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Everything posted by greyhndz

  1. Irene, words just aren't enough here. What a devastating few months this has been for you. I'm so terribly sorry. I can't imagine this world without beautiful John E gracing it. Warmest hugs, my friend. He'll always be with you.
  2. Mommy's a star too! You both look wonderful, and should be so proud to have made an invaluable contribution to OSU's research. Yay for both of you!
  3. Hi Linda! My first greyhound, Kody, had post-traumatic iritis (uveitis of the anterior chamber of the eye) after being struck in the eye with a ball. It was obviously painful and very sensitive to light. He improved rapidly with steroid drops. Was the vet able to determine why Keeva developed uveitis? Just as in humans, uveitis may reflect an underlying autoimmune disorder, so if the vet couldn't find an obvious cause, a comprehensive workup would probably be appropriate. Uveitis can be a chronic or relapsing condition, and is sight-threatening. A friend's galgo has been battling uveitis for several years. Can you get a referral to a vet ophthalmologist? Small world (of eyes, that is) - I was diagnosed with uveitis 2 years ago, caused by an autoimmune disorder. . Still get to go to Boston to get my eyes dilated and scrutinized every 6 weeks. Keep us posted on Keeva - I hope this is a one-time deal and that she recovers quickly. Mafi sends kisses to Valor. Jordan
  4. Thanks so much, everyone! I was going through the website listing board certified vet surgeons last night, and came upon Karen Pastor's name. Didn't Karen used to be down on the south shore? As I recall, she did a lot of work with GH adoption groups and had GHs of her own. I used to hear a lot of good things about her - didn't know she'd moved up north. I've heard good things about InTown also. It sounds like the consensus goes with Dr. Dudley - I'll call my friend now to pass all of this great info along. You guys rock! (and osteo sucks ) Jordan
  5. Can anyone recommend an excellent vet surgeon in southern NH/northern MA? A friend's dog was just diagnosed with osteo, has seen oncology and is looking for a good surgeon to perform the amputation. The best surgeon I know of, Dr. Wadsworth in Dover, NH, retired. She lives in Pelham, and is looking for someone closer than Angell or Tufts. Thanks muchly!
  6. Thanks so much, Lori, for the greyt post-Christmas prezzie for mommy! The after-holiday week has been pretty brutal work-wise, and this was just the pickup I needed. I love the white enamel pin. Maybe soon I'll have almost as much bling as my hounds. I was blessed with awesome SS's this year, and I'm grateful to you both. Onward to 2008! Jordan
  7. A couple of things can be accomplished by tapping the fluid from the belly: it will make her more physically comfortable, at least temporarily, because it may re-accumulate. And, by sending the fluid off for various labs, cultures, cell counts, etc., the vet can get a better idea of where the fluid is coming from. Also, humans with ascites, in addition to dietary restrictions, are often put onto diuretics like spironalactone or furosemide, and it might be a good topic to bring up with your vet tomorrow. Boy, I really wish I'd gone into veterinary medicine, not human medicine. But please don't tell my employing hospital that.....
  8. Were liver function tests done? A build up of fluid in the abdominal cavity (called "ascites"), particularly if her protein level was low in her bloodwork, is suspicious for liver disease. Is she jaundiced? Is she acting like a sick dog? Is she coughing, getting winded easily, panting? If a dog is having right-sided heart failure, this, too, can lead to signs of liver failure, including ascites. While waiting for another ultrasound of the abdomen, and presumably an echocardiogram (ultrasound of heart), the vet could do a chest x-ray, which would show an enlarged heart or fluid in the sac surrounding the heart ("pericardial effusion") that often accompany congestive heart failure. With a puppy, I'd think about a congenital heart defect. Does she have a murmur? Unfortunately, ascites can also indicate an underlying malignancy, and I sincerely hope that's not the case with your puppy - it's probably unlikely given her age. I'd think shunt first. Does she have any history of seizures or other strange neurologic symptoms?
