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Everything posted by 4greyhounds

  1. 4greyhounds


    I am so very Sorry!
  2. I am so very Sorry!!!!! Run Free Sweet Baby!
  3. I am so very Sorry!!!!!!!!! :grouphug
  4. Ducky, Sending you a lot of :grouphug Sorry I have no advise but I am sending lots of good thoughts and prayers for Gracie! :hope
  5. 4greyhounds


    I am so very Sorry! Run Free Tuffy!
  6. Since we have moved to Ft. Myers from Apollo Beach it is weird it seems the their is more bugs down here... It is weird we lived on the beach in Apollo and here we are 10 minutes away. We even had sand as a back yard where here we have more trees. We have did all the things above we did not find any flea dirt. But we found what could be bites of some type of bug. The bath gave them type relief and the cortisone seems to work. Can't wait to hear what the vet says in the morning.
  7. Thanks so Much Great advise! That is one of day falls of living in Florida is we get every type of bug and Pollen!
  8. First sending lots of :grouphug to mom. Sending lots of Good thoughts and Prayers to Ollie and Chevy.... :hope I understand you are working hard and expect things at home to be taken care of by capable family members and everything falls apart. It is hard, you are in my thoughts and prayers too....
  9. I have not heard of these bugs but it makes sense, and we have had the windows open, due to we have been painting. I wonder if this is the reason, and Pongo is highly allergic to bugs and outside Pollen etc.... I don't think it is Fleas because we have gave them all flea baths just to make sure and no fleas seen... Plus the other two is not scratching. You are right and we have now gave them 3 baths poor babies, and they are Super Clean.... Thanks that is waht we rubbed on after the last bath and it seems to be working... Just have to watch Pongo and keep him muzzled that he don't lick it off, Sophie does not really bother the cream.
  10. Thanks so Much for the suggestions. I am going to bath him tonight. We have checked them both all over and DH swears it can't be fleas but I think just because we don't see them they could still be getting them... That is why I mentioned the back yard has a lot of Pine needles we have those trees in the back that makes the big pine combs year round.....
  11. As a lot of you know we just moved to Ft. Myers. We have a lot of pine needles in the back yard. But Pongo and Sophie go out and come right back in... Pongo has a allergy and for some reason this time of year he starts to bite his tail and scratching. I started to give him the benadryl like the doctor told me to give him last year but he continued to bite at his tail. Then I thought it might be that he needed to have his back end cleaned out. (Sorry forgot the word for it) so I did a cleaning like the vet had told me in the past and there was not a lot there, so I don't think that is what it is.... I have checked both their poops very good and I have not seen any worms. I even got a stick and looked even better. I know some people may think I am crazy! But us greyhound owners understand going through our dogs poop. I called the vet and I can't get in until Monday at 8 am. I don't think this is a emergency to take them to the e-vets. But I can't figure out what this might be and I was wondering do you know what I could give them to get relief until we get there Monday Morning. Pongo is really making a sore on the back end near the tail and this just got worse today when I got home from work.I have also checked them for fleas, and used the flea comb and found none.... We use frontline religiously. Any Suggestions? Any Ideas what this maybe? Thanks so Much!
  12. I remember meeting him one time briefly at the GRTB fun run. You could see the passion he had for the greyhounds. He will for sure watch over all the Angels. I am so Sorry! RIP: Michael Nemetch
  13. Aladdin knows exactly what time we usually walk and if we start to run late he will start to howl and then it becomes a bark and he will start to run from one side of the house to the other.... He does the same thing for meals, and time to go to bed. He runs this place or at least he thinks he does.... I think your daughter has it right... By the way I watched the next video at least I think that was her singing and dancing.... That was ADORABLE!!!!!!! :wub:
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