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Everything posted by VinnieAndRexsMom

  1. Arnica gel for bruising? Wendy knows about it, too. Hoping Riley has a better day today. Sending hugs,
  2. I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet Tarmac.
  3. Chesking in on you and Riley. Sending lots more hugs,
  4. Checking in on Riley and you. Sending more hugs,
  5. Sorry I didn't get back sooner. Thanks for asking update: Moose is doing well. I think he and Tess are doing this R&R well together. I thought she would be a nervous Nellie, but she is calm. I'm the nervous one, so I am glad I am back to school He has lost a little weight but will get it back. It's nothing scarey. He's just a bit smaller and he was little to begin with! He loves his food and is hungry. He's on 4 meds for a week, a perscription duck and potato, and will continue his pepcid forever. We stll don't have a specific diagnosis: could be food hypersensitivity, a flu on top of that, an overgrowth of heliocolbactor (sp), or IBD without pooping problems. It's so good to have him home and acting like himself again. No matter how hard we have both scoured for contriban, he finds another stashed piece. We are diving to the floor to wrestle a 4 pounder for a piece of kibble. I think we'll enter beach vollyball next season
  6. Hoping all is well with Riley and maybe he just pulled something a little. Sending hugs,
  7. VinnieAndRexsMom


    I am so sorry for your loss,
  8. Good news Jake had a seroma above the incision, one up under his chest, one back by his business, and one up on his ribcage on his right side. He had them all at the same time The only leaky one was the one under the incision, and it relocated itself at least twice. That's why I had to lace him up
  9. We are home! I will update later. Thank you all for all the prayers and good wishes and white light you sent for Moose.
  10. HE IS COMING HOME!!! No scope; no biopsies. Complete turn around after we visited yesterday. More after I get home from school. Thanks for all the prayers and white light!
  11. Thank you, punky looking he is. So sad.. he's such a sweet little peanut with an enormous personality. It's so hard to see him down
  12. We saw him He looks like he still doesn't feel well. He had eaten at 11 a.m. and kept it down. He belched twice while we were there, but nothing came up. Tess was so upset. It was hard for her to stay composed. He wanted us both to hold him, so while one held, the other talked, petted, and kissed. He was a little panty, and he doesn't pant. He looks tired. He was yawning a little. We let him down in the room and he was very busy sniffing and following scents. Then I got worried some sick dog had been in there (still a little of a smell from the patient before - poop?), so I snatched him back up. His legs are shaved as well as his belly to 1/2 way up his sides. He cleaned himself and licked us, and just kept licking Tess. We did pets, scritches, and belly rubs. We only saw for about 15 min. Tess was quietly getting more upset and he seemed fussy. He was sensing her emotions, but I also think he wanted back down to sniff. I really thought I'd see him looking better than he is, but he is alert, watching people and things outdoors, and listening to doors and other voices. His ears perked up for everything new. He's licking, cleaning, and fussing a little b/c he can't have his way. We told him he was going to stay some more darks and lights, and the nice people were going to have him take a nap tomorrow, so they could find what is making him sick. Then when he is better, he will come home.
  13. They're feeding one pea sized bite an hour since he's so tiny and has not had any food since Monday supper (I think I was confused and said Tuesday for food at home).
  14. Sunday a.m. update Moose did not eat the rest of the day on Saturday. He ate this monrning at 4 a.m. kept it down, ate at 5 a.m. and it came up undigested 20 min later. They will try to feed him at 11 a.m. and throughout the day until midnight. Tomorrow they scope or biopsy We are going to see him today. My fear was that he would see up, puke, and have to stay. Not a worry now. He's staying because of this morning.
  15. Welll, with Jake's abdomoinal surgery in July I had lots of experience with several big seromas. First make sure it isn't infection. Our vet wanted me to wrap him with an ace, but b/c the way he's built, the ace kept slipping down over his man parts. What I did was use T-shirts with spandex. I cut out the arms and made tanks out of them. Then I split them up the middle about 1/3 of the way so I could fold it double thickness and then I tied it across his back. The double thickness was over the seroma and kept genmtle pressure on it. Eventually it becan to leak, so I used no stick gauze pads to catch the fluid. I ended up using paper tap and taping it completely around him b/c he was leaking a lot. When he had several seromas, I took one of my spandex tanks. split it completely up the back, and then I cut straps all along his back. I ties him up like a gusset on the back of a dress. I could loosen or tighten, depending where the seromas were that day and wher i needed the pressure. On both designs, I had to run a tie strap of material through the tank straps on top of the shoulders, or tthe would slip. Jake spend two weeks in these get-ups, but they worked
  16. Thanks guys. 8 p.m. Moose hasn't eaten since noon. He was supposed to eat again at 4,5,and 6 p.m. but doesn't want the duck and potato food. They gave him his anti-nausea meds at 7 p.m. He ate with gusto this morning. At 5 he licked his lips like he was nauseous but isn't doing that anymore. We will call back in a couple of hours.
  17. update as of 1:30 p.m. They fed him from 8-12 a.m. once an hour, tiny bits. As of 1:30 he kept it all down. They start feeding again after a 4 hour break and will feed once an hour for those 4 hours. If all stays down, he can come home tonight. I believe the plan was that he would get a little water, too. We are hopeful.
  18. Update this morning: At 8 a.m. they started feeding him pea sized bites of the new food every hour, and as of 9:45 he has not thrown up As sick as he was, he would have shot it right back out at them. We are hopeful that he will come home this evening. Thanks to all of you for all the prayers and good wishes. It is helping
  19. Pam, I am so sorry Bucky had to leave before you got him back home. He will be there waiting on you; you'll be able to feel him.
  20. Pancreas test, tripto-something came back with good results. Pancreas is off the list since ultrasound looked good. I just checked on him. The ER nurses had him out for potty, cuddles, and meds. No urping Fingers crossed for food staying down tomorrow. Thank you again for all the white light and prayers going up for Moose. We all appreciate and love you for helping our baby boy.
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