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Posts posted by NevadasMom

  1. Yes, there were behavior changes with Nevada. She was sometimes very restless & had become very aloof. At the height of the disease before we had a diagnosis, she wanted nothing to do with me-it was all about water & food. Symptoms & behavior went back to near normal after she was stabilized. Nevada never became grumpy or growled. At the end of her life she started having neurological problems. Hugs to you......this disease is a tough one.

  2. You might want to consider stopping her from jumping up on the bed. If she indeed has a back problem, you don't want to aggravate it & cause more problems. When Nevada was having her back problems, the Vet told me to stop her from jumping. I would hoist her onto the bed after that-even though she wanted to jump. As she got weaker she figured out that she could no longer jump herself.

  3. I always worry when they need to be put under, but 10 is really not that old and if all his blood work looks good, he should do fine. Naturally you'll worry, but if it is a tooth, that has to be painful for him. Whatever it is, when there's swelling, it hurts! I've got him tucked in my prayers and please, keep us posted.

    Thanks :)


    Having him put under scares the ever living **** out of me :sad1 You know how people have phobia's? That one is mine. Heck I've had surgery myself several times (most recent one a few months ago) and have been put under and don't think a thing about it........... (when it comes to me)...


    but when it comes to one of my critters........... I am a flippin' basket case!!!! :ph34r:


    Nevada had her first dental at 12 years old. I was lucky...she had genetically beautiful teeth. She did great- woke a little slowly, but she was fine.

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