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Everything posted by VinnieAndRexsMom

  1. I am so sorry for your loss. Godspeed Twinkle ...
  2. I am so sorry for your loss. Godspeed Gunda...
  3. I don't think missing them ever goes away, Mary, no matter how long they've been gone. Hugs,
  4. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  5. Denise, Such a beautiful tribute you have written for Warlock, your special boy. I know your heart is sad right now and you miss him, but I think you feel some peace, too. Your boy doesn't hurt anymore. I'm glad Dodger has come to look after you and your pack. Hugs to you dear lady. Godspeed Warlock...
  6. I'm so sorry for your loss. Godspeed sweet girl...
  7. I'm so sorry for your loss. Godspeed sweet boy...
  8. I'm so very sorry for your loss. Godspeed Rhemus...
  9. I am so sorry for your loss.
  10. I'm so sorry. Too much loss and all so close together. Godspeed Oscar. Go find your sisters...
  11. Sorry Ali Another dry day and he was an ornery booger today
  12. I am so sorry for your loss.
  13. I am so sorry for your loss. Godspeed Petee...
  14. I am so sorry for your loss. Godspeed sweet Crisco Roo ...
  15. Red had a good night and woke up dry He is still dry today and has been asking to go out. Thankfully, Tess and Moose are home with him today. Thanks for all the prayers and good wshes
  16. ... but by doing his normal quirky things, he is still enjoying his life Hugs to you. I know this is hard.
  17. Thanks for all the prayers and healing thoughts. He's resting comfortably and I'm headed to bed.
  18. Good job on the cookies. Sounds like Sharon has a winner!
  19. As of 4:30 p.m. today, x-rays say he has a prostate twice the size it should be, lungs, heart, bladder, and spine look good. Urine is boring. We are hoping for a prostate infection. He will be on bactrim for a month. Baytril was the other consideration, but vet was concerned about his stomach long term and felt bactrim was a better choice. I am also giving him metacam for a few days because he looks a bit uncomfortable. Reddy is 10 as of Aug. 15th and such a sweetheart. It all started last night with the dripping and stream. I have noticed more a sense of urgency in the last month and three night accidents b/c he couldn't wake m. He pees like a race horse. He has always "saved up" as we call it, but now he really has to go NOW. . He never pees after bedtime For the last year or so, Red doesn't go out to pee as often.... maybe two or three times a day. I really have to press him for a third or even fourth pee. We have had three accidents in the last month, night accidents, because I didn't hear him get up. He was never a middle of the night pee'er. When he ran out to the LR, Tess let him out. When he came in, we noticed the blankets were dripped all over. As he stood there, we watched a stream come out, and then lots of dripping. We peed him again. He took a nap, and when he got up, he started dripping again. We peed him yet another time. He laid on a bed and watched me sew belly bands, got up, no leaks, moved beds, got up for treats, and went to bed. No leaks, but he wasn't down as long those times, I don't think, as compared with the first time. So, now after scanning GT for Poise pads, belly bands, and diapers, we are set. He started all meds tonight. I am hoping it is just an infection. Tess will be home with him tomorrow to do extra potties and change him if necessary. I love this Red boy so much ...
  20. Beautiful Patti, just beautiful...
  21. I am just seeing this, Denise. You and Warlock are in my prayers.
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