  9. Hey, Neyla's mom - Lori was my SS too! Does this mean you're my long-lost sister?
  10. Oh, roo made us so happy today, our dear SS! Mafi, Teo and Jared have been waving it in our face that *they* got prezzies and we didn't, but we showed them we had great Santas who know that the way to our hearts is through our bottomless tummies. Here's Dandi, waiting very impatiently for mom to put down the camera and pick up the scissors: OK, now I'm not kidding! Do I have to show you how to open that box? Gigi finally figured out that there are goodies hiding inside all that cardboard A squeakie!!! My favorite!!! Lexi hears the word "yummie" and comes to check out the situation Jared and Lexi: "what do we look like, chopped liver? Where's our yummies? Can't you see we're skin and bones?" (ps: these guys are littermates, and they, as well as their mother, have big lipomas - fatty tumors - in the exact same spot on their chests) Dandi: Now, let me show you how a *man* plays with this toy! Bailey was in a camera-shy mood, so here's a recent photo, pre-prezzies: Thank you for everything, Belinda, Ray and Jordan! This was a wonderful holiday surprise for all of us! And I love the skin lotions as well.... My favorite is the racing muzzle - say, do they come in a size "itty bitty" to fit Jared, the world's worst poop-eater? Have a wonderful holiday! hugs from Jordan, Dandi, Gigi, Bailey and Lexi, but also from Mafi, Teo and Jared who partook of the loot.
  11. Well, I know Jared would want to thank you if he'd been able to get in the room to partake of the prezzies. I'll try to grab a photo of him later when he's alone. He's afraid of the big guys so keeps to himself. I'm going to quietly slip a toy into his crate later when everyone else is sleeping. Everyone had a chance to get a good sniff of the box, but they weren't interested in prolonging the agony: there are goodies in there, and we want at 'em now! Mafi went first, as queens usually do. (notice the deceased moo-toy just above the box) DANDI! this is not a smile of happiness. Get away from my toy or I'll tear your tonsils out! At last, my work is done. I came, I saw, I gutted. At the other end of the spectrum, we have Teo, who always on the lookout for anyone who might steal his toys or kick him out of his bed. He hasn't gotten the hang of prezzie-peeling yet, so mom did it for him: This is for me? I can really have it? Yowza! My own squeakie!!!! Lori and Ginny, the guys thank you so much for the wonderful bling (made by our very favorite bling-maker, we should add! ), toys, Shelby's yummies, and for making our holidays so special for us! Oh... and mom loved the pin from NC!! Mafi posed with that - of course, Mafi thinks she's America's Next Top Model so she'll pose for anything... Thanks so much, Lori and Ginny! Mafi, Teo and Jared (in hiding) wish you all the happiest of holidays! Jordan
  12. Well, my pack's own SS prezzies are on the way so we haven't had a chance to tempt fate yet. I can say that when SS's teaser gifts arrived, we had no shame whatsoever and ripped those suckers open in the blink of an eye. So, I sense we'll be just as crazed when our packages arrived. But you know, to be honest, I had far, far more fun preparing and shopping for our recipients! This was the most enjoyable holiday season I've had in a long time, because I feel as if I spent it with a group of people as empassioned and nuts as I am. I loved getting into the Evil Elf game, and getting devious (and very poetic!) in order to extract information from my victims. I could very happily be a SS multiple times over, without needing to receive prezzies in return, because I've had an absolute blast. Oh.... hold on... I've been informed by my 7-pack that I don't know what the heck I'm talking about, and that I'd better keep my big trap shut because THEY want THEIR Santa prezzies!! So.... never mind...
  13. 51 potty-outside times in my house takes about 2 days!
  14. That means, "thank you, our Shelby's Delightful Bites are YUM-MY!" We love you Santa Paws, but won't you please reveal yourself soon?" We have decided that since our mum won't bake for us, we're running away from home and going to FLA to live with Shelby and Kim, so we can eat yummies all the time. Mafi likes to sleep under the covers, so please make room. Mafi, Teo and Jared
  15. Gorgeous necklace and dog! The camera just loves some dogs, and Hobbes is one of them!
  16. We're game! And I have just the perfect Hanukkah goodie! Mommy claims any chocolate matzoh for herself.
  17. Jojo, you are too adorable! Those jammies look so comfy! i'm glad they'll be keeping your buns warm.... it's already gotten cold up here in NH and I'll bet you're feeling winter coming too. I'm glad you like your goodies, and I hope mommy does too. We're grateful to our Evil Elfie for doing some snooping, and to Cottage Hounds, Shelby's Yummy-delicious bites and Crazycollars for their wonderful goodies. We had SO much fun shopping! We're raring to go for 2008. Jordan & the pack
