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Everything posted by greyhead

  1. I'm sorry, greystmom, that I don't know the recommended fat percentage you're looking for. Just sharing our experience, we didn't go the hypoallergenic food route since those foods had so many ingredients (e.g., corn, rice) that Spencer had already shown sensitivity to, and we didn't trust those foods. (Our vets didn't recommend them either.) We went with a simple-ingredients food from Natural Balance for kibble, and the fat % in that is 10%. We've used three kinds of canned venison, currently Wysong at 7% fat (previously Wellness and Natural Balance). We recently switched away from the Wellness canned because it produced a batch with excess flaxseed and provoked a flare in Spencer, the second time that has happened. In short, we've found that although fat content is an issue for us, the other possible ingredients in the foods are also an issue. Spencer can handle small amounts of additional carb-type or other ingredients. But when the foods start adding blueberries, and spinich, and kelp, and flaxseed, etc. etc., or produce an odd batch with something in excess, that's as big a problem as the fat is. Perhaps others will be able to give you more authoritative figures on fat content, but I hope our experience will help you in the meantime. ETA: Although this isn't your question, I need to tell you this. If you go the compounded budesonide route, which I highly recommend, greyhounds should receive half the dose recommended for other dogs. It doesn't sound like your vet is experienced with budesonide, so I thought it worth mentioning. (Spencer also has lymphangiectasia with his IBD and responded very well to budesonide. It helped that our vet had an IBD dog of her own and was willing to research alternatives to pred, knowing that our dog had no more weight to lose!)
  2. After his SIBO, our dog developed IBD. Given his age and weight loss, we diagnosed it by ultrasound instead of a biopsy. The loud bowel sounds developed for him with the IBD, I believe, rather than the SIBO. But others may have different experience. As you may know, a B-12 deficiency probably indicates intestinal malabsorption. Both SIBO and IBD can cause that, I believe, but it surely doesn't develop on its own or for no reason. An ultrasound will show the area(s) of inflammation and/or structural changes that have occurred in the intestine. When you figure out what's going on in that regard, you'll know how to proceed -- or you can come back here and ask us! Take heart, SIBO can be cured and IBD can be managed. But you don't want more weight loss in a 12-year-old, so I'd advise you to do whatever you're going to do soon.
  3. Those of us who use budesonide for our grey's IBD usually have it compounded into the desired dosage. We started at 3 or 4 mg per day and ended at .05 mg per day. We use Roadrunner Pharmacy in Phoenix, a compounding pharmacy with which our vet was familiar. They used to overnight the first batch of medicine for free. All their contact info, including toll-free #, is available at www.roadrunnerpharmacy.com Your vet can phone or fax a prescription to them, and they get right on it. Thereafter, you can call in yourself for refills. Many hugs, Mary PS: We went the novel-protein route, using venison. We used other things before that; but until we started the budesonide, he developed inflammation within a week or two of starting each new food. So the medicine and the novel protein work together! (Or at least they had to in our case.) Happily, there are venison kibbles and canned foods out there, such as Natural Balance kibble witih sweet potato, and Wellness makes a canned too. I'll be happy to help more when I don't have to rush off as I must now. I'll check back in here on Sunday. ETA: You can see Spencer, our IBD dog, on the left in my siggie. He lost about 20 lbs. before we turned him around. He gained 10 back, and he has been fine with that for the last three years. He'll be 12 in November.
  4. Spencer developed SIBO and B-12 deficiency at 8. Tylan came into play after he also developed IBD but would not have helped his SIBO. His poop had to have a culture & sensitivity run on it to find out the infectious agent, which turned out to be two strains of Clostridium perfringens. It required three antibiotics to treat it, sequentially, but it was a very severe infection by the time it was diagnosed. The B-12 injections are for life in our case, but they're cheap and easy to give. Don't let anyone tell you that you have to send the poop to Texas A&M for analysis. There's an expected range for most naturally-occurring bacteria, and a decent lab can count the germs to determine the extent of the bacterial overgrowth. I believe the long-untreated SIBO is what led to the IBD, so my advice would be not to dawdle. (On the other hand, your dog's poops are fine; so if there is SIBO, I shouldn't think it's too advanced.) It's good you're getting the ultrasound.
  5. Yay Bullitt! Keep up the good work, buddy.
  6. I'm very sorry for your loss. Godspeed, Gracie. You were well-loved and will be much missed.
  7. I'm very sorry for your loss of Bod.
  8. That was a beautiful tribute, Heather. Hanna was quite a girl, wasn't she. I'm very very sorry her time came now.
  9. I'm so sorry Rousty had to leave so soon. He was gorgeous and hugely influential.
  10. That was a lovely tribute to a lucky and well-loved boy. I'm so sorry for your loss. At least he has Lady Bug to reminisce with, and you have us.
  11. I'm so very sorry to hear about Arlo. He was the best.
  12. Macho was a strong, beautiful boy. And so lucky to have found you. The grace with which you are handling this is inspiring. I'm so very sorry for your loss and your broken heart.
  13. greyhead

    Jc's Havok

    Oh no. I'm terribly sorry. Run free, sweet Havoc.
  14. Just seeing this, Judy. You and Bullitt will be in my thoughts and prayers.
  15. I'm so sorry that the well-loved and highly educated Mr. P had to leave. Surely he'll be loving you from the Bridge.
  16. If you're going to use a steroid, please make it budesonide, not prednisone. It targets the gut and doesn't cause the weight loss that pred can cause.
  17. greyhead

    Longdog's Angel

    I'm so sorry for your loss. You did so well by her, from beginning to end.
  18. greyhead


    Well, I just fell in love! A glowing tribute to your very very special friend. I'm so glad you found each other and were blessed to share some time together.
  19. I'm so sorry for your loss. Matt was a very speciall boy.
  20. Are you entirely sure that what you're seeing as anxious panting isn't related to pain that might not be obvious? Just checking.
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