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Posts posted by kolarik1

  1. Ok, so I moved into my house a month ago & should have started the training right then...


    But, is it still possible to teach the dogs to go potty in just the back of the yard? At first they did this, now they go all over...although the last couple of days they are pottying right by the deck. I want to be able to walk off the deck without landing in piles of poo...


    So, any good suggestions? They do have a dog door...but would one of those pee posts work for more than just number 1?



  2. I signed a contract that I would never have my pups unleashed unless in a fenced area.


    Same here. Mine are leashed...I have had the snap come loose a couple of times when Pop shook and the snap has never done that since. Pop didn't even realize the snap had come undone...mine are either on a leash or in a fenced in area.

  3. She may need more time to settle in before learning the couch.


    With that said, neither of mine get on the furniture but I did have a foster once who thought my bed was his :rolleyes: I had to watch him closely as we're not supposed to let fosters on the furniture! :lol :lol


    I have been able to coax Zelda onto my futon, one paw at a time, but as soon as I let go she jumps off.


    Pop REFUSES to keep his paw on the furniture...you put his paw up, he pulls it down :blush So the only way I have cuddly dogs is to lay on the carpet with them.

  4. I second putting quotes around "friend." Friends don't openly judge on things like this, even if they don't understand.


    Your decision to move your bed downstairs is a testament to the commitment you've made to sweet Mable. She is one very, lucky, girl. :grouphug


    Agreed. When looking for a house, I really wanted a ranch house because...I didn't want my pups to have to do any steps. They have exactly 4 steps from the deck to the back yard, but that can be redone if need be...


    As of right now while in play mode, Zelda just launches herself off the deck anyway and lands on the large patio pavers at the bottom of the steps :lol:blink::lol So far Pop uses all the steps, but he will be 9 in September and I know stairs are hard on him. If my friends don't like my house or where the dogs sleep, they can shove it where the sun doesn't shine, because it's my house and what I want :blush


    Mable is a lucky pup to have you do this for her.

  5. He was uncomfortable last night while he tummy was rolling, but he slept through the night. He was still a little unsure this morning, but I gave him half his normal food and he ate it...he was walking with more pep this morning.


    By lunch time...it was 'out of the way mom, there's food in my dish!'...he didn't even want a hug, typical boy. He's been pooping and they've been good poos, so it looks like he'll be ok. He's running around wagging his tail like he never even vomited last night! I found out that when I heard 2 coughs/hacks last night he had actually vomited twice in the bedroom, but I didn't find the second pile til this morning... :repuke Good thing I'm getting good at cleaning up messes and not having it bother me.


    Thanks everyone...I've never had him vomit more than once (he can get car sick)

  6. I would keep a close eye on him. I wouldn't make him vomit, but make sure he's pooping ok for the next couple days. Offer him food tomorrow.


    Ok that's what I was thinking...and he is my poop machine, he NEVER has any problems pooping! I call him the poopman :) Just the fact that it could be 3 or 4 different variables is what's getting me. I'm sleeping on the couch right now by the front door in case I hear him and he needs to go out.



  7. Ok, so I gave both pups a rawhide around 6 pm (I know some people don't feed them, don't want to hear about that) and I caught him licking the dog bed when he was done, so I told him 'no' and he quit...anyway, I went to feed pups at 7 (gave him his nightly pill) and Pop wouldn't eat his dinner...by 8:30 he had vomited and some rawhide chunks were in the vomit...he then vomited about 10 pm, smaller amount and no rawhide chunks in it. He is still looking a little peekish, but so far it's been almost an hour since his last spell and nothing.


    Should I just watch him? Any ideas? I don't want to force him to vomit more as you can tell he's not feeling the greatest, but I'm not sure if he ate something wrong or what.


    The weird part was, he acted like he wanted his dinner...was pushy about it...until he got right in by the food and then turned his nose up and started panting (after I gave his pill)...I just opened a new bag of food at lunch today too...so I'm not sure what to make of it. I didn't see any dog food in his vomit either time, but he hasn't had dog food since 12:20.



  8. My boy Pop got too smart for the pills in anything trick (kibble, peanut butter, pill pockets, marshmallows, yogurt, fruit, etc.), so I open his mouth and shove them down his throat...5 times a day currently. He doesn't get that many at a time right now. I've tried using a pill shooter in the past, but the thing jammed with all his pills in there, so I find it easiest just to open his mouth and shove the pills in. He used to fight me, but now he knows that he has to take the pills so he's been pretty good lately about taking them.

  9. He is feeling better...but I have to keep him muzzled when I can't watch him or he'll lick his paws raw...so they're still sore, but not like they were. He's walking better, but I've notice his balance seems off and I'm not sure why. He goes back for a follow up on April 25th...I'll take more pics this Wednesday night as it'll be 2 weeks after starting the meds.

  10. So the first pic was taken at the height of Pop's flare up (he was diagnosed with Lupus like disease)




    And then after just over a week on antibiotics & niacinamide he face looks like this:




    He was being a ham in this pic...guess he figured if he had to let me take pics then I had to pet him




    I love my goofball who has been roaching a lot lately

  11. Wanted to give you a tip about soaking feet. Ask your vet for an old iv bag - cut the top off and use it to soak the feet. Your pup can actually lay down while soaking because you can hold the bag closed at the top. Much easier than trying to make them stand still with their foot in a bowl!!


    That's a good idea...I may actually just get some gallon size ziploc bags and use those instead, we'll see.

  12. Pinky usually has a flare or two with her nose during the winter. I have lupus myself and wintertime is when I have most of my flares. For me it's because of all of the germs in the air and I have no immune response. I think for Pinky it's more due to the harsh conditions outside and the dryness inside the house.


    Well that would make sense. Pop is slightly irritated with me because the chlorhexidine solution showed up today so I was finally able to start soaking his paws. I diluted it according to the instructions and then make him stand with one paw in an old plastic bowl to soak his paws...he came out of the bathroom and sniffed his paws to see what I had done to him :rofl

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