  18. Bumpity-bump-bump! Oh, Malll-and-Mooooooooe! Answer the phone! Santa's looking for you!
  19. They're hard to find! I have a 24-hr walmart here which is the only one I've found that carries them. I secretly hid a stash of them on an upper shelf in the pet section so when I needed more, they'd be there. That didn't last for long, though. They just got in more for the holidays and I swiped almost all of them to give as gifts and for my own pups. Would you like me to send some up to you? The fishies play space alien/electronic sounds and also sing, and the dogs bark, giggle, say "you're cute!" or "you're a big, bad dog", and sneeze. I've found that they're indestructible, though the furry covers aren't. Gigi love to play with the naked plastic ball cause it rolls faster and sounds louder. Anyone who hasn't seen one of these things, here ya go: Mafi vs toy
  20. Easy fix, Gizzy! Shall I send mommy another furrballz for your brother (maybe a brown doggie, or a yellow fishie) so he'll leave yours alone? Or will mommy kill me if I do that?
  21. Silly me didn't realize until last week that those little suckers take batteries! I thought they were like screaming monkeys - they keep going until the chip dies. I should have gotten a clue when they sang slower, and slower, and.... But you have to dig deep to get to the batteries - I counted something like 7 screws to open to reach the battery compartment. But happily, "who let the dogs out ARF ARF ARF", "what I like about you", and "you're a big, bad dog!" were up and running again in no time. I think they're more entertaining for the humans than the dogs.
  22. Gizzy! You are one hot doggy!!!! You look stunning in your hat and pearls! Somehow, I just knew purple would be your color. I hope Specky isn't too jealous, cause she'll be getting her own prezzies soon, too, I'm sure! But this was your special-est day, and I'm so glad you like your goodies! I have to say, it was awfully tough getting those Shelby's yummies into the box with 7 sets of mournful eyes watching them go buh-bye. Oh, and Carol Ann, I must beg your forgiveness for sending the pink furrballz toy. If it hasn''t already, it will drive you mad. Just wait till you hear "pussycat, pussycat, I love you....." a thousand times! Enjoy, and have a wonderful holiday, surrounded by all those (2-legged and 4-legged) you love the most! Jordan & the Rooers
  23. Emma, what a sweet baby girl you are! Santa has heard that you've been a little angel this year ! Santa has sent Elfie down to find the ab-fab holiday prezzies for you, so don't be shy - come sit on Santa's knee and tell him what you want most for Christmas! (and please don't tinkle on his foot - it's not chic) Are you a little little girl, or a big little girl? I know one should never ask a woman this question, but how much do you weigh? And you need to ask your mom to measure your neck, in case Santa wants to send you something pretty to wear around it. No, darling -- I wouldn't hold my breath for diamonds, but Santa will find you something elegant and houndy. Is there a special color that sets off your fantabulousness perfectly? What flavor cookie floats your boat? Are there any treats or toys or anything else that your mom won't let you have? (mean old mom!!) Is there a yummy, or a toy, or something else that you have at the top of your Santa-list? Have you REALLY been a good girl, or is someone pulling the wool over Santa's eyes? Santa is eagerly awaiting your response, Emma and Pippismom.... You know how crazy parking a sleigh at the mall can be, so give Santa some help getting an early start!! Your Esoteric Evil Elf
  24. Your secret has asked Elfie to get the poop, er, the scoop (or maybe he sent me to scoop the poop?) on Jax and his mom. Jax, you handsome hunka hound, Santa needs to know how much you weigh... he's not getting personal or anything - but could you tell us how tall you are from your tippy toes up to your withers? Are you a tall, lanky guy or more like the Arnold Schwarzenegger of greyhounds? What size collar fits you (please ask mom to measure the widest part of your head, and behind your ears, and around your neck. What color do you look your most debonair in? What flavor yummies make you weak at the knees? What would you like Santa to bring you, more than anything in the world? A noisy squeaky toy to drive mom crazy? Tons of cookies? New underwear? ( ) Are there any types of yummies or toys that mommy doesn't want you to have (who at does she think she is, the fun police??? )? Anything special mom would like to find under her tree (or Hanukkah bush)? your liaison to the Bearded One Elfie
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