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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. As far as I could see on the webcam, Polli picked a little bit on her dry kibble (we only leave 1/4 cup since we know Chloe gets most of it) and dried chicken strip when we left for work. At the very best, she had a few bites and then she ignores it so Chloe eats it. So, for all intents and purposes, she's had nothing. What makes tonight different from any other night is that she has had NOTHING at all tonight. I made her 4 different things and she is just laying there, turning away as if to say... I can not believe you do not get it lady. No water either all night. She did not get up to greet me when I came home from work, but she did get up and greet DH when he got home 2 hours before me. He said she seemed OK and there was nothing obviously wrong, maybe a bit subdued. She was definitely not as vocal as usual. Since I've gotten home at 4:30 she has done nothing but sleep. No cookies, no dinner, 4 different choices and no water. Last night her dinner was bit ligher than usual as well but there was food in her. I am trying not to panic.
  2. RobinM

    Bill The Cat

    God Speed Bill. You will be missed.
  3. RobinM

    Lady Jane Grey

    I am so sorry. I had been thinking about the both of you. Run free Lady Jane.
  4. RobinM

    How Do You Cope?

    I too wonder how you, the ones who have lost their beloved greys get out of bed in the morning and put one foot in front of the other and cope. Then, I realize... you just do. Life goes on, not the same as it was but the world does not stop for any of us. I remember when my mom was killed in a car accident, I was in a store and I saw a group of people chatting and laughing and I was appalled. I wanted to scream out... HOW COULD YOU BE SMILING. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU. DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT THERE IS NOTHING TO LAUGH ABOUT??? But, I didn't. I found in time, that life did just go on. So for those of you who are hurting... just know that you will not always feel THIS way. It will get better... and life does go on. How? I don't know, it just does. Hugs to you all. R
  5. Nice segment, you both did a fine job! Good workd Bodie! An extra cookie for you!
  6. I had Flagyl called in for her. It's what she wanted so... hope she and her pups are OK!
  7. Friend of mine just adopted a dog that has Giardia. Vet put dog on meds. If that doesn't work will try and another and if that doesn't work will do cocktail. I don't know the meds, I didn't ask. I do know that giardia is a beast to knock out. Question: I understand that Giardia is passable to humans??? Should she and her DH be started on a round of propholatic (Sp?) doses of antibiotic and if so, what should it be. I can have it called in for her. Her 2nd dog is being treated as well. Thanks.
  8. Thank you for taking such good care of him. He is absolutley beautiful. I LOVE those white with brindles too as I have 2 of them. A 9 year old mom and her 3 year old son. Uust keep doing what you are doing until you get to the bottom of this. He is very lucky to have you and your DB. I will continue to keep Harley in my thoughts. Please keep us updated.
  9. When we saw the holistic vet today, she mentioned putting Teddy (and the other 3) on Culturelle. She said she uses it for her dogs and for herself so I thought I'd add this to the list. http://www.culturelle.com/about_culturelle anyone else use it? Currently, Teddy is taking a disc supplement (thanks burpdog), glucosomine, missing link and pet tabs. The others are getting all of the above except for the disc stuff.
  10. Another thought-- call your gh group and ask around who might have rimydal or deramaxx for him to get him through to Monday. I hate to think of him suffering without any relief. Please let us know. Prayers for a simple sprain.
  11. So many opinions on the thyroid. I'm not sure why you think your pup has a thyroid issue. My Chloe was a bounce. She was not "bonding" with her owners. She was a spook. From what I understand, it was pretty bad. She hid in her crate and the only time she came out was to eat (and she had to do that without anyone watching) and to go out-- and they had to carry her out of the house. There were young first time greyhound owners. The agency asked them to have her thyroid checked and apparently their vet refused (Who knows?). They brought her back to the kennel and her thyroid was checked. It was .02. Very low, even for a greyhound AND she was exhibiting some signs. RE: SPOOK. She was put on Soloxine and within 4 days, she was a different dog. The day we went to look for a dog at the kennel, the owners of Chloe were coming to get her. She saw them and ran back into her crate. She was waiting for us to take her home so we did! The other couple adopted another dog... Once home and settled, I decided with the help of my vet to wean Chloe off the meds and see if she REALLY was hypothyroid. It was a slow wean and within 1 week of being completely off the meds, my Chloe was gone. Instead of a sweet, playful loving girl (who still had pronounced spook in her), she was a total spook who never left her crate. We waited 6 weeks so that we could do a full profile on her thyroid, not just a T4 and it came back the same as it did the first time. Not only was her T4=2. All the other #s were ridiculously low. The point here is that even if she had tested OK, we would have still put her back on the Soloxine to give her the quality of life she never would have had without it. But becasue her thryoid proved she actually needed the meds, we had to. Chloe is on .5 mg 2x a day. You would never in a million years believe what she is like now. Of my four, she is one who gets them all going. She is playful, rambunctious, silly, crazy, happy and loving. If they need the meds for use on or off label, they work miraculously.
