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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. We have no idea. If he had hurt it, he would have let us know. He is not stoic at all. Vet said it's trauma of some sort. A rock? banging it? The fact that it's trauma is good. Nothing else showed on x-ray. We've had enough already, thank you very much.
  2. No break, no corn, no splint. Soft bandage with bandaged and ace and 75 mg of tramadol 3x a day. Toe very swollen. No walks. Boot on over bandage when out to pee/poop.
  3. Getting texts from Rich- toe very swollen, x-rays being taken hopefull without sedation, will try. Thinks it needs to be splinted. What the heck could have caused this. Beau does not run. he's my walker, a big walker, but nevertheless a walker. BEAU IS UP TO 61 POUNDS. HIS NORMAL WEIGHT IS 63. I AM THRILLED BEYONE WORDS. THis is because we are feeding him round the clock, litterally every 3 hours. I am so grateful. He was so emaciated at 52.4 pounds. THANK GOD.
  4. I am so happy that this had a positive outcome. You go girlie.
  5. He's hurting and can not put any weight on the foot. Rich is taking Beau. They have a 10:45 appointment. We are just hanging out waiting. I didn't want to go only because Beau stresses so much and DH although sympathatic to Beau, doesn't stress like I do which I am sure is not good for him. Also, if he needs to be carried, DH is better suited for the job. Carrying Beau around so soon after Polli is just making us nuts. I just hope we don't have to leave him there. Beau just doesn't cope well.
  6. RobinM

    My Beloved Willow

    Jo- I am so sorry about Willow. I am glad you found us on GT. Robin
  7. Aren't seed warts and corns the same thing? Either way, he has an appointment tomorrow morning. He is so unhappy and so uncomfortable. He not only has his back/hip issues, now he has this. Poor Beau. he just can not catch a break. He misses his mommy too.
  8. Joy~ My heart breaks with and for you. I saw this on COG. Still crying over my Polli and now for your sweet boy. I am so sorry. Robin
  9. You guys are amazing. Thank you from all the hounds and their families praying for a cure. Thank you from our family too. http://vet.osu.edu/5336.htm http://vet.osu.edu/3745.htm
  10. From one broken heart, to another, I am so sorry.
  11. Beau. Recaps: Beau had some "hip issues" all last year. Xrays were inconclusive in July. Read by OSu, Cornell and my vets. No "C". We immediately started acupunture. It helped remarkably. We stopped when he had the open exploratory surgery for about 5 weeks. His surgery was Jan. 21 to diagnosis his severe IBD. He resumed acupunture on Feb. 24. He got worse which we know is common and he didn;t have another appointment for 2 weeks. he will now be on every week again, BUT he is really, really bad. He looks like Polli did on 3 legs. It's not just the back end as of today. It's the left front as well. It's inconsistant. Just took him on a walk on all grass. In the beginning of the walk he was so gingerly putting his front leg down, once he was walking he was walking better, just limping and his rear end is off too. Out vet has been on vacation since last Sat. She is back on Monday but I did make an appointment with someone else tomorrow morning. To say I am scared is a joke. I am angry. I am scared. I know he will need x-rays and I don't want to do it. There was no "c" at the time, but we all know how that goes. Beau isn't even 5 yet. DH says that because it goes from front to back and this mornming he was bobbing along on a walk looking good, it's not "C" but something else. When I let him out back, he looked like a snake, almost looked like his spine was slithering. We just gave 100mg of tramadol. he can't have NSAIDS. THoughts? Update: We just checked the paw he is holding up and it looks like a round, light pink circle, a pimple? an infection? a corn? When I went to touch it, he screamed, but he is a screamer about everything.
  12. I know you know, but I will tell you anyway... if there is anything.... Continued prayers.
  13. I feel your pain. I am so sorry.
  14. 3 days. I can't believe it. Nothing is the same. The hurt- there are no words. Sometimes - I REALLY can not believe she is gone.
  15. Beautiful boy, run free.
  16. My heart breaks for you. I am so sorry.
  17. Bohemian Ocean AKA Polli, Polls, Polli doodles, Polli wally do da, and our Mommy. We could not have loved you more, only longer. Our hearts and home will never be the same. Neither will we. We are shocked and stunned. There are no words to describe the pain of losing you. God Speed my precious baby, friend & confidant. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gG4lsjSY_vk "Wait for the day You'll go away Knowing that you warned me of the price I'd have to pay And life's full of flaws Who knows the cause? Living in the memory of a love that always was Cause I've done everything I know to try and change your mind and I think I'm gonna miss you for a long long time Cause I've done everything I know to try and make you mine And I think I'm gonna love you for a long long time. "
  18. Most definitely. What would the point be? In addition, there is always a chance of the leg fracturing from the biospy. Then, your decision is made the hard way. Continued prayers for your boy.
  19. thank you everyone. As Holly said above -If love and prayers could heal, she would be the healthiest dog around. I feel your love for her. Reality has set in. Every time I think I don't a tear left to shed, the tears just flow. She had been doing better with the acupuncture but after today's vet visit - she is in bad shape. She is just laying here, breathing a little heavy, but not moving. I emailed my vet and she said that today was extremely stressful for Polli- nothing happened that could have hurt her. There was no manipulation at all. They moved the machine rather than Polli to get their pictures. We gave her a valium at 11 AM, tramadol at 4PM and now she is just resting. Far cry from my demanding foot stomper. We now pray that we have many good days / weeks/ months. The longer the better, just as long as she is not in pain. I truly thought that we had beat "it". I can not believe how qickly things turned around.
  20. What a day. My prayers are with you.
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