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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. They have been dropped. All issues reviewed with vet with a list of dos and do nots in list form which vet said he would hold on to. (probably went to back and laughed at me!!) but hey, if I'm spending close to 1500 today for dentals and an xray, I can be as "out there" as I want to be. Right? Right. Brought donuts for staff. NOW the hard part. Sit and wait. Tick, Tick, Tick, Tick, Tick, tick....
  2. It sounds like it. Is he on any supplements for athritis? If not, check out this website. This stuff is 100% pure and all proceeds go to the hounds. http://greyhoundgang.com If he seems like he is getting worse or in pain, I would take him in for a baseline x-ray so you can see what's going on. But if it's been when he is laying down and it works it's way out, it's probably nothing serious. But, arthritis can be very painful so the sooner he gets on the supplements the better he will feel. Good luck! AND... welcome! Please show us some pictures of your boy!!!
  3. He could start taking glucosomine, at least. I give all mine ( ages: 4,4,4 and 9.5) www.greyhoundgang.com All proceeds go to the dogs.
  4. Hundreds of years ago, a dog didn't live to be half the age a dog will today and if teeth went bad, they went bad. If you could see and smell (I'm surprised you couldn't smell her breath across the pond! It was THAT bad) Poli's breath and teeth, you wouldn't say that. Polli will not take a bone. She will lick it! My Beau will lick it, bite it, lick it.... etc. Teddy and Chloe like bones and other "normal" things. For someone like Polli, she needs as much "unnnatural" ways to tend to what's left of her teeth. If I didn't do that, she would lose them all, be uncomfortable and as you know decayed gums and teeth can lead to numerous other ailments and diseases. It's just not that cut and dry. In a perfect world....
  5. I have 4 hounds. I HAVE to brush Polli's teeth everyday. I do. I brush Chloe and Teddy's teeth once a week. No problem. Beau. Forget it. I can not do it. Aint gonna happen. I also give them CET chews which are chemically treated to help with teeth cleaning. I am dead set against rawhide for many reasons but I will break down and give them these supervised of course. I also use the Aquadent water additive to help reduce tartar. CET CHEWS: http://www.healthypets.com/newlarbagcet.html WATER ADDITIVE: http://www.healthypets.com/cetaquadent16.h...__utmk=70548753
  6. RobinM


    God Speed sweet boy.
  7. RobinM

    Adios Treat

    I am so sorry for your loss.
  8. Dentals for them, mentals for me. Polli, age 9.5 will be undegoing her 2nd dental in 7 months. When we arrived from the farm last August, she had sewer breath and had 17 teeth removed at her 1st dental. I brush her teeth everyday. Every single day without fail. I add in a dental additive to her water and still, her teeth and breath again are skanky. Beau who will be 4 at the end of the month had his first dental almost 2 years ago and unlike his momma, he will not let me near his mouth with a toothbrush. His teeth and gums are OK. He will also have the leg he had major ortho surgery on last year x-rayed since he is tripoding not using that one from time to time. Vet thinks since it was such a major injury, it was bound to show arthritis 6 months to a year later and sure enough it seems to be. I just want to be sure nothing funky is going on in there that shouldn't be. The vet also said that they would go lighter on the anethesia for Polli since the last time, she had a rough time getting back on her feet. Please, we are asking for a double dose of chating, prayers and good thoughts for my Beau Beau and his momma., Polli. Logically, I know they will be OK, but emotionally.... is another story. Will update tomorrow when I am at work and they are "in". Thanks....
  9. I took my 4 year old Teddy 6 times. He was a wreck, a total wreck all 6 times. He had to be carried in as he would not bugde and i couldn't move all 85 pounds of him! He stood by the door of the room, staring at the door handle in the examing room as though as if he stared hard enough, the door would magically open and he would run away. I sat on the floor, trying to get him to relax but that was not going to happen. The good news was that there was definite improvement. Where he was alternately holding up both paws when he stood still, he doesn't anymore. His range of motion is better and he feels better. I can't ask for more than that. I wish he would relax but that is not going to happen. NO dog enjoys being at the vet no matter how many times they go!!!
  10. Oh G-D Judy- I have so overwhelmed by this whole story. Bless his heart. What a brave, wonderful sweet boy he is.
  11. You got it. I am sending mega doses of prayers your way. My Polli and Beau are going in together on Thursday for dentals. I understand your fears and concerns emotionally. Logically, I know they will all be OK! Logic and emotion are 2 completely different things!!! Please update when your babies are home.
  12. RobinM


    OMG- I am so sorry.
  13. My Polli and her son Beau will be having their dentals on Thursday and I expect it to be about $450.00 each and that includes all pre surgical testing. It is what it is. I trust my vets explicitly.
  14. Dear Flashy- I have two habs my dentill on dursday. I nos dat I wont habs dinner two. Maybe wez can sneek outz and grab a bite twogeder. First da mommy wantz me too eatz and den the mommy doesn't wantz me to eatz. I wish she wood make up her mind! Love, Polli
  15. YAY. so happy to hear your boy did OK. It's our turn here on Thursday.
  16. Was so relieved after speaking with you. Please keep us all updated with how he is doing. Hugs to you and smoochies for Alan.
  17. Prayers sent your way. PLEASE call me on cell when you are done.
  18. RobinM


    What a horror. So so sad. I am so sorry.
  19. RobinM


    Run free Sweet boy.
  20. RobinM

    Misty Moo

    I am so sorry for your loss.
  21. We do not use anything here in the South Shore of LI,NY. It's just not necessary. But my good friend, Nancy (Freddygirl) lives on the opposite shore and absolutely must. When we go to the PA house, we put it on them 5 days before going up there.
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