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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. I emailed just to follow up and make sure the films of ----- sent by ---- have arrived. Tick Tick Tick Tick. Now, that it's getting down to finding out, I'm getting a bit anxious. I've been fine all week. I still don't think it can be anything. He HAS TO BE OK. Hear that?
  2. Just called my vet who will not be in until SATURDAY! YIKES. I asked them to check his file and so far we haven't heard anything. So, should I email Dr. Couto and ask if he located them or wait till tomorrow and call vet to see if the results are there?
  3. RobinM


    I am so sorry for your loss.
  4. Maybe I am delusional or whatever but I am not even worried anymore. It can't be anything bad. It just can't so I am going about everything as if it's not.
  5. Nadda yet. I received an email from Dr. C in reponse to mine telling him they were on their way (yesterday). So, he said he would keep an eye out for them (like the man has nothing better to do!!) and get back to us. (meaning my vet). I'm thinking tomorrow or Friday. Beau is walking better the last few days than he has in the last few months. He is happy playful and insisting on walks, (MANY OF THEM). So... we are waiting. Thank you.
  6. I love seeing good news under this forum. Bless his heart.
  7. OMG I am so sorry. I am praying for your girl.
  8. Oh man, the picky eaters! It was because of YOUR special delivery of tripe for my Polli that we found she really likes that... sometimes! I hope he starts getting his appetite back soon. Hugs to you both.
  9. So glad everything went well and she is home. Sigh of relief. I know the feeling!
  10. I think it's time to move on... IMHO. We have a dog around here like that who has attacked while "accidently" running loose. The last victim was a 110 pound chocolate lab that was totally brutalized. I cringe to think what kind of damage that could have done to one of my babies. Totally cringe. She too paid the bill and said she would "really try". You got what you wanted from here. Hopefully, like you said, it was a wake up call. Please make sure whoever is walking Merlin is prepared with something to deter an attack. It's scary Kerri- I totally understand. On another note, can you appeal to her as a friend. Now that you are back to the beginning, (Merlin is better and she paid up) write a letter with your fears and concerns and why you are feeling this way. Maybe if she wasn't ignorant to our breed, she would give it a little more thought? I don't know. I am just trying to make a win win for all. Once we corner someone or get nasty it's hard for the other person to see what we are trying to explain. They are just defensive so nothing good comes of it. Does this make any sense to you?
  11. RobinM

    Genie's Gone

    God Speed Genie. You will be missed.
  12. OK- films are on their way to OSU. Should be there tomorrow. had a long talk with my vet. I had a list of questions which I faxed over to her and she took the time to go over it with me one by one. 1) the lesion she saw on the leg that she wants evaulated she doesn't think it''s CA but she wants to be sure (and so do I!) 2) the Hip- not dysplasia but for explaining to me purposes she used that term. She said he may be over compensating because of the leg and throwing out his hp and knee. T 3) the knee that was popped out when we got there is back but it can be popped in and out. If he does his craziness, it could repeat. If it does keep happening, he will need surgery... again. 4) I feel better. He IS better and in my heart, I really don't believe it's anything critical. I pray I am right.
  13. RobinM

    Hershey Bar

    I am so sorry.
  14. The films are being sent overnight to OSU so they should have it (in theory) Tuesday. I emailed Dr. Couto a heads up that it was coming. If I didn't go through what I went through Friday night and yesterday, I would think I was dreaming the whole thing. He is acting and walking 100%. Believe me, I am happy. I am suppossed to curtail his walks and the only thing he wants to do is walk. if I don't walk him then he is a crazy boy in the house which is worse because of all the short stops he does. I feel he is better off on a controlled walk (on the grass or easment to ease the impact) to get rid of some of his energy. I love that he acts like silly crazy boy, but I also know he tends to hurt himself when he acts that way. I have a list of questions for my vet. When she orignally called me, I was in the car in bumper to bumper on the infamous LIE and very distracted. I hope to have something positive to say tomorrow night BEFORE the films are interperptted. Thank you EVERYONE.
  15. Did you slip him the tripe? So happy to hear he will take some food from you. Will continue good thoughts and prayers for your boy.
  16. He appears more comfortable today, a bit subdued. I'm not sure how much I am reading into things though. He is walking on the leg whereas yesterday morning and the night before he was a total tripod. Could be the meds they gave him. He puts weight on it although more gingerly. Is it possible for a spot on the xray to be anything but the dreaded C word??? They are sending the reports directly to Dr. Couto overnight.
  17. How utterly heartbreaking. I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful Hershey.
  18. Hopefully, I never have to go! I am looking to send x-rays. Does that need a cover letter from my vet?
  19. I decided that I want the pictures of Beau's leg going to OSU FIRST, instead of Cornell. Do I need a cover letter from the doctor as a referral or can I send the pictures and ask them to look at them? I am thinking of picking up the pictures of today and May and bring them to JFK to overnight tomorrow so they have them Monday. Anyone know?
  20. Beau is home, stoned out of his mind (IT WAS GENERAL) but home. The Hip "thing" they saw is that the Hip seems a bit misaligned. Something going on. It's the dark spot on leg that is the main concern for all. So, now we wait.
  21. I am trying to process all the vet said. There are several things going on which are baffling the vets. 1) HIP DYPLASIA TYPE OF THING. Yes, you heard right. 2) there is a dark spot on the leg. It was clean in May and now there is something there. Arthritis too which was not apparent in May. She said if it were any other breed of dog, she would not be over anyalizing this but because it's a GH, they are sending the pictures going to Cornell radiologists and then OSU. It gets weirder 3) when they had him on his side, certain things were evident and when they moved him to his back, they were not seen. I need mega prayers for this baby boy who JUST turned 4 years old. He is a baby in so many ways and most importantly, he is my baby boy. I can not put into words the way I feel about my Beau. So, he will come home in about an hour or 2 as he is still groggy. Steriods, glucosomine (which he has been on) to keep him comfortable. I am praying that the "dark spot is nothing and the HIP thing... isn't.
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