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Posts posted by kolarik1

  1. So has anyone been able to determine a way to help with the incontinence. Zelda has been starting to worry me as she's getting older. In the last month, there's been a couple instances of poop just popping out of her rear, and I know she doesn't even know it's happening. I came home tonight to find some in the office...mind you, she had access to the dog door and ALWAYS uses it, so I know it's happening as she sleeps (that's what happened last time). I'm debating about a diaper for the nighttime...does anyone know where to get girl panties/diapers that fit greyhounds? She's about 62 lbs.


    I'm lucky for each day I get with her as her sire was only 6 when he passed from cancer.

  2. I have HP for all 4 pets, and so far knock on wood I haven't had to use it. After losing Pop to osteo, I looked in to HP for the 2 pets I had at the time and have added it to each additional pet. Even with HP, I don't think I would have treated Pop's osteo/done amputation as it was in his shoulder/upper leg so I'm fairly certain it had spread. However, I'd rather not have to worry about the $$ if anything happens to my current pets.

  3. I put my dogs on a leash and pulled them through while coaxing with treats...they also hated the flaps. If the weather is nice, I push the dog through and wait for them to come back through on their own. If they REALLY have to go, trust me, they will go through it...or all of mine and fosters have. I've had a foster show up on a Sunday and I had to go to work on Monday...the foster used it no problem even after acting like they wouldn't go through the evil flaps. Some dogs are more persnickety than others...and some literally are hoping you will baby them to get more treats/rewards out of it but they really can/will use the dog door.


    I should add, what size is your door? Mine is the largest one they make, a St. Bernard could fit through. If a door is too small, that could cause them not to want to go through.


    Good luck, with some patience she should pick up on it soon enough. Plus at the farms they essentially have dog doors from their kennel to their runs...so don't let them fool you about the flaps.

  4. I just ordered Bravecto for my pack and I'm going to try it...at first I was going to go with the Seresto collars, but I read some negative reviews indicating that the collars don't last the complete 8 months for everyone.


    I have found I can order from Australia and get Interceptor Spectrum as well...I first did that a year ago when I couldn't find Interceptor here in the US and my dogs have had no reaction to the Interceptor Spectrum (and negative heartworm tests :) ).

  5. How old a dog is he? Healthy other than being thin? Pro Plan Performance works great, I tried all high end foods and Joey eats Pro Plan Performance. It keeps weight on him, firm poop and a glossy coat. They do sell small bags if you want to try it. I use it for all my shelter dog fosters that come to me thin. It can put weight on quickly and rarely upsets their tummies. I add the chicken and rice over it and within a week, you have a different dog as long as there are no underlying health issues.


    For a small budget and if he has no allergies and the ingredients do not bother you, Diamond Hi Energy- downside you have to buy a 50lb bag and if he won't eat it, that is a lot of food unless you check with the store about returns. But years ago when I was fostering for one Greyhound group, they fed all the hounds that food coming off the track and while I snubbed it at first, the dogs did really well on it and one month when I had a super tight budget all my dogs ate it and none had an issue surprisingly. I had more of an issue as I couldn't get past the ingredient panel.


    I know someone else who uses the Pro Plan to get weight on dogs when needed...and another person who mixes in some puppy food to get weight on dogs. Good luck!

  6. You can use the goat dewormer from Tractor Supply rather than Panacur...has the same medicine at the same rate/level. With my dogs being about 65 lbs, I believe I gave 15 cc once/day for 5 days to all 3 pups. I ended up buying a liter of it online from Lambert Vet Supply for about $120 and I have a ton left in case anyone else needs it. I used it to get rid of Giardia that Noah had. The vet had suggested Pancur. I did the 5 day treatment, gave them a rest for 3 weeks, then another 5 day treatment and then took in a stool sample...the Giardia was gone.


    And I did double check this with a vet tech before doing the goat dewormer, although I've used the goat dewormer in the past on greyhounds. You just have to know how much to give of the dewormer.

  7. Do you have a picture of the snarl? My boy Noah smiles and if I didn't know what a smile was, I would think he was snarling. He doesn't vocalize, but some dogs do...he also plays a bit rough due to being a puppy.


    Also, if it is snarling, as another poster suggested it sounds like resource guarding/threat, so you should have an experienced greyhound person in the house ASAP.


    When I first adopted Zelda she would growl when I laid my feet on her while she was laying down...with some training, I can now touch her while she is laying down and she actually cuddles some of the time...but that took a year or so before she was ready for that. She prefers to get attention while standing and I'm fine with that...the other 2 actually will paw at me to cuddle with them when I stop petting them. Zelda is my heart dog...she taught me about semi spooky pups which was a huge advantage for when Marble came along. Marble is very timid/nervous, not as bad as some of the hounds, but bad enough. Even now she thinks I'm going to adopt her out (she was a foster failure) and it's been a year...so I have to tell her she is mine and not going anywhere when a foster is here otherwise I can't get near her.


    Good luck!

