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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. And you are there and watching while they are doing it. Make sure they don't put her on the table. They can do the nails while she is standing on the floor.
  2. Sending lots of prayers and many good wishes for your boy.
  3. Polli had at her first dental 17 teeth removed and other than the antibiotic and pain meds for a few days, she ate normally. You'll be surprised, they don't need teeth! YOu should have seen Polli munching away on bullysticks. So sweet.
  4. Lots of good thoughts Tessie's way. She will be just fine with beautiful toofers!
  5. Hope you are having a good evening. From our pack to yours....
  6. He just started looking at me again. Man, does he really think I do this to him???
  7. Yes, they x-rayed and his toe is extremely (severely) inflammed due to soft tissue injury. He has 1-2 weeks with this cast on. We will have it rechecked in a week.
  8. I miss you so much, Polli. So, so so so so so so so much. I could never put it into words. One week ago today... Still can't believe it.
  9. No corn. Beau was at the vet yesterday had ex-rays and fll exam. He is in a soft cast due to severe toe trauma. Ever notice everything that happens to Beau is "Severe". Beau is an IBD dog. For the rest of his life he can have NOTHING but his prescription food and the tilapia he gets as in add in. That's it. Cookies are dried tilapia we make for him.
  10. Oh Boy. Beau is not going to make this easy for us. We slept in the den last night because of all the steps in our house. Does this sound remotely familar to you all? Excpet I did not sleep all but 2-3 hours. I should be used to that. Beau is refusing to get up every 3-4 hours to pee which he desperately has to, because he is not liking the cast on his leg, does not navigate well without his front leg especially since he has "something" going on in his hips that is being addressed with acupuncture. So, he is leaking onto whatevery he is sleeping on until i get him out which is not easy. it takes both me and Rich to coax him out. My son who has been coming home from lunch at school to let him out and feed him is not going to be able to do this so I will have to come home in the middle of my day until he is moving better. He is depressed and between the pred that makes him like a zombie and now the depression from his momma not being here AND this latest toe issue, he just can't get a break and he is so depressed. I sit with him and stroke him (he's not into the singing thing ) but he will turn away and face the wall. I know this won't last forever but it just sux, feeling like not only did we lose Polli, but Beau is so removed as well. it will only get better, right???
  11. Hope Lucky is OK. YOu may want to start a new thread so people will see and respond to it.
  12. He is adorable and does look very happy to see you. Congrats and welcome.
  13. I don't know what your high end food is and I don't know if your dogs were tested for worms? Which group did you adopt from?
  14. Have the been checked for worms? How long do you have them? Congrats and welcome.
  15. Yes, I can relate, I really can. Prayers for your girl.
  16. RobinM

    My Sweet Belle

    Sweet beautiful baby girl. I am truly sorry for your loss. We lost our girl 6 days ago. My heart breaks with yours.
  17. Yes, those stats are on OSUs site. http://vet.osu.edu/2096.htm
  18. No, Beau is pefectly happy how he has already trained us!
  19. No, it really doesn't. at least not here. My name is Beau Beau and I have had a very, very, very bad week.
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