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Everything posted by PatricksMom

  1. We use Kirkland fish oil (for people)--I found a lot of the pet versions didn't have the Vitamin E necessary for stabilization. In humans, fish oil has been well documented to help with arthritis-I haven't seen studies on it for dogs, but I feel it's worth our money for that reason as well.
  2. We took Murphy to see the oncologists at CVS, I wouldn't say they were awful, but I'm not in a huge hurry to recommend them either. Unfortunately, quality vet care here is rather sorely lacking in SC. Without knowing exactly where you are, it looks like University of GA vet school in Athens GA is about half the distance to OSU. I haven't personally used them either, but it's probably a good option too. Eta: These were the exotics folks, but the vets at U. of GA spent a lot of time with us, for free at night, on the phone trying desperately what to do with Sammie. So at least overall they seem like caring people. You might call them and call OSU and see what they think.
  3. I'm so sorry. In our case, when the Prednisone stopped working Murphy only had a couple good days left. We decided to let him go while he was in some discomfort but still could enjoy his last day. His getting up to greet the vet was hard, but I know it was the right choice for him, rather than wait until he was suffering. Keep an eye out, the vets told us when the prednisone stops working they can go downhill fast, I would imagine it may be the same case with stopping it. There is a stronger steroid you can try, I can't think of the name, but it doesn't always work.
  4. Snake bite? Hoping you figure out what's going on and Barbie starts feeling better.
  5. Also, I know dogs aren't people and teaching not to resource guard is important, but I try not to do things to my dogs that would drive me insane if someone did it to me, like repeatedly poking me for no reason while I was eating. I'd snap too.
  6. Henry only runs in the apartment. Outside, no fun, inside, he's a maniac.
  7. Patrick used to do this--fun when you sit on the couch without looking.
  8. I'm so, so sorry Pam. What a horrible disease. Enjoy your steak Buddy, you're very loved.
  9. Just my opinion, but I wouldn't try a new product on my dogs unless I had to.
  10. Thank you all so much. Murphy comes home tomorrow, he can sit with Patrick.
  11. Again, I'm so, so terribly sorry for everything that happened to your poor boy. I can't even begin to imagine how you're feeling although feel free to come here and scream and rant if you want--we'll listen. But there will come a day when you're able to remember the good parts about life with Dizzy, and when that happens, we'd love to hear more about your special boy. Godspeed Dizzy, I know you're at peace now and free from pain. We'll try to take care of your mom.
  12. I don't remember exactly, the last month I've just handed over the credit card without asking. But my memory was cheaper than I used to pay for pill pockets--I think $6ish/60.
  13. I don't know that I have a favorite, but Costco's lamb and rice is working well with Henry's slightly touchy stomach and is budget friendly. Eta: Our adoption rep. just went to Coscto to ask about donations for an event (which they're giving) and they asked if the group wanted cut/torn bags for 50% off. Since most of our foster homes feed their food, this is great news.
  14. Erssie, I'm so sorry about your boy and that horrid vet. We're all here for you.
  15. I'm so sorry for your loss--Dandi, my grandfather, and everyone we've lost who truly loved dogs will be there for you.
  16. I've been going through Murphy's stuff and remembered I meant to post this. If anyone's having trouble pilling a dog, the Costco brand works great, they smell much yuckier (and I presume better to dogs) and are cheaper than name brands. Murphy would beg for them like treats.
  17. Thank you so much everyone, for the advice and sympathy. His remembrance is up here: http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php/topic/300205-23-june-2004-27-july-2013/
  18. Oh Murphy, When we went to meet you at your foster mom’s, you were so skinny. It turned out you had been living outside, uncared for, and unloved—nearly nine and no one other than your foster family had ever wanted you. I made it halfway around the yard before I told DH that you were my dog. We talked over your food, medical issues, signed the paperwork, put you in the car and brought you home. Boy were you home. I’ve never seen a dog that seemed so grateful, just to be inside and have a family and I was grateful to have a cuddle buddy who helped fill the gaping hole Patrick left in my heart. You discovered beds (although you preferred the carpet) and toys to destroy and tennis balls to catch and the farmer’s market M&G. When we went outside, you glued yourself to my side—I never risked it but I’m sure I could have walked you without your leash. You loved everyone you met—the ladies at the office, the people at the M&G, kids, old people, everyone. You even put up with your crazy brother Henry. The whole time we had you, you were sick. First finishing your hookworm treatment, then a UTI, and then finally your lymph nodes swelled. The vet thought it was an eye infection, and at first the antibiotics helped. But then the swelling came back, and you didn’t feel well. We took you to the oncologist, we couldn’t believe it when she said it was Lymphoma, that we probably only had a few months left. You were terrified of vets’ offices, you didn’t like the car and she was 1.5 hours away, so we made the decision to put you on steroids, take you home, and spoil you like mad. I promised you no more vets’ offices, and we kept that promise. It turns out, we had less than a month left. But it was a good month. A friend lent us his yard as much as we wanted, so we got to watch you run and catch tennis balls and lay down in the grass. We discovered the ice cream place made doggie sundays, we went to the farmers market and bought you toys that you destroyed in 5 minutes. And fed you chicken and chicken livers and endless treats. Mostly we loved you and loved you and loved you—a lifetime’s worth in a few months. Then the prednisone stopped working and the stronger steroid didn’t do anything. A few days later, you were in pain getting up and down and slowing down. We took you out for a cheeseburger for breakfast and to a pool party for lunch—you had a great time getting love from everyone and a little barbecue. In between we cuddled you until the vet came—not scary, not in a vet coat. Your passing wasn’t as peaceful as we would have liked, but you're not in pain anymore. All I can hope is that you forgot the past and remember being with us. Sweetie, we loved you so much, I only wish you had more time. Here’s my beautiful boy:
  19. Patrick wasn't bad about this, but he managed to goose my MIL who was wearing nothing but a T-shirt.
  20. I'm so sorry you didn't get better news. Gentle hugs for you and Buddy.
  21. There are options, it depends on what's best for you and Buddy.
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