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Posts posted by NevadasMom

  1. My vet just called. He said he's concerned about the weight loss but not worried yet. The Lysodren would not cause weight loss and he said several of his Cushing's dogs have lost weight once they start to stabilize,which doesn't make sense to me in Misty's case however we will need to weigh Misty in 2 weeks and if she's lost anymore then he said there's something else going on that's causing it.

    Nevada lost qite a bit of weight after she stabilized-but then she was the typical potty looking Cushings dog. For a while she was looking like a stuffed sausage with legs. Hang in there, things may start to get better now that she is stable. Got to give her body time to adjust.

  2. I'm sorry I haven't read all of the suggestions but how much Tramadol is she on and can you up the dose? I remember when we had Star on it I was amazed how high a dose was actually safe. The vets office could help you with the amount. I can check my old bottles, too, but I remember I called once when Star was in real pain and told I could give more medicine and more frequently than the bottle indicated. The Tramadol has the added benefit of making them sleepy, that's why I'm wondering....may help get you through tonight.


    Hugs :bighug


    We give her 100mg every 8. We were giving her 100mg every 6-8 with the amp so I don't want to over do it.


    I hate giving her valium, but she is totally relaxed now which is comforting to see. She was so stressed between the pain and the vet.


    Unfortunatley, I can not give her more until tomorrow PM. She already had 10mg.


    I would call the Vet and ask if she can have another 5-10mg tonight. It's not a very high dose.

  3. You know Claudia I'm a nurse and worked in pediatric emerg for years. I'm not sure I could handle this. Kiss that pretty girl for me okay?


    Ya know.....I'm a nurse too & my sweet Nevada had Cushings also. I've told Claudia that I'm grateful that I was a nurse, so that I could deal with the crashing & the rollercoaster rides. It was a full time job. People just don't realize how difficult this disease is to manage & how terribly expensive it is. :(

  4. My friends dog was able to come off her meds for a while, but started coughing again & her titers went back up....so back on the meds. Remember that the meds don't kill the fungus, they just help the body fight it better. They are now beginning to say that some humans can get relapses, so I'm assuming the same would be true for dogs.

  5. How is today going?

    Misty ate well this morning and I think her mouth is a bit more comfortable.Right now even the canned KD is not soft enough but the Natural Choice is ok for now. I got nervous yesterday and thought she started crashing. She's never had the Lysodren 2 days in a row. It's a little difficult to judge right now with two different things going on at the same time. The only thing I'm comfortable with being under control is her kidney disease.


    I use to watch for decreased appetite & decrease in water intake in Nevada. The back end wobblies usually came last when she was ready to crash.

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