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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. I've read of cases of dogs becoming aggressive (relatively rare) when infected with lyme disease but not fearful. That said I've no personal experience and haven't done much reading on lyme disease. Are you familiar with the Tick List? TICK L That should be an excellent resource for anyone with a dog battling a tick borne illness. I agree with the others about getting another opinion re: this change in behavior.
  2. Great news! It's an incredible relief to get them home safe and sound, isn't it? Princess had a dental in February and I was just a wreck, so it's still fresh in my mind.
  3. Handsome hound & cute kids!
  4. Add my prayers and good wishes for an easy routine dental.
  5. This has been a real ordeal for both of you. Thank goodness she has you taking care of her!
  6. "Vaccinations can lower a dog's seizure threshold and trigger a seizure. If you feel that this is the case for your dog, ask the vet to split the shots, give them separately at weekly or two weekly intervals and ask for the Rabies shot to be given 2 weeks after that. Ask your vet if he/she knows about the new 3-year protocol now being used by many vets and veterinary schools." This is from the Epil-K9 website: LINK. Here's another from the same website: LINK 2. I've no personal experience with seizure dogs, but this website was a great resource for a friend who had a dog with seizures.
  7. Thank you posting this. I lit candles for all mine.
  8. Hello and welcome! Congratulations on your new boy! Looking forward to pictures!
  9. Congratulations on your handsome new boy! I love his fold over ears! And that's a great family photo.
  10. Cream cheese is what I use. I just smoosh the pill into a little piece and have never had any problem getting any of mine to take a pill so enclosed.
  11. It obvious how very loved he was and how much you miss him.
  12. I took my galgo, Cruz, in to see my vet a few months ago because he has one between his bottom eyelid and his eyeball. It's pinkish and a little bigger than a BB. Vet said it's a chalazion which is basically clogged meibomian gland (gland that produces the oily lubricant component of tears). Cruz will let me massage his and put a warm compress on it and it will drain and go away for a while, but it continues to plug back up periodically. The "cure", according to my vet is surgical -- cutting a little slice out of the lid to remove it. I don't want to go that route at this point since it doesn't seem to be causing him any real discomfort or irritation to the eye and it's responding well to warmth and massage. I'd never heard of any of this before and when I first saw it was worried it was a tumor. I would let your vet look at it to rule out anything serious, but according to my vet this condition isn't uncommon, but some sometimes they can get big and very irritating to the eye.
  13. What a beautiful tribute to your beloved Smiley.
  14. What's the thought behind chopped parsley? And what is corn silk tincture? Parsley and corn silk are a couple of herbals that are sometimes effective for incontinence. Here's a link to an article with some information on herbals and other natural treatments (corn silk, etc.) if you're open to that route: Incontinence. Also Only Natural Pet has some herbal combination remedies that work well for some dogs: Products Page. Here's another link to an article from Whole Dog Journal on the subject: Whole Dog Journal Link. This is probably unrelated to your girl's problem, but my bridge boy, Keno, used to drip/leak urine when his back was out of alignment typically after running like a crazy dog at play group. He responded immediately to a chiropractic adjustment that freed up the nerve that controlled the bladder sphincter. Good luck. Let us know how she does.
  15. So good to hear some encouraging news about Wizard. Good thoughts continuing to Wizard and his family.
  16. I'm so sorry for your loss. Beautiful video tribute to your much loved Ozzie.
  17. I'm so sorry you didn't get better news. It is truly the most difficult of decisions and one that I've had to make three heart wrenching times in my lifetime with dogs.
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