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Posts posted by NevadasMom

  1. My Nevada was 15.5 years old when I had to make that decision. For me it was when she was falling quite often & could not get up by herself. She also started to not want to eat. That was the main signal for me. I knew it was coming & just made the decision one morning when she refused to eat & seemed to be in pain. I had promised her "no pain". Hugs to you..

  2. Oh goodness...I'm so sorry for your loss. Riley was a stunning hound. Have no fear...those little moments that you think you'll forget are tucked safely in your heart & will help you thru the tough days. I know..I have some of Nevada's moments tucked safely away too. You will never forget him. :angelwings

  3. Thanks all. She seems better this morning. We both had a great night sleep & she seems more like her usual self. Hopefully this continues.... :rolleyes: They are such sensitive little souls.

    Kristin....I will post some pics soon. Trolley will be spending a few days with MaryJo (Black&Brindle) next week, so I'm sure she will post some for everyone. :)

  4. Trolley has been acting odd ever since we felt the earthquake on Sunday. She has been restless & whiny. Physically everything seems fine....she's eating, peeing & pooping normally. Her belly is soft. She can be engaged in play. Nothing seems to hurt her. She was up wandering around the house most of the night...seems to be looking for something. I finally gave her a Benadryl & she fell asleep. Do you think she is feeling the after-shocks? There have been hundreds. That's the only different factor that I can think of going on. Thoughts?

  5. My Nevada lived to be 15.5 years old. The last year of her life she had to start using a pee pad during the day because she could not hold it any more. I used the washable ones & just got into the habit of doing laundry daily. The pads worked VERY well. She rarely missed the pad and I feel like it gave her some dignity rather than having accidents.

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