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Everything posted by greyhoundlady

  1. I have not used the Adams - but the Adams Mist has lots of warnings in the directions. Just a mention, so others read the directions carefully. We are still using the Frontline Plus here. Still seems to be working, but now I am getting nervous after reading these posts....
  2. Ewww. Can't stand the suckers. But then, who does. I use tweezers as others mentioned, and get as close to the skin as possible. Once I have the nasty thing, I drop it into the flame of a candle - it is gone quick. As to other methods of de-ticking, if you have the patience, I understand that putting soft soap on a cotton ball and covering the tick with it will cause the tick to release or back out of the skin in a very short time. Guess that it feels suffocated. I have not actually done this because I want them gone as quickly as possible, but perhaps if tweezers are not available, this would work. I give those credit that grab with their fingernails. ekk. Here is something I found as to their purpose, as someone asked: (Doesn't make me feel any better about them though.) Ticks play an important role in the food chain of an ecosystem. Ticks and other small parasitic insects are a favorite food of birds which will often pick engorged ticks right off the body of host animals. Ticks also fall as prey to a number of predatory insects like spiders and parasitic wasps and are often infected by predatory species of nematode and fungus. Ticks are a strong and important link in the food chain as they take nourishment from large host animals high in the food chain and transfer that energy down the chain to lesser organisms. Read more: What Purpose Do Ticks Serve in the Ecosystem? | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/about_5149803_purpose-do-ticks-serve-ecosystem.html#ixzz0y1tIB3sY
  3. I can understand how scary that was for you. I hope JJ is doing better. I carry Direct Stop Citronella spray at all times, and I have used it. Don't feel bad about trying to kick, you were just doing your defensive/protective move. I would report the incident to the police, just so it is on record. I know someone, who had her two non-greys attacked by two pit bulls that ran out of their house - she reported it to the police and the animal control person came, issued the offending owners a summons and told them they were responsible for the vet bills (which, amazingly, they did pay.) Good luck.
  4. This may be a dumb question, but if you use baking soda and peroxide to brush, don't they end up swallowing it, and maybe causing minor irritation in throat and stomach. I know I wouldn't enjoy the taste of that in my mouth or throat - but I may be missing something. I use a gauze pad dipped in equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and water to rub their teeth and gums, then use the dog toothpaste to brush - because they like the flavor - and follow by a shot of Petzlife (either the gel or spray). It has worked so far for us. I am not super-vigilant, as in daily, but I try as often as I can.
  5. At one time or another I have tried almost everything others have mentioned above. I never got the mix right because these guys normally had loose stools. I think my female grey is lactose intolerant and my male cannot tolerate vegetables. I gave up trying to figure it out. I have now found something that is totally working (both ends) for these two. Simple - I use Eagle Pack Holistic Select Radiant Adult Health Anchovy, Sardine and Salmon dry kibble. I grill fresh hamburger beef patties (a few at a time so I am not doing this constantly) break up a a patty, wet the kibble with water and sprinkle the meat over. They absolute love this and eat every morsel. And the 'finished product' is just a sight to behold Phew. This has taken sooooo long to come up with. I sure hope it continues!
  6. Mine get weighed at the vet, also - during their annual checkup. If I picked up my boy to weigh him he would have a total freak out!
  7. Sit by the door at a fast food joint looking for hand outs of whatever Yes, Trudy, fast food would be high on the list for my two. In fact, while on vacation we stopped at an Arby's and they decided on the roast beef - minus the bun. Merlins Mum - I really don't mean to imply that vegan is wrong. Whatever your guys enjoy, that is fantastic because they are healthy. I have a really good friend who is also a vegan and feeds her grey non-meat kibble. But it is fish based, so I am not sure if that is pure vegan or not. At any rate good discussion on all topics here is fantastic so that everyone can get different perspectives. What works for some, doesn't work for others. I am so glad these greyhounds have such good caring people. That is what really counts.
  8. You sound like a very caring person about all living things. I commend you for that. Honestly, though, some animals were created to eat meat - including dogs. If left to their own devices I doubt they would run in a field and graze on grain. Some animals are created for that. You most likely won't harm your dogs since you are obviously doing tons of research and making sure they are healthy. But what would your dogs do, if given a choice? Just my view. My guys love their meat - also eggs, fish, etc.
  9. I use Frontline and for some reason only on my white coated grey does the 'oil slick' become an issue. Sometimes I put a bandana (folded to a point) around her neck to cover it loosely. This way it is a reminder for people not to touch till dry. After a few days, when all dry, I will brush that area with her dog brush. On my brindle boy, it is not problem.
