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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. Is it amazing how fast they forget they had a 4th limb?!
  2. MP_the4pack


    Farewell Master, yet not farewell. Where I go, ye too shall dwell. I am gone before your face, A moment's time, a little space. When ye come where I have stepped, Ye will wonder why ye wept.
  3. Well I started her back on the PPA for the incontinence. My biggest fear was her lying it in and it soaking into her thick fur. But after two accidents yesterday, there were none last night or today so far. She showed the first slightest hint of feeling under the weather. WHile she ate all of her breakfast, when I gave her a small piece of her sister's (who doesn't always finish) Diamond nosed it. She would never nose a piece of food,it's usually gone before I finish giving everyone else's food. So, while she's still eating......it's just a small hint of a tummy upset. She still ate her eggs and liver afterwards. (and coffee cake).
  4. OMG! That's exactly what Diamond did shortly after getting home. I had been hovering over her like a hawk when suddenly I found her up on the couch and she had plopped down on her boo-boo side. Funny thing is now that it's healed she doesn't lay on that side at all. Good Boy Whitey. You're doing great. Keep up the good work!
  5. OSU gave my vets a very detailed protocol for the Doxo. Including the red urine. And I'm told to make sure not to come in contact with it. So..........what do I do when she has incontinence?!! Aack!
  6. I have a new tripod, she's going thru chemo now. What does the artemisinin do? Between Diamond my tripod and Pearl my heart dog, I'm going broke with meds!
  7. My Pearl...different from Gazehund's Pearl, was diagnosed with heart disease when she was 5. She celebrated her 12th birthday 3 weeks ago. She's been on enalapril since then. Over the years we've added amlodipine, lasix, digoxin, phenoxybenzamine, atenolol, aspirin and most recently pimobendan. She's still chasing my 5 y r old Opal. She feels terrific and you can't tell she has heart and hypertensive problems. So.........don't be alarmed, they truely do have high quality of life on these drugs. MP
  8. We just got back and she took it like a trooper. All she thought about was that she finally had her Momma all to herself. No after effects YET. But I heard that comes within a couple days. But she's home.........went out to pee and is now sleeping. (typical 12 yr old) Thanks for all the good thoughts and white light. She's gonna go to the bridge from old age, and not this dreaded cancer.
  9. Yup....you get to hear all the bad things from me first!
  10. Well I just got a call from my regular vet. He received the chemo from OSU. The protocol they gave is in indepth detail so he's comfortable with this procedure. She has to have a CBC and benadril first thing. Then the chemo itself is a 20 minute slow drip. Other than a possible allergic reaction that would happen almost immediately, and an upset tummy.....there are supposed to be little side effects. We have 5 treatments over a 10 week period. So keep your fingers crossed! Mary Pat and Diamond.
  11. I didn't use Gabapentin. sorry I can't help with this.
  12. My Diamond (just done Oct 9th) was having difficulty urinating too. She didn't cry out but she would be squatting for quite a while after finishing. I don't know what it was, but it's all better now. She has been on antibiotics a long time however due to an infection at the surgical site. So I don't know if she had a UTI. It was automatically taken care of with the ABs.
  13. hang in there! For the first two weeks I kept asking myself if I did the right thing. Diamond panted. She was restless. She didn't move a lot. She wimpered a lot (she's a wimperer anyway) Really, the biggest breakthrough happened about the 2 week mark when she came off all meds except antibiotics. At three weeks we no longer needed the sling. Now there is zero doubt in my mind that I did the right thing. She was running around last night chasing her stuffies. She's happy. (reminder....get off butt and upload pix of Dima for GT)
  14. Boy he looks good. And that sling is a good one. Can I make a notation? Diamond decided she couldn't go down stairs with just one leg after we got home (so about 5 days post op) she decided to jump down 6 steps. Scare the bejesus out of me and her. I had visions of her breaking one of her remaining good legs. She now uses her ramp but I dont allow her to go down stairs (we don't have a ramp into the garage, but she's in there only when I'm taking them somewhere). So, maybe you want to be vigilent when he starts to feel better and start to do things on his own. That's when they forget they only have 3 legs.
  15. ...and right on time! I was worried about Dima pooping too, and she did it on Tuesday.........during one of our breaks during the long drive home. And.......it keeps getting better!
  16. HANG IN THERE!! It gets better! Diamond was very restless for the ten days she was on the pain meds. Once off it was like a light switch someone just turned on her personality and turned of the stress. Diamond also used her leg. She limped, but she used it completely. Never hopped on three legs before her amp. All I can say is HANG ON!!!
  17. I hate it when they go to the Bridge so young. I feel they were cheated out of life. What happened?
  18. By the way......you can borrow a crate from me anytime. Belgian chocolates make a terrific rental price!!! YUM. Thanks. ANd my girls thank you for their little gift too. (all gone)
  19. So young. Words cannot express my sorrow. This was sent to me when I lost my Brindle: Farewell Master yet not farewell. Where I go, ye too shall dwell. I am gone before your face, A moment's time, a little space. When ye come where I have stepped, Ye will wonder why ye wept. God speed Gwennie.
  20. We went for a checkup today to make sure the infection was gone. It is. She was given the green light to start her chemo (I'm just upset we're a month behind! ) But anyway, she's motoring around, jumping when excited , jumping into the SUV (I don't allow anyone to jump out of the SUV, they have to use the ramp). She uses her porch ramp (that I built a week before her surgery) like a pro. She's learning that she's special now and actually asked for ice cream TWICE in one night. She is feeling really good. So much so I am beginning to wonder when the bone cancer started. I think it hurt her before she actually started to limp. All I can say is, I'm glad I did the amputation. Even if due to her late start on the chemo she goes to the bridge sooner than later, she is VERY happy. Right now, the only thing she can't do that she did before was the length of her walk. But at just 6 weeks post op. We're working on that. So, the moral of the story is...age doesn't matter. It's the condition they're in. I listened very closely to all the doctors at OSU and if any one of them said no. Then I wasn't going thru with it. But thtey all agreed, she was in excellent health. And being 12 yrs old shouldn't matter.
  21. My first baby, a beautiful brindle girl who introduced me to the wonderful world of greyhounds was taken away suddenly 8 yrs ago. I took her into the vets to have a little black spot on her skin removed because I didn't like the looks of it. I got a call at 4:30 saying she wasn't waking up. I loaded her into my SUV and raced down to U of Penn where they tried to stablize her. She went into emergency surgery at 1 AM. While she was on the table the vet came down and told me she was loaded with cancer and that there really wasn't anything they could do. I told them to let her sleep. Hemangiosarcome snatched my 8 yr old away from me. Brindle my sweetie, Momma still misses you lots. During her agility days:
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