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Everything posted by BootsyCollins

  1. I'm so, so sorry for your loss. Run free, Stoops.
  2. Diane, there is nothing to forgive. Eliza is looking forward to seeing you again, whenever that is. And I am sure that she is up there showing Argos around and welcoming him with a waggy tail.
  3. Thank you so much to all of you. I keep coming back and reading this thread - it makes me cry, but it also helps so much to know how many people are remembering him today. My husband and I are worn out from all the crying we've been doing.
  4. Glad to hear she is home and feeling good. Hope Mom is feeling as good as Polli is!
  5. That is exactly what I needed to hear and what I need to tell myself over and over again. thank you so, so much
  6. Farewell, sweet boy. I have so many things to say but I can't even put them into words. I love you more than I could begin to describe and we will miss you forever. All I keep thinking about is the beginning of the book "A Million Little Pieces" - "The Young Man came to the Old Man seeking counsel. I broke something Old Man. How badly is it broken? It's in a million little pieces. I'm afraid I can't help you. Why? There's nothing you can do. Why? It can't be fixed. Why? It's broken beyond repair. It's in a million little pieces." I feel like my heart is in a million little pieces and I can't put it back together.
  7. I bumped him up to 100mg of tramadol every 4 hours. It seems to be helping a bit, but he still needs more. We'll get a fentanyl patch on Sunday when the vet is back in. (she's off on Fridays and Saturdays). If he really seems to be hurting tomorrow I'll have another vet at the practice do it right away. Thanks for the support - it means so very much.
  8. sendiing many healing thoughts for Celeste. I'm sure it's nothing.
  9. I'm so sorry. Enjoy every moment you have with her.
  10. I spoke to the vet. I'm going to up his tramadol for a couple of days and see if that helps. If not, we'll take him in for the patch on Sunday. Today he wouldn't come downstairs so I packed up Lucas and we spent all afternoon on the bed with Argos and his stuffies. It was a nice day!
  11. I KNOW that Polli will do great and this will not be a setback for her. I know it. I will keep her and her mommy in my prayers on Monday.
  12. Argos was diagnosed with osteo 3 weeks ago today. He's been on a cocktail of rimadyl and tramadol, and is now up to 100mg of tramadol every 8 hours. It isn't working nearly as well as it did. He is in constant pain. He's still a very happy boy and plays with his stuffies and loves his treats, but it's taking its toll. I am calling the vet today to get a fetanyl patch. If that helps, we'll hopefully have him with us for another week or so. If not, we'll be letting him go this weekend. I have never been so sad. I have cried every day since we found out, and when I think about letting him go, I wonder if I'll even be able to get through it. This community will help me through it, just as you've all helped me through the past 3 weeks. And just because, here is a recent photo of the world's most wonderful pupper.
  13. Don't waste your time doubting your decision. Try anything and everything you can to get her to eat, and enjoy every moment you have with her. Best wishes for both of you.
  14. BootsyCollins


    So sorry for your loss. Linus was a pretty kitty.
  15. Thanks...pregnancy is the best diet ever. I lost 35 pounds. We got those Greenies pill pockets, which are great. Argos spit out his pill when we ran out and Brian was trying to hide his pill in a folded up piece of cheese. Didn't work. We're back to pill pockets. Thanks for the nice notes everyone! I've upped his pain meds to 50mg of tramadol every 4 hours and he seems much much more comfortable. I've also reduced his walking time to 15-20 minutes max once a day.
  16. We've had mostly good days with Argos. The past two have been difficult because Argos spit out one of his Rimadyls - we didn't notice at the time, but have since been trying to get ahead of the pain again. Dummy. Anyway, I've gotten some really great photos of him with baby Lucas, so enjoy! Also, we did a little family photo shoot this weekend, so I'll include one of those. That's my cleavage that they are both resting on...
  17. Christie Brian Lucas Likky and two for and from Argos great idea, great thread
  18. A lovely tribute for a lovely lady. So sorry for your loss.
  19. I'm so very sorry. George was the first greyhound I ever met, at a Pet Barn open house. He got us on the path to meet our own boy, and we'll be forever grateful.
  20. I want to thank all of you for your kind words and for taking the time to show your support. I am sure you all know how important this community is, especially during times like this. We have decided against amputation. The arthritis he has in his other leg is the biggest consideration, followed closely by our situation here at home. We love him more than we can say, and we think it's best for him to enjoy what is left of his life with as little stress as possible. He doesn't know that there is anything wrong - all he knows is that he has been getting a lot more treats lately and is suddenly allowed on the couch! He's a happy boy. With all sincerity - thank you. I will probably be overloading GT with photos of Argos in the coming weeks/months. Christie
  21. His lungs appear to be clear. His other front leg has pretty bad arthritis, so I worry about that also. My biggest hesitation is that we live in an old city row house with steep wooden stairs and hardwood floors. He has always been skittish on stairs, even ours, even after 3 years, and to not be able to go upstairs with us at night would be hard for him. I could not carry him down, especially with a newborn. He'd also have to use our stairs going in and out of the house, and he'd have to jump in and out of the back of my explorer - all things that I could not do for him. I talked to the vet. She is not pushing us either way, but is just trying to be as supportive as possible while giving us all of our options.
  22. This is great - thank you! I hope you are never faced with this
  23. how do they handle stairs afterward? that is a major concern. also how much time will it give him? a couple of months?
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