  10. Great question. I have my two over 6 years now and they have only been de-wormed once, when they came off the track. Since then all yearly stool tests have been negative. My vet has never suggested routine de-worming. They are on Interceptor, and as others have posted, I would be reluctant to routinely de-worm unless there was a real reason to do so. I, too, don't like giving them any chemicals unless really necessary.
  11. I don't add much for my two. They are nearly 9 years and 10 years old. I was feeding TOTW Pacific Stream until they got bored and now I am feeding them Eagle Pack Holistic Select Salmon/Anchovy/Sardine. I add in either a Turkey burger (homemade) or Hamburger or whatever we have left over from dinner, if it is greyhound tolerable. I tried the add-in fish oil, etc., but have found just doing what I am currently doing has worked for them. Their coats are soft, shiny, they have loads of energy and are very content. I also give them Greenies and Milkbones. They go for long walks, lots of exercise, and comfy beds. I am hoping to come back in the next life as my greys....
  12. I am reading all this with interest. We have at least a four day weekend of fireworks here. Last night was night 1. I did not sedate my two and they were complete wrecks. Panting, pacing, drooling, hiding, scratching the carpet trying to crawl in a corner and one hiding in the bathtub. I was so stressed witnessing their stress, that I needed to be sedated! Tonight - night 2. Before anything even began, I feed them a big dinner to fill up their bellies - barbecued turkey burgers. Then gave them 1 melatonin each. Took them for a long walk. Came home and gave them Bach's Thunder Storm (and loud noises) flower essences. It is similar to Rescue Remedy. It is now booming outside with fireworks and they are both sound asleep in the living room, with the fan going on fast and the tv on loud. Phew. I hope this lasts. Two more days to go..... Good Luck everyone! Poor puppers - I feel so sorry for them because they just don't know how safe they really are.
  13. I have one of each! My female grey must think anyone coming to the house is there for her entertainment because she regally awaits on her 'throne' couch. No noise. Forget about my male grey - he scares everyone. He barks (very loudly), rushes the door, and from the look of him, would frighten anyone. Then after he is done, he looks at me as if to say "Is that okay?". Oh, do I love that boy.
  14. Another vote for the bathroom here. My thunderphobic female finds comfort in the bath tub. Nothing in the tub but the rubber mat. I once tried putting some cushioning in there for her, but then she would not go in it. She decided on her own that this was a good place. It pains me to see her reaction to the thunder and she can pick up on the storm way before I even hear it. I also give her Thunder Storms Remedy by Bach's (it is similar to Rescue Remedy) but I have to know ahead of time that the storm is coming.
  15. I have a barking guard dog! My male grey barks at the UPS truck, anyone driving into the driveway, black bears, deer, dogs, etc. My female limits herself to cats.
  16. I can't say that my two ever run, other than a few jaunts around the yard. But we do walk and hike a lot. They get exercised three times a day and it involves up and down hills, often steep ones. We have done this for over 6 years, since I rescued them, and they are now 8 and 9 years of age. When they walk, they always trot (until they wear out). Their muscles are still well defined. I benefit too! I would guess muscle loss is like anyone's muscle loss - once you don't exercise the muscle becomes less firm.
  17. I guess I was lucky - my male only marked once in the house and (unfortunately) it was when we just brought him home - he walked casually into the bedroom, jumped on the bed and peed on the new quilt. I think my scream of shock made him decide it wasn't a good idea. That was certainly a form of unplanned behavior modification on my part. Ever since he has only gone outside. He does 'cover' any other p-scent he comes across outside and always covers my female grey's puddles. Honestly, half the time he is just shooting air...
