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Posts posted by NevadasMom

  1. The arched back with the wobbly legs sounds just like Nevada when she was having back problems. Her's was not LS but more thoracic problems.


    Vet doesn't think it's LS. Right now vet wants to treat her very conservately until she is completely through with her chemo.


    She said Polli's pain is a bit more further up than LS presnets.


    How was Nevada treated? Did it help?


    We could only treat her with Tramadol & a muscle relaxer. Could not give her Prednisone due to her Cushings disease. She struggled with the back for a while-had good days & bad days. Unfortunately she was towards the end of her days, so I think her poor little body was just giving out on her.

  2. Not what I was hoping for but I have to say that Dr Stack's article on Cushings does say treatment will likely be twice a week.


    Yup....most dogs are treated twice a week. It's the safer way to do it. From my past experience you are right on track. Nevada & I went down this same road. 6 months from now it will seem like a piece of cake to you. The first year really stinks though.....Hugs to you.

  3. How is our little Misty Mae today? Sending more prayers and huggies too. :grouphug

    Well lets just say she wasn't as brave as the Flashman this am.I always bring Ekko and Wayne with me when she has to go, I feel it makes her feel better to have company, of course she's the one that has to stay. Well this am, she decided to cry, she did not want to stay. Always makes ya feel like a real jerk for leaving her. They needed her an extra hour so I was anxious to get her home. Results will be in tomorrow. A HUGE thank you to everyone, I feel like you are all on this ride with me.


    If she acts anything like Nevada did, they are all loving on her the entire time. I swear that they put on a show just to make everyone feel bad & they get some extra loving.....they act like they get none at home. Fat chance of that!! :rolleyes: Hope the labs give you guidance.

  4. Claudia, I am so sorry to hear that she won't eat. Praying that she will want to eat later in the day. Call me if you need to talk.

    :kiss2 Thank you Donna, I just think it's time for me to be a little more realistic.


    Claudia... you are feeling exactly the same way I did with Nevada. Cushings is a rollercoaster ride. Things do get better, but the first 6-12 months are not fun at all. Hope that makes you feel a little better....sounds like a normal Cushings week to me! :rolleyes:

  5. :lol

    I'm just trying not to gag, thinking of nutritional yeast, ice cream, kibble, and whatever else tempting tid bits you think she might like in her bowl all at one time! :lol

    At least she's eating!! Good girl, Misty!!


    Gagging here too :lol This am it was Hill's KD dry and canned, yogurt, ice cream and NY, and she also gets 3 squirts of EicosaDerm which really makes me gag. Smells like dead fish! But it's what has her coat like silk!


    Maybe eliminate the EicosaDerm & see if she eats better? Her nose may be off due to the Lysodren.

  6. Not sure if this will make you feel any better. I truely believe that the meds affect their appetite. When Nevada started the cushings meds, she became a VERY picky eater. She use to love canned food...on the meds, she turned off them. I had to start home cooking for her. There were some days where she just didn't want to eat. I felt like a short order cook, trying to please the old gal. Maybe try some home cookin' for the girlie?? Call me if you need me..... :grouphug

    I thought of you today Carol.Misty is only getting the meds on Monday mornings so I really don't think it's the meds, plus she gets something for her stomach an hour before meals. And the Cushing's symptoms are still there which leads me to believe that the dose is too low. And even when her appetite was really good, she's still losing weight, not typical if the tumor isin't malignant. As for home cooking, I wouldn't even eat my own cooking let alone subject poor Misty to it. :lol If I haven't said it before, this disease sucks!!


    Nevada was even picky on the non-medication days. I think it effects their taste etc........

    Chicken noodle soup always worked for the old gal.....stimulated her appetite. Sometimes I had to syringe some broth into her first & then she got the idea. Could this also be her kidney problems??

  7. Not sure if this will make you feel any better. I truely believe that the meds affect their appetite. When Nevada started the cushings meds, she became a VERY picky eater. She use to love canned food...on the meds, she turned off them. I had to start home cooking for her. There were some days where she just didn't want to eat. I felt like a short order cook, trying to please the old gal. Maybe try some home cookin' for the girlie?? Call me if you need me..... :grouphug

    I thought of you today Carol.Misty is only getting the meds on Monday mornings so I really don't think it's the meds, plus she gets something for her stomach an hour before meals. And the Cushing's symptoms are still there which leads me to believe that the dose is too low. And even when her appetite was really good, she's still losing weight, not typical if the tumor isin't malignant. As for home cooking, I wouldn't even eat my own cooking let alone subject poor Misty to it. :lol If I haven't said it before, this disease sucks!!


    Nevada was even picky on the non-medication days. I think it effects their taste etc........

    Chicken noodle soup always worked for the old gal.....stimulated her appetite. Sometimes I had to syringe some broth into her first & then she got the idea. Could this also be her kidney problems??



  8. Not sure if this will make you feel any better. I truely believe that the meds affect their appetite. When Nevada started the cushings meds, she became a VERY picky eater. She use to love canned food...on the meds, she turned off them. I had to start home cooking for her. There were some days where she just didn't want to eat. I felt like a short order cook, trying to please the old gal. Maybe try some home cookin' for the girlie?? Call me if you need me..... :grouphug



  9. Claudia,


    I haven't been online much the last several days, so I'm just catching up. Sorry to hear about Misty's UTI, but relieved it's nothing more serious. Pleas give that beautiful girl a kiss from her "Joisey uncle". I'm thinking of you both



    Misty says thank you uncle Marc :kiss2


    I wonder if she has some underlying infection like a UTI? Cushing dogs also run warm.....Nevada always seemed a little warmer than normal. She would do more panting in the warmer weather than she did pre-cushings.


    For Nevada's Mom - I don't recall seeing what meds Nevada took for Cushings? I've been nominated to be a Welcome Host to the Canine Cushings Yahoo Group and I'm gathering sighthound related Cushings and treatment information to educate myself futher.


    Glad to hear Misty may just have an UTI...


    Nevada was on Mitotane for her cushings. She did well with it for several years. She passed away in April at a ripe old age of 15.5 years! :wub:

    That's the other name for Lysodren isin't it Carol? And just another thing to note is that when Misty crashed, her blood pressure was really low. The vet showed me how to keep an eye on it and Monday a few hours after the Lysodren, her blood pressure was a bit low, but back to normal this morning


    Yes, Mitotane is another name for Lysodren. I think it might be a brand name for the drug.

  10. I wonder if she has some underlying infection like a UTI? Cushing dogs also run warm.....Nevada always seemed a little warmer than normal. She would do more panting in the warmer weather than she did pre-cushings.


    For Nevada's Mom - I don't recall seeing what meds Nevada took for Cushings? I've been nominated to be a Welcome Host to the Canine Cushings Yahoo Group and I'm gathering sighthound related Cushings and treatment information to educate myself futher.


    Glad to hear Misty may just have an UTI...


    Nevada was on Mitotane for her cushings. She did well with it for several years. She passed away in April at a ripe old age of 15.5 years! :wub:

  11. Something to keep in mind here........Cushings dog's become obscessive about eating & can gain weight fast. They begin to look like sausages with legs. This increased eating could be a symptom of her Cushings & she may need an increased dose of the meds. Watch her........

    Carol, you may be right about the need to increase the Lysodren but I'm afraid of that, however I will follow my vet's instructions should he want to increase. The mystery with Misty is that she's not gainning any weight, and I think she may have even lost another lb or 2.


    It may be nothing, but just wanted you to be aware of watching for the obscessive behaviors......eating,drinking,licking,peeing etc. :colgate

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