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Posts posted by NevadasMom

  1. I had to start blocking off small corners/spaces with pillows so that Nevada didn't get lost and stuck in them. I also put down many, many throw rugs to cover the tile floors. She still would find spots to fall on......poor old gal. :wub: My advice is to get down on the floor & look at her world from that vantage point. You'd be amazed at the places you never thought to protect her from. Give her hugs from me......... :heart

  2. At the very end, Nevada was getting stuck in small places & crying for me to get her out. She looked lost. I think she had some Neuro issues going on due to the Cushings Disease. She also had to be reminded to eat & once started- to continue to eat. She began falling. It was sad. I'm sure there were dementia issues going on at 15+ years old. I didn't have her PTS because of any inconvience, it was due to I couldn't keep her safe and she was hurting herself. I did it out of love... :wub:

  3. I completely understand your painful situation. Nevada went thru exactly the same thing & I finally had to make the painful decision like you. We have to protect them when they can no longer do it themselves. PM me if you need to talk. I completely understand.

    Hugs to you all........ :grouphug

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