  18. So you have only had her for about 3 1/2 months - it took one of my greys way longer than that to adjust. I have a female who adjusted immediately and loves everyone, especially men. My male is quite the opposite. When I adopted him, he was straight from the track, frightened, growly, snappy, aggressive toward other dogs. They all comes with different personalities. I have worked a long time with my boy and he is an absolute velcro dog now. I don't know you or your grey, but you really should just respect her and not push too much. If she doesn't like her nails cut or paws touched, don't do it - take her to the vet or groomer for now. Let her go to her bed and respect that. Start out, if you truly feel you love her, by trying your best to bond with her slowly. Give her treats, walk with her (which you do), take her to Meet and Greets to see other people and dogs. You will also get great info there from fellow dog owners. Try not to be too hard on her or yourself. It is great you are seeking help and believe me, you will be a proud greyhound owner, just find out about the breed as much as you can and don't push her beyond her comfort zone. Good luck -
  19. I use Frontline on my two greyhounds. I really don't like the idea of putting the 'poison' on them, but if you want dead ticks/fleas it is the only way to go. The natural stuff might repel them, but it doesn't kill them. Believe me, I have investigated a lot. What works for me is putting on the Frontline when flea/tick season starts here (in NJ) which is now and I only use it about every 3 months through October. Technically, the stuff kills fleas for 3 months and ticks for 1 month. Since I dislike putting the Frontline on them (or any poison), I only do so every 3 months. This takes care of the flea problem, and then I am just vigilant about checking for ticks. I also space out when I give them their heartworm medicine so it does not get in their system at the same time. So far, this has worked for me. You will probably have lots of opinions here, and it also depends where you live. Also, the Frontline does leave a 'spot' on my greys, especially the white grey, but I let it dry really well and then brush them. PS - I love the chicken idea I think guinea hens are the best for getting the ticks, but my DH is worried if I start with chickens, cows and horses won't be far behind...
  20. I would never give my greys the vaccine. I try to be as natural as possible by brushing their teeth with doggie toothpaste and following that with Petzlife Oral Gel. I tried the spray, but my greys get upset with the psst noise of it (very sensitive personalities here), but have no problem with the gel. If you google Petzlife Oral Gel, you will find that lots of places sell it. You can even go to their website to read about the product. I think I saw it at Petsmart, as well as my local feed store - but you should check for the best prices. It can be pricey, but I think it is worth it. It lasts a long time.
  21. As others have said - Don't go to the dog park. You have probably been lucky so far that nothing really serious happened. One of my greys is very animal aggressive and I know he will never change. He is under control when I walk him now because I followed many of the suggestions that the great folks here on this site have offered. The key is to get to know your hound's personality and adjust. I have two completely different greys - but I am so attached to my 'bad boy'. He has come a long way, but I understand who he is. Good luck!
  22. What you described sounds exactly what my boy went through a few months ago. I immediately took him to the vet and it was a pinched nerve. You and your girl will feel much better having the vet check her out. Good luck!
  23. HI greyhound lady, no rawhide in this house and he really hasn't had any bones in a long time b/c typically when he had them in the past he would throw up. Did you have to have an xray in order to find out that the rawhide chew in her intestine or that cause your girl to get sick? _______ No xrays. There wasn't a blockage since she was having explosive diarrhea. Apparently the rawhide dissolved, but screwed up her stomach and then her intestines. I seem to remember the vet saying something about the way rawhide is processed give some dogs bad reactions. The vet we had at the time was very good at diagnosing the problem (he left to go into research). He had me write down everything that she had eaten. I would never have suspected rawhides, but now I find that this is not unusual in some dogs. Unfortunately this is such a trial and error experience. Once the vet rules out anything like parasites, etc., the next challenge is what to feed. You are getting excellent advice here on the board. Rice and a little bit of boiled beef worked for my girl also, until things got back to normal. Good luck and wishes - I really do feel for you. We end up feeling so helpless until these guys are normal again.
  24. So sorry you and Charley are going through this. I know how scary it is. My female grey had this happen to her and it turned out to be a rawhide chew. She threw up and then had diarrhea which then turned to bloody diarrhea - purple goop . Is there a chance Charley had any rawhide? Good luck - my girl was put on meds and the prescription canned food. She cleared up completely. Needless to say, rawhide does not happen in our house now.
  25. Both of my greys are extremely fearful of fireworks/fire crackers. On the 4th of July, because we know the noises are coming, I give them Bach's Thunder Storms remedy, which is similar to Rescue Remedy. It helps to calm them, but they are still anxious. My male grey is the worst with the panting like a train and shaking so much he vibrates. It is painful for me to watch. Unfortunately when the fire crackers go off unexpectedly in the neighborhood due to a celebration like New Year's (they are illegal here to do so), I don't have time for the remedy to work, so basically he just needs to work through it. For us, mostly I wait for it to pass. They are both fine once all the commotion is over and don't seem too much worse for the wear. One is 8 years and one is 9. Interestingly, nothing else seems to bother the guy. He barks at the UPS truck, he barks at the wind and thunder, and he barks at the train sound in the distance. But sounds like shotguns or fireworks turn him to putty. The female goes into the bathtub during a thunderstorm.
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