  8. If this is your first dog, I wouldn't recommend a puppy. Others will chime in...my "puppy" was 14 1/2 months when I got him and he is a stinker...breaks out of his crate and knocks over gates. He needs a stool cup on his muzzle as he destroys things even with a muzzle on. He just turned 18 months! I'm hoping he stops being a stinker within the next 6 months.


    I know there are some on here who have raised puppies...but I don't think it was their "first" dog. I would say to leave a puppy for an experienced owner and go with an adult dog.

  9. How's Ozzie?


    When Noah had been my foster for a few days, he started acting weird one night. Luckily I'm friends with a vet in another state AND friends with a girl from our group who is a vet tech...I was ready to carry him to the car and get to MSU. Both thought he was nauseous...I started giving him the metrodiazinole (sp?) per the vet's suggestions and withheld food in the morning and he came out of it well. He was so mad at me because I opened his mouth and stuck my finger partially down his throat to look for obstructions. Noah was walking around with his head lowered and tail tucked and couldn't get comfy...I was scared he would be my first case of bloat. I sat by him for a couple of hours, but he was mad at me so he kept hiding his nose and not looking at me...so I went in to my room where I could watch him and kept vigil for a few hours before I crashed...but if any dog moved I was up right away.


    One thing the vet tech told me to keep on hand is Zantac 75 and that I could give him one in AM and one in PM...she did the same for her pup after he had bloat to help with his upset tummy.


    He does have Giardia, which he and the girls are getting their second round of treatment for right now...and then a stool sample will go to the vet for analysis. Noah started to have belly/butt gurgles the other night and was off his food, so I started giving him the Zantac and he is now eating like a champ again. I'm going to keep him on the Zantac through this week while he is getting the treatment (using goat dewormer as it has the same medicine as Panacur in it, but it is more cost effective especially when dosing 3 dogs).

  10. It's random, not near a fence...I would consider a sandbox for her and the puppy...just hoping it doesn't turn to "mud" as I have plenty of that already. The dogs don't get in to trouble for digging unless I catch them in the act...then it is a stern "no." She did dig near a tree stump once, but this one is a few feet from a tree...

  11. I should add she is still somewhat skittish although she's been here since the end of July. It was all I could do at first to hold her still to get all the mud out of her paws...she finally stood there with her tail tucked so far underneath that it just about touched her belly.


    This is the same dog who for the last week, has asked for a belly rub each time I go to give her the benadryl she has to take before her meals...she loves belly rubs in general and asks for them whenever I walk near her laying on a bed.

  12. So Marble is digging holes in the back yard...which means she is covered in mud when she comes in. She did it a little bit last fall, but stopped once the fosters left. She picked Noah, so I don't know if this is out of frustration or boredom.


    Any ideas on how to train a dog not to dig...I should add, I have a dog door so they can go outside when I'm gone. I work 10 hour days, so if I shut the dog door I would need to have someone come in while I'm gone. I shut the dog door for while I'm here so I can watch her while she is outside. Rather than being white/fawn brindle she is currently mud/fawn brindle.



  13. Others have pretty much covered it. My 2 cents:


    Zelda has arthritis and it takes more than 2 weeks to really see the benefit of glucosamine. Her arthritis is in her toes which swelled up one night a couple years ago and she would limp after running. I keep her on the glucosamine...her one toe is still swollen, but after watching my dad with his arthritis I know that as long as the pain/discomfort is subsided I'm not going to worry too much about her toe being large.


    Pop had osteo. He got wobbly around Thanksgiving and by Christmas I took him in as he was seeming "off." He was 10 that September and had Lupus. The vet who saw him wasn't our regular vet at the practice...she checked him over and said his reflexes were good and it was probably a case of "if you don't use it you lose it." He had lost some muscle mass, but I had originally chalked that up to his age and the Lupus. Towards the end of that January, he started to limp...he did this whenever his Lupus flared up, so I dosed him with steroids for a week which always made his limp go away...but not this time, the limp got progressively worse. So 1 1/2 weeks after the limp started, I took him to the vet again...we were able to see the regular vet and I gave her the list of symptoms. She kinda knew already, but did the xray and his leg right by his shoulder looked like moths had eaten it...his osteo was clear.


    So...I wouldn't be quick to jump on the osteo wagon as it could be other things like the other posters have said.


    Sending lots of prayers your way. :hope:hope

  14. Thanks everyone. After I lost Pop in Feb 2013 I thought that if I got another pup that I'd get a cowdog...then Marble came along. She was close with her being white and fawn brindle. When I was told that I was getting the boy foster from the haul I was thinking "cool." And then I saw a pic of him while coming to MI in the van...once I met him, I knew it'd be hard to let him go. His smiling at me with Pop's raincoat on (now Noah's raincoat) truly sealed the deal.


    I think Marble just wanted to keep him so she could have someone to bully as Zelda is the alpha. Yesterday Noah was playing with a toy (I have 2 identical toys from PetSmart) and Marble wanted it so she grabbed ahold. Well Noah thought it was great that his sister was playing tug'o'war with him. Marble was losing her grip and wanted the toy so she GROWLED and Noah dropped it! :rofl What a cheating snot!

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