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Everything posted by 4greyhounds

  1. One of my greys go scratched in the eye by a cat and almost lost a eye, he had to get antibiotics by IV and then orally, but he got over it. I know cat bites are very dangerous and we will be saying lots of prayers.... :grouphug :hope
  2. I am sorry I am just now reading this sending prayers for Pearl and you.....
  3. Continued prayers for Casey to continue to feel better....
  4. I am so sorry I am just now reading this, but I am very happy that Elsa is better and home. I know that must have been very scary.
  5. sending lots of hugs and more prayers..... Come on Harmony baby you have to get better.....
  6. I am so sorry. Run Free Hermione
  7. I am sorry we have no experience but we pray he feels better soon!
  8. Sending lots of prayers for Harmony.... We also want to send lots of hugs to mom and dad and Harmony..... :grouphug :hope
  9. I am so very sorry!!!! Run Free Smiley!
  10. I am so happy to hear that Iriis is improving we will continue to pray that she feels better!
  11. Polli, Will be in our prayers...... We hope this is the last one and you are better and have no more sickness!!!!
  12. We are just now reading this and we are so happy that Ranger is doing Good! Sending lots more healing prayers and thoughts, thanks so much fr the updates.....
  13. Great News that you are feeling a little bit better Bonnie, We are sending lots of prayers and healing thoughts.....
  14. I am so very sorry. Run Free Pumpkin
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