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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. Carly and Cruz will come if they feel like it and most of the time they simply don't. Princess is uber smart and has excellent recall, but I don't feel it's worth it to let her run off leash. She has a strong prey drive and I learned first hand that recall training won't necessarily override genetics. On April 15, 2006 I lost my galgo, Irys, who would reliably come if I called her in a fenced area. On that fateful morning a rabbit ran through my fenced backyard with my greyhound and two galgos in hot pursuit. When the rabbit ducked under the fence to freedom, Irys sailed over the fence and took off after it completely oblivious to my calls. Irys was struck by a car and died from internal injuries. I grieve her loss to this day and I will never get over it.
  2. Glad they're recuperating! Hope you are too!
  3. Glad to hear he's doing better with the lower pollen count. Two of mine have been coughing from the heavy pollen here. I too hope it doesn't progress and he won't need the surgery.
  4. So nice to see some good news in Health & Medical! Feel better soon, beautiful Brookie!
  5. I've always felt I am a better human being for having loved and been loved by them. They are always with me -- part of the best of who and what I am.
  6. Just seeing this! Wow! So glad he is home and doing well!
  7. So young. I'm so very sorry.
  8. Welcome to GT, Stacy! Looking forward to hearing about your new greyhound. And dont' forget the pictures! Phantom is a cutie!
  9. Mine will eventually go out when they can hold it no longer. No fans here.
  10. So glad he's feeling better today. Dentals are so nerve wracking! Feel better and better, Spencer!
  11. Molly certainly looks and sounds pretty perfect! Congratulations!
  12. Sending good thoughts for Best. My sweet Keno had LP, but due to multiple health issues wasn't a good candidate for the surgery.
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