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Everything posted by BootsyCollins

  1. they really should learn to wipe front to back
  2. My boy gets it all the time and takes care of it. Nothing to worry about in small amounts. Every night before bed, he does his "grooming." We're crude and love potty humor so we call it "d--- licking hour."
  3. Welcome from Baltimore! Where is Cub Hill?
  4. That's odd. Did he say why? I know plenty of people who use either, although some people have suspicions that it's not safe for greyhounds. Also it is toxic to cats so you won't want to us it if you have a cat. You don't need a prescription for flea & tick meds. You can buy it anywhere, including online.
  5. Just wanted to say thanks for the ideas. She seems to be feeling better, but is still licking, so they'll be taking her to the vet this afternoon. Tkachuk says thank you! And just so you know who you're helping, here she is: and with her sister Roenick:
  6. Yes she's spayed. I was thinking yeast infection also. Thanks!
  7. Happy Memorial Day! I'm here in Chicago with my in laws, and one of my brother in law's huskies has red & swollen girlie bits. She doesn't seem to have a fever, she's got a good appetite, but she's really licking it. We can't tell if it's red because she's licking it or if it could be something else. Any ideas? Obviously don't want to be overly dramatic and just rush to the e-vet if they can avoid it... Thanks!
  8. It will prevent them in that ear. Now I have to keep my eye on him and if he's shaking his head too much, look into why so we don't have to go through it with the other ear. We've tried antihistamines before, but haven't done more than that.
  9. Thank you! I think he's cute too - just a new phase in his life! Brian (my husband) is so bummed about it, but that's kind of cute too! Edited to add - you know I'm just looking at my little pic under my name, and it looks like he's always favored that ear anyway.
  10. Well Argos had an appointment to have his stitches taken out today, but I got impatient and took them out myself last night. His ear looks great! Only thing...it won't stand up like it used to. We're a little bummed. My husband keeps saying "what if it never stands up again?" But he's still so cute that we'll get used to it. Thanks to everyone for your kind notes and good thoughts during his "ordeal." Oh, and his bum leg is all better also, so thanks for the advice about that as well! Here is the post surgery picture: And here he is today: And from the back - you can see the little bumpy holes if you look closely.
  11. I just pull them out with my fingers and flush them. Never burn a tick - if it is killed before it comes out of the skin, it will basically "spit out" the bacteria and other ickies that it has in its evil little system. glad you got it out!
  12. OK for Mother's Day the limp went away. Completely. It actually went away yesterday which was my husband's birthday so it was a double gift. He popped up yesterday morning as if nothing was wrong. I guess it was just a cramp or something?! I kept him on aspirin through the end of the day yesterday and kept his walks restricted, but he's just fine and dandy! THANKS EVERYONE!
  13. Me too. Not on a joint. You can see it in this picture - it's in the middle of the area where the bandage is. It really is small and doesn't seem infected. Can't smell anything either.
  14. Oh, I'd love to and I really appreciate the offer. We will be out and about most of the day, as it's Brian's birthday and I still haven't done any shopping. THANKS though! At first that was my fear, because it was a little swollen. But he's on an antibiotic and I've been cleaning it and bandaging it with neosporin, so I don't think so. Plus there's no pus or any other sign of infection. I am keeping my eye on it though.
  15. I did palpate his feet and toes, pushed on each pad, and he didn't flinch, so I don't think there's anything stuck in there or a cut, but I'll do it again tonight. Maybe he took a turn wrong or something. I will keep him rested and will get some aspirin and let you know what happens. Meredith, I have never done an epsom soak, and would probably do something stupid like fill a pool with epsom and throw him in it to make sure I don't miss any spots. Thank you so much! I am coming down off my ledge now.
  16. OK, please bear with me while I give a little history. Argos is on 1 pill daily of Dasuquin (900mg of glucosomine + 350mg of chondroitin) for arthritis in his right front leg. No limping at all since we started this, back in January. Last Wednesday (10 days ago), he had a dental & an aural hematoma fixed and when they removed the IV from his left front leg, his skin tore. It's a small wound, only about 1/2 inch long and hasn't been bothering him at all. This past Wednesday, a guy was running a remote controlled car at the dog park. He does this every once in a while and all the dogs love to chase it, especially Argos. Actually, it seems as if Argos can't help himself but chase it. It was warm on Wednesday (not hot), but I let him chase the car until it looked like he was tiring out (about 10-15 minutes), then he had a nice drink and rested for about 10-15 minutes. No limping. Then he wanted to chase the car again, and I only let him do it for about 3-5 minutes, then took him home. On Thursday morning he didn't show any signs of discomfort, but my husband walked him so he may not have noticed. On Thursday afternoon, I noticed that he was favoring his left front leg mildly. I did a short walk and did not let him run with the other dogs at the dog park. This morning, when he first got up, he was really, really favoring the leg. No walk, because it was raining, but the limp faded the longer he was up and walking around, until it wasn't even noticeable by the time I left for work. I went home at lunch and he didn't even want to go out. Finally did, but was definitely favoring the leg. Any ideas on what it could be? He runs a lot (at least 3-4 times per week, as fast as he wants) and is in great shape, so I don't think he overdid it chasing the car. Could he have pulled a muscle? Strain or sprain? Stress fracture? When I palpate his leg, he doesn't react at all, and I can't see anything except the IV wound. Should I go to the vet right now or give it a couple of days and see what happens? My vet is off today & tomorrow and is back in on Sunday, but there are other vets at the practice if need be. Is there any home remedy I can try while I wait to see how it works out, like baby aspirin or a hot soak? Help! Thanks!
  17. What a handsome boy! He looks so happy too!
  18. Lots of prayers and some get well soon
  19. So sorry for your loss. It happened so quickly, you must still be in shock.
  20. Poor Alan! Argos his twin sends love and prayers for a speedy recovery and an "it's just a strain" diagnosis.
  21. After a routine dental with no extractions, Argos usually is sent home with just a standard round of antibiotics. Shouldn't be in any pain, so shouldn't need pain meds.
  22. Lots of good thoughts for Bueller and his mom! He'll be just fine and will have sparkly shiny teeth when it's all over!
  23. LOVE IT! I hadn't either! When my dane mix had the same issue, the vet did all this intricate stitching through his ear, but no buttons. This was definitely new to me! I'll let everyone know if it works. Thanks for the kind words, everyone!
  24. I think that whenever I see your posts! They could be twins! I love the fawns.
  25. Picked Argos up last night and he showed almost no effect from the anesthesia which is pretty unusual for him. The tech, who LOVES Argos, said he woke up fast and was perky within a couple of hours. His teeth look just lovely, but his ear looks kinda sad. I slept on the futon in the tv room with him last night and he tried to scratch his ear a couple of times, but he is wearing a collar today to prevent that. It does not keep him from shaking his head though, so if he insists on shaking too much, we'll have to keep him doped for a week or so. Fingers crossed I will not have to do that! A few photos for your viewing pleasure. As soon as we got home, he headed right to his favorite bed and gave me the most pathetic face he could muster up: Got him upstairs and onto the futon, where he immediately tried to rub his ear on the blanket, pretending he was just "sleeping": A close-up of the buttons keeping his ear closed while it heals: And here he is this morning, stripped of dignity:
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