  12. I would definintely not wait the few weeks and regardless, I would get an appointment for Monday. He should not have to wait if he is in pain and if he is limping, he is in pain. Being that you did not report any kind of history, I would like to see a set of x-rays done to start ruling out things. Please get him in to be seen.
  13. Meredith- you have all been through so much... my thoughts and prayers are with you and Jane.
  14. Monty- Monty- Monty- Are you trying to compete with us for who has more vet visits??? I'm glad you caught this early, and didn't have to go to the vet. Glad to hear everything came up and I'm sure he will feel much better this evening.
  15. I DID bring his cookies along in a bag for him. He is majorly food motivated and the most food aggressive of my 4. I NEVER thought I'd see the day where I'd ask if he wanted a cookie and he would turn away. THAT was upsetting. Next week is going to be much better... or much worse... My poor T!
  16. I guess Beau must have felt jealous with all the "special vet" attention Teddy has gotten so he made a point of needing to go see the vet himself today. When she saw us, she said... "what would a Saturday be without a visit from one of yours"... Anyway about 2 weeks ago, I noitced what felt like a round ball like scab near his armpit. I rubbed the scab a bi and it bled so I left it. I checked it out a few days later, the scab fell off. Today, that same type of ball scab was back. Vet said it was a benign papaloma (SP???) Nothing to worry about. Took the scab off, cortorized it and if that doesn't work, they will remove and stitch it. But the best part... The vet was able to get Beau's nails done without a general anethesia. NO ONE WOULD TOUCH HIM, the way he carried on. They have not been trimmed since May31,'07. It's becasue of all the walks on ashpalt that they were as OK as they were. But, she did it and now we know it can be done there. YAY.
  17. OY-- My Teddy is so neutoic. First off, I had to get help carrying this 82 pound hound into the office. Then he aclimated to the waiting room and it was another issue getting him into the treatment room. He was so stressed. She thought his gait looked better and he had better mobility in his neck than 2 weeks ago. Who knows, maybe the supplements he is taking are helping??? So, she said she would do a light session of pins for just 12 minutes instead of 30. She put 4 pins by the ankle, 3 in the head and one by the spine. The one by the spine popped out and didn't seem to want to stay. Teddy was on high alert, stressed to the max and either pacing for standing by the door hoping magically it would open so he could bolt. We have our next appointment next week. I sat on the floor trying to get him to relax. She had blankets down for his comfort, but he would have no part of relaxing. Since we've been home, he's been awake... I have the weirdest greyhounds....
  18. Recap: Teddy was limping a bit, gail off. He was also holding up both paws intermittently. Had X-Rays done which showed disk issue. Vet suggested holistic. Had consult 2 weeks ago. She needed to see actual pictures and wanted current bllod, urine and stool samples. She also wanted a full TBD panel run. We did all that and today is our first actual acupuncture appointment. For those who have expereinced this with they hounds, what was it like? What can I expect? What was your greys reaction? I was told I would need to hold him still. She said that some dogs relax to the point of falling asleep.
  19. So sorry to hear. Prayers and good wishes your way.
  20. Thank you for your journal. I'm sure reliving this is a nightmare. Prayers for a miracle.
  21. She is beautiful. I am so sorry. Praying for a miracle, they do happen.
  22. If he is crying, is there any way you can get him to the vet tomorrow? If for nothing else, just to make him more comfortable and not have to be in pain for 5 more days.
  23. The problem when they are put on the soloxine is that they are always starving to death! My poor Chloe has managed to keep her weight status quo, but she is much more food aggressive since the increase in soloxine. It's hard for her not to gain but I really try and monitor. The only thing she gets that she shouldn;t is Polli's snack that's left in the morning IF Polli isn't interested. I can see on the webcam and then I deduct from dinner.
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