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Everything posted by MaryJane

  1. Totally awesome pictures ... especially like the one of the grey sitting (Berry?) in the car/van with the seat belt on.
  2. My advice would be to go back to the bland diet and do cooked food. Try using hamburger rather than chicken and see if that makes a difference. Also add some veggies to provide some fiber and see what happens after a few days.
  3. It never used to be a special test, it's just a regular fecal check but you do it for three days in a row.
  4. Some are just real shy about going in front of you. As suggested, tie two leads together and bring him to bushes. Also, turning your back sometimes works or just look at the ground.
  5. Good to hear that Avalanche is doing well and his only issues is making sure that "mommy" gets him real good stuff to eat. 1pm was pretty early for bringing him home - was he still groggy? I've always liked Angel, they have been great to my pets throughout many decades. In fact Lucy was just in there last week on an Emergency and stayed overnight in the CCU and they let me get in to see her before I left even though it was really past the time they allowed visitors to get in.
  6. I'm surprised that I'm seeing some posts here indicating yearly dentals -- I'm not sure that is the norm and I hope that others will chime in on that. One of my current dogs has had a dental once in the 6 years that I have had him. My previous dog had one dental in the 5 years I had him. Having a dental usually means going under anesthesia which is not to be done lightly but, if the teeth are bad then there is no question that it should be done because it can cause other infections in the body. Sometimes the breath is a result of what you are feeding him - you can gradually switch dog foods to see if another dog food changes the smell. You might also want to have some kidney tests done along with a urinalysis and see if there is a kidney issue which could cause an "ammonia" smell to the breath.
  7. Try cheese stix, yogurt mixed with cheerios, fried hamburger, french fries, and ice cream.
  8. I remember that it was easier for my angel Onyx if he trotted or did a slow run rather than walking and that never changed although when we went for a walk he would try and adjust for my slow speed but, it was better if I adjusted and just walked really, really fast. At the beginning, standing was awkward too but, after a week or so he got used to placing his back leg better to support the weight more evenly.
  9. I'm so sorry that you've had more than your share of heartbreak recently.
  10. I'm sorry that it's so hard but, try to remember that it is "hard at the moment". The only way that I got through it was to do it day-by-day and to live in the moment. As someone mentioned, the first few days are the toughest and then it gets easier and then at some point you know that the hard stuff is over.
  11. Glad to hear that she is home and that you are both coping with the new situation. Looking forward to hearing more updates!
  12. Glad to hear that the surgery went well. Wishing for a speedy recovery.
  13. I've met her countless times and she was a special lady.
  14. I'm so sorry that it couldn't be fixed.
  15. I'm so sorry that this happened to Avril and you - it's an experience that is hard to put behind you. Hope that she heals well and that the seizures stay under control.
  16. That's about 1.56 a pound which is reasonable. I think if I start fostering again I might switch to this brand as I checked their site and they have one that is "chicken-free".
  17. I'm also of the mind that there should not be any protein in a dog's urine. If protein is leaking through the filtering mechanism in the kidneys then there is a chance that is going to cause additional damage to the filtering mechanism and in turn allow even more protein to "escape". Since there is a history of a disease that can cause kidney damage I would probably be monitoring the protein more closely and if it continues maybe even reconsider the "amount of meat/phosphorous" that is fed until there is no protein in the urine.
  18. I just wanted to say "Thank You" for taking a return with sleep aggression especially one that bit the previous owner. No advice on handling your particular situation as none of mine are allowed on the furniture at all and any fosters that I have had over the years that climbed up seemed to "get it" after I pushed them off a few times.
  19. So 3 months is quite a bit of time and if stress caused this last one then I can see why the neurologist might want to take a wait-n-see approach. Is he still drinking more water? Is he back to his normal self?
  20. I'm so sorry - what a wonderful tribute
  21. Before this, how long was it from the last seizure in sept?
  22. One note about fish oil (or any supplements) is that you want to make sure that you vet knows that your dog takes them. Oils like fish and flaxseed might have some aspirin like qualities (lessons clots/promotes bleeding) so you want to make sure to stop them before any surgery like dentals.
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