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Everything posted by 4greyhounds

  1. Beryl, I can't believe it has been 2 years already...... My thoughts and prayers are with you..... :grouphug
  2. Dee, You were a Great mom to her. You showed her what it was like to be in a loving true home. I am very Sorry..... Run Free Beautiful Lass!!!!
  3. I am very Sorry!!!!!
  4. I am very Sorry! :grouphug She was a very Special Beautiful Girl. Your tribute is Beautiful, know you did all you possibly could and you will meet again..... Run Free Mickey!!!!!
  5. We are very sorry we just now saw this: We are sending lots and lots of prayers for the both of them!!!!! :hope We hope they feel better real soon!!!!! Pongo senbs his Beautiful Kelsey a lot of Get Well: :kiss2 Please keep us updated... Sorry you are going through all this....
  6. I am very Sorry! Good for you to go after trying to get Justice. I hope that it is served.
  7. I am so very Sorry..... I love your tribute you can just hear the love from the both of you...... :grouphug
  8. I have been following this thread,I do not want to invest until I see your results. Thanks so Much for keeping us posted......
  9. I am very Sorry, I don't know how I missed this post. I remember all the funny post you have posted about Vinny over the years. You gave him a Great life and know you will see him again one day!!!!! Run Free Vinny!
  10. Welcome from Formerly Philadelphia now Ft. Myers Florida.... We adopted our first Grey Champ from NGAP. We now try to go up every couple years and get dentals on my 4 greys. Great Clinic and Group.
  11. 4greyhounds


    Trudy, I am very Sorry!
  12. He was a Very Special Boy..... I am very Sorry! :grouphug Beautiful Tribute!
  13. 4greyhounds


    I am very Sorry!
  14. I am sorry, I have no advice.... My Champ (my first greyhound) had stomach cancer and we lost him only 10 days after his dental. He had good blood work done and everything, we lost him at only 10. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and Baker!!!!! :grouphug
  15. I will give him a kiss for you Darlene I don't mean to complain about the bill but sometimes it drives me crazy how much a Vet charges and still get no answers. I am glad everything came back negative too but I wish I knew what caused it so maybe I can prevent it in the future!! I'm sure we can all relate--and you're upset. Complain away, if you want! It's frustrating to pay big bills and learn nothing. George recently had an ultrasound at my vet's insistence. When she called she said, "I have good news, and bad news." Which was 1) they found nothing wrong, and 2) they found nothing wrong so she still had no idea what the problem was. Jenn, I know you are not upset to have to pay the bill but like Susan says and I have been there too with Pongo! When you have to pay and they tell you they don't know what is "Wrong"..... after you have had to pay several hundred... That is very disturbing.... Hope it never happens again poor baby!
  16. Sorry about the bill. But I am very happy to hear that everything came back negative.... Please give him a
  17. Congratulations she is Beautiful!!!!!!!!! :wub: Frankie looks so Proud! :lol
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