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Everything posted by VinnieAndRexsMom

  1. Could be he is having a bad day, and could be that he's ready to go
  2. A wonderful tribute to your Walter. What a love he was while on this earth. I am sure he is making the best greyhound angel right now: a happy boy welcoming others as they come acoss the bridge.
  3. He looks good to me Wow! You are going a long way to get this boy! He is gorgeous and I can see why you are taken with him
  4. You are welcome What meds are you giving him now? (I am a huge fan of carafate. It's ulcer medicine for people) And I want to tell you I am so sorry he was attacked. The bleed is bad enough for him. Now he hurts inside and out.
  5. Yes, with Vinnie. We don't know the cause, but maybe an ulcer. We used carafate, reglan, and pepcid. He had NEVER been on NSAIDS in his life up to the time this hapened. He never bled again after that and we used metacam with him a few years later with no ill effects.
  6. I am so sorry for your loss. Godspeed Flash.
  7. A beautiful boy... I am so sorry for your loss
  8. I am so so sorry for your loss.
  9. Audrey, I'm so so sorry sweet Darius had to leave. Sending hugs,
  10. She's a pretty girl I hope all goes well and the pups arrive safely
  11. Sending healing thoughts for your Wilma and hugs for you.
  12. VinnieAndRexsMom


    Snowy knows no pain and she is watching over you and your pups. You gave her the greatest gift, Hilda... freedom from a body that just didn't work well for her any more. Sending hugs,
  13. I am so sorry Andrea. You know Ricco was a favorite of mine. He waited so long for the right family, and you were that family. Ricco has always been a beautiful boy and he will be a beautiful angel.
  14. I'm so sorry for your loss. Run free Adam ...
  15. VinnieAndRexsMom


    I'm so sorry for your loss. Godspeed River...
  16. I bought this one for Vinnie. http://dogramp.com/ It has sides and carpet, and depending which one you need/buy, it weighs anywhere from 7-22 pounds. I think mine weighs 20. They are always making new models, so the one I have is similar to what you see on the site. They were super fast and I was very pleased though Vinnie wasn't. I also used it for the two steps off our porch when his back got really bad, so it did come in handy. Adding: They did not make the triple ramp at the time. If they had, I would have purchased it so there was less of an incline in to the trailblazer. It wasn't bad, and we managed, but as his back got worse, he needed less of an incline. If your vehicle doesn't sit that high in the rear, then double would be fine.
  17. My Dad had a dry unproductive cough.
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