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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. RobinM


    I am so sorry.
  2. Tammy~ No worths of wisdom for you. Your tribute was beautiful. I am siiting her and trying to figure out what to say. No words. I am so sorry. My heart is breaking for and with you.
  3. This one is about 2 inches by 1 inch and about 2 inches from her spine on the amp side. I can press, massage, and she doesn't flinch.
  4. We walk 2-3 times a day, every day (except Polli). We walk the way they want to walk. The walk is for them.
  5. Thanks Kerry~ She is OK. I think there is something going on, not sure what. We take it one day at a time. We have a ramp that she has decided not to use anymore. Instead, she waits out there until we come almost as if to say, "I know my rights- carry me up". I don't know if she has discomfort and going up the incline bothers her or if she is just being Polli! Either way, we do what she needs.
  6. RobinM


    Totally discusting. I am so sorry. Run Free Karson.
  7. I am so sorry. Beautiful girl.
  8. We used to go every week, but when things got better we go every other and then every 3rd week. We get a discount to bring both boys in together. I used to pay $126.00 per visit at another place for one. It was 18 miles away. Now, I pay $96.00 for 2 of them and this place is 5 miles away!!!
  9. It doesn't move. It just feels like a tight muscle. Ann- it's not a torn muscle. When she ran it was her back end that suffers. If it changes at all, I will bring her in. Vet doesn't like me to bring her in unless we really have to. It really stresses her out. Hopefully, it's nothing...
  10. Whar does Dr. C says the pronosis is? This is something only you can decide. Something you can live with. Make a list of the pros and cons. Think with your head, your heart will follow. Hugs to you. No, this is not fair.
  11. Both Teddy and Beau go. Teddy has been going for over a year. Beau started in June and had a one month lapse due to his surgery and recovery. It is normal and customary for things to get worse before they get better but after the 3rd treatments, you should start seeing results. Best of luck.
  12. No experience but I KNOW you are in the very very very best of capable hands with ML. Prayers for Flex and please, you know you can call me for anything. Hugs.
  13. I am not overly concerned. It's about 2 inches long and about1.5 inch wide, NOT on the spine but about 2 inches further down from the spine. When I press on it, she does not react at all. It feels like a tight muscle on a human. I did call the vet and she said it could be a fatty tissue. It's on the same side as the amp and is visual to my eyes. If it gets any bigger or seems to bother her, I will bring her in. Has anyone else had something that sounds like this?
  14. I am so sorry to hear this Patty- but as most have said, you caught it super early, she will be treated and she will be fine. Prayers and hugs to you and Pave' Maria.
  15. Added in z/d 8 days ago. We had been feeding him close to 4 pounds of fish a day and he was gaining weight, now it's a lot less fish! We are still making the dried tilapia treats and he loves them. Yes, he is thin, but instead of 7 vertebae sticking out, now it's 5.5. His ribs are covered but his hip bones are still protroding. He lost 8 pounds in one week and and another 3 severl weeks earlier. Once he breaks 60, I will be out of mind THIRLLED! He is a "petite" boy and never needs to be above 64 pounds.
  16. Beau is up to 56.3. Up another pound. Slowly but surely, with prayers from GTers, God's help and many feedings a day, we will get there and stay there.
  17. Sounds exactly like Polli. the only difference is that she is a tripod.
  18. I do understand what it is like to have a dog (s) that will not eat. I will certainly keep Luke in my prayers. What maket them think it's his gall bladder? How are his poops? What other symtoms and for how long?
  19. Email from my vet ( I love this woman). Hi Robin, Glad Polli had a restful night. Regarding acupuncture, I think it best to consult with Dr. Geltman. He's the expert..... As of her last xrays and treatment, there was no evidence of any spread of the LS. It is very unusual for it to met to the spine, usually lungs first. We can certainly re-xray her if it would make you more comfortable, but I think she has deficits because of her altered mechanics and, like an arthritic, will have bouts of pain that need to be managed. There are really no shots that will help prevent this. You can give cortisone injections to relieve the discomfort when she is feeling poorly, but I really hate that drug in greys unless we have exhausted other options. For now, keep her on the Deramaxx. You can use it periodically when you see signs of discomfort. If this is not cutting it, we'll re- evaluate. Hope you have a few restful days with "the kids" Talk to you soon. ____________________________ I will talk to acupuncturist tonight when we take Teddy and Beau
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