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Everything posted by 4greyhounds

  1. I am so very Sorry you have been through all of that, you have been missed...... :grouphug
  2. Sending lots more prayers COME ON HARLEY, Please eat....
  3. Welcome from Apollo Beach Florida!!!!! Your babies are adorable! :wub: We are happy you joined us!
  4. I am so Sorry Pam. That is sooo Sad!!!!
  5. I am very Sorry this happened to you. But that is the reason why I don't go to dog parks. We have tried to go but people bring small dogs into the big dog park. To me personally I think a Beagle belongs in the small dog side, I maybe wrong but whatever wrong or right, a lot of greyhounds are not used to being around other breeds if they were just off the track. I take mine to a open field that is open and we go at times other people are not or we will go to grey play groups where all dogs are muzzled but I have seen bad experiences there too, I personally just like to have mine run the yard . I had a bad experience too when I went to the dog park when we first got our greys and a lady brought her dog into the big dog park, it was not as nice though...Please don't be too hard on yourself.....
  6. I love seeing those pics with his ears up...... :wub: Sending more prayers and hugs!!!!! :grouphug
  7. I have not used it for cooking but I have used it in Pongos food, and his allergies have not been bothering him nor has he been scratching..... So I was very Happy with it... We need to now try it in our food.
  8. I have only had one that had a hard time with the stairs at first and as we brought him up them we gave him treats and within a week e had them mastered and started to try to run up them, but the others got to see the other dogs going up them and mastered them right away. It is not a hard task. We have no stairs now but when we take them some where that has stairs they have no problems and they go up them like they have never been away from them, if you like this other place better and the only thing keeping you away is the stairs for the dogs, I would get it. Unless they are older and have back end issues then NO.
  9. Very Happy to hear all the positive updates..... She is a little fighter! Thanks Again Lindsay!
  10. Their is other dogs in the house and she is marking her territory.
  11. Sending many prayers for Gracie and many hugs for you all....... :hope :grouphug
  12. I am in BIG trouble because I have been sick without them and I think I could have been worse if it was not for them, my dogs are kept cleaner than a lot of humans. Including dental hygiene. We have also shared lip balm, drinks, ice cream, etc. Seems like I have never got anything from them it was me having diabetes and asthma and etc. If this were true I would have been dead a long time ago. We will have to disagree with this theory.
  13. We are so happy to see that Dude is doing well...... Bless his heart, I know you want him home and I know it has to be hard on you all...... :grouphug :grouphug Sending prayers for a quick recovery time.... Take care of yourself he is really going to need you wne he gets home.
  14. Sending lots more healing beams for Dude....... :grouphug Chris we hope you feel better real soon too!!!! Please keep us posted...
  15. Pat,My heart breaks for you, I know the love you had for Gremlin was strong and true. I am so very Sorry. But KNOW YOU WILL SEE HER AGAIN ONE DAY. I truly believe our babies will be at the bridge waiting for us to cross. Please know I am here if you ever want to talk, I know she took a piece of yor heart with her. :grouphug RUN FREE GREMLIN Your Tribute is Beautiful!
  16. We are happy to hear their is progress, even if small. We are continuing to pray for you all....
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