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Everything posted by VinnieAndRexsMom

  1. I'm so very sorry for your loss.
  2. Beautiful boy Send mom a sign, Argos. So sorry for your loss,
  3. Such a beautiful tribute, Denise. My heart goes out to you and your family. What a blessing to have such a beautiful girl to learn patience from. Hugs,
  4. VinnieAndRexsMom


    What a sweet little face. I am so sorry for your loss.
  5. I am so sorry for your loss.
  6. Chase has had staph, too. He was a very stressed boy when he came to live with us. He didn't have the green goo. He just had dime sized patches that would crust up and then his hair would come out. I never had to use the chlorihexiderm shampoo... we used Oxydex made by the came company. No, you own't get it and neither will Lola.
  7. Oooh, I am so sad to see thes Prayers for sweet Brookie and hugs for Denise. I will light the old boys' candle to help light her way...
  8. I used it for myself to bring down my ALT and AST. I cut them by 2/3s in three months. My stomach never bothered me, but about a half hour after taking it, I would have a nasty belch. The I was fine. I have not used it on the dogs...yet
  9. You're welcome The hvc site states mor clearly than some of the others that milk thistle can increase the levels of some drugs and decrease the level of othes. I'm reading it as these are the drug interactions they know about. If it does interact, then you'll either have too much or too little phenobarb, and that needs to be a closely regulated dosage, right? Personally, I wouldn't mess with it (I realize that was not your question ). As I sit here, I wonder if it screwed with my estrogen. I was thinking about starting it again, but I'm on a statin now, so I'm going to pass. I will, however, start it again after the statins are done Re: Henry With that wonderful homecooked you feed him, I wouldn't think he would have that many other toxins in his body. Am I helping yet?
  10. For bathing: I used to have a wipe on, wipe off bath foam. I know they make dog wash wipes, like baby wipes. Would those work?
  11. Denise, I'm so sorry the plate didn't work out and so sorry the plate didn't work out. I will hold you both close in thought and prayer tomorrow. Sending lots of hugs to you right now,
  12. She looks good! And what a sweet blanket to snuggle with. I'm so glad she's home Jenn and Wendy use something for bruising. Ladies??? Is is Arnica Gel or something like that?
  13. No, I haven't but I am looking now. When I researched it for my liver, I found no drug interactions. http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/milk-thistle-000266.htm from this site: Possible Interactions If you are currently being treated with any of the following medications, you should not use milk thistle without first talking to your healthcare provider. Similar to its ability to protect against damage to the liver from alcohol and acetominophen, as discussed in the Overview, milk thistle may also protect against liver damage from the following medications: Antipsychotics : This group of medications used for schizophrenia includes butyrophenones (such as haloperidol) and phenothiazines (such as chlorpromazine, fluphenazine, and promethazine) Phenytoin : a medication used for seizures (Phenytoin is Dilantin) Halothane : a medication used during general anesthesia Bigger drug list here: http://www.hcvadvocate.org/hepatitis/hepC/mthistle.html
  14. Such a handsome guy who will wear his angel wings well. I'm so sorry. Hugs to you,
  15. So sorry to read this news. I hope the vet can find a good treatment for Roo. Hugs,
  16. You know, Riley is a sensitive dog and you have had a lot of changes as already mentioned. Has he started to break out in the staph yet? Chase always did when he was stressed. I would talk to the vet again. If he were mine, I'd think about something to settle his stomach, just in case that's it. I know others don't always agree, but that's what works here As long as he's not on antibiotic, probiotics are good. I used one in a clicky plastic syringe for Chase and it got him back on track. He loved the stuff. Hugs to you and your little man. I kow you're worried.
  17. How sweet the other pups are hanging out with her. I hope she settles down bcause I know that's a worry for you. Welcome home Polli
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