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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. OMG, I can not believe I missed this. Congrats and welcome home, Amy!!!!! She is just precious!
  2. HAven't been on in several days and just seeing this. We've been through the screws for the achielles heel with Beau las year. POOR SAVANNAH. My prayers are with you both. I'm sure it's some nasty infection which caused the break. hugs to you. Please update when you can.
  3. Chloe has something similar, vet said it was trauma such as what was mentioned above. YES! It's always something!
  4. Sorry Patti. Best wishes for an uneventful surgery and recovery.
  5. What a story. Bless your heart for loving her for the time you did have her. God Speed Jackie.
  6. Of my 4, Polli has a very, very hard time with the storms. i've tried the cape, shirts, rescue remedy but I had to go with the big guns and now I have valium on hand for me so I don't have to deal with it. Just kidding. I have valium for her and it helps.
  7. The comparison to the couch was made in that if a person destroys your couch you are entitled to sue for the monetary value of the couch. If someone kills your dog, you are only able to sue for the monetary value of the dog. So if someone killed my lab/beagle mix that I got from the pound I could sue for $35? The emotional value of a dog is much greater than that of a couch but legally it doesn't matter. That to me just seems inherently wrong. However, for the reasons that I discussed above, I think trying to change that is going to open Pandora's box! Unfortunatley, the law has no way of compensating a person for death or injury other than money. (assuming there is no criminal liability) But I agree 100% that by opening this up to change, will create new problems that may be even worse.
  8. Re: The daylight. How are you both sleeping? Is all the day light affecting your ability to sleep? Did you ever see the movie with Al Pacino and Robin Williams, Insommia? Hope you are adjusting OK.
  9. And the 3rd issue that you didn't address is who decides when a pet gets put down. While it can be an amazingly emotional decision, we recognize for the most part that it can be the most humane choice that we can make for our pet. If the law were to be changed, the state, almost of necessity, would have to enact guidelines (read laws) setting forth when/if euthanasia is appropriate. Imagine being told you have to allow your beloved pet to continue suffering because his current condition doesn't meet some legislature's guidelines. On the other hand, the analogy of comparing our pets to a couch is incorrect. There are laws that set forth minimum standards of care. (animal cruelty laws) whereas I can do anything I want to my couch but the law will prevent (in theory) the most horrible abuses. These laws should be enforced and strenthened A LOT more. It's a very hard and thought provoking question with no clear answer on either side.
  10. That is exactly what Teddy had in the roof of his mouth and you could only see it when he was laying upside down with his mouth hanging open. (you know, the real dignified greyhound look!!!) He had it removed when he had his dental and it was benign. Glad to hear Pave's went away on it's own!
  11. Just seeing this for the 1st time. WOW, you have all been through a lot. Continued prayers and good wishes for Wilma and hugs for you. I know how frustrating it is to try and get a dog to eat that doesn't want to. I hope that continues to improve.
  12. She was a beautiful girl. I am so sorry.
  13. buu/Creatine and thryoid. Check out the sites above for the best info.
  14. I wouldn't wait, I'd go and in the future, make sure things are put away so this doesn't keep happening. But seriously, I would take him.
  15. All your dogs should be on it. Make sure they are getting the recommmended daily allowance or it will be for naught. PM me for info if you want.
  16. OMG- I almost fell off my chair at the cuteness of her!
  17. Chloe absolutely FLIPS when there are mosqutoes by her cha cha so I take a wet paper towel with skin so soft spray, spray the wet paper towel so it's diluted and wipe it around her thighs. She is a much happier camper on walks in the summer months!
  18. Beau was 1st and was fine. he would have been fine as a one and only but was happier with #2, Chloe. Chloe and #3 Teddy ABSOLUTELY COULD NOT be an only dog, no way no how. Teddy, still carries on when I leave even if there are the other dogs here and there is someone in the house, like my house keeper or my 28 year old DD when she comes to visit. She can not beleive how he will cry if I run out for a few minutes.
  19. I'd wait 3 days and then take her to the vet. (unless she is obviously in pain ) With my 4 pups, it's a rarity that one of them doens't have some sort of limp going on. I'm sure she is OK and just a muscle sprain.
  20. RobinM

    Red Diplomat

    I am so so so sorry for the loss of your pup.
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