse, I'll be calling the vet. Thanks everyone.

  17. It's still swollen, but doesn't appear as bad. She hasn't been up this morning, but she doesn't want to let me touch it as easily this morning. I am icing it again to see what will happen. She is being a stinker, so I may end up attaching the ice to her paw! I did give her some Benadryl I had left over from when Pop was thought to have allergies (a dosage a little under what her body weight is) and it doesn't seem to have done much.


    Should I wait until later today to take her to the vet? Or just watch it?

  18. Yikes- no Tylenol or advil- those are really a no no!

    Given the proper dose sometimes aspirin can be given but, IMO it's not the best choice of a NSAID-- really tough on the tummy. I would give your vet a ring if it's not improved by the morning. If needed your vet can dispense proper pain meds. Remember- no OTC drugs without clearing it first with your vet.


    Ok...what about a benadryl? Maybe something bit her and she's allergic to it? I'm going to watch her tonight as it doesn't bother her when I touch it, only when she tries to walk. I'm wondering if Pop didn't stomp on her like she's done to him dozens of times...or if she hasn't somehow managed to break her toe? it's weird, because the toe is on her right front paw and it's the second toe from the right...it's probably double in size, yet she was fine when I left at 7...come home at 10 and she is limping with a swollen toe?!?

  19. So I went out for a couple of hours. Before I left, both dogs were fine...right before I got home it started to thunder. Well, I come inside and besides Pop telling me how horrible I am for leaving, I didn't notice anything. Then Zelda gets up off the dog bed and is limping...one of her toes is swollen. I don't see anything wrong with it, so I have some ice on it (against her wishes)...what the heck should I do? Just ice it? Give her some aspirin/tylenol/ibuprofen?


    I've never seen her toe swollen before...she does like to curl that foot under her when she sleeps, but you would think that her whole foot would be swollen, not just the one toe.

  20. Ok, so I have been using Adams Flea & Tick Mist on my dogs. We went out walking last night and when we got back, the man I'm dating said he saw a flea jump on his arm. I've never seen a flea in the house. I hurriedly sprayed the dogs again and checked them for fleas, but didn't find anything.


    Do I need to worry that this one flea got into my house after hitching a ride with us while out walking? Or will it just die off? I haven't seen it since he mentioned it.



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