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Everything posted by PattyE

  1. I'm so sorry for your loss. He was my boy, Jack's Daddy. We met Ripley last year when we visited Abilene. He was such a sweet boy. RIP
  2. She is beautiful! Congratulations!!!
  3. PattyE


    I'm so sorry. She was beautiful.
  4. I'm so sorry. Run free Danny!!!
  5. PattyE


    Maybe he chose ducks because you don't see them very often and he knows that they will be special. I'm glad you dreamed of Larry last night. You remain in my thoughts as well as your family and, of course, Ollie.
  6. He looks wonderful and so happy to be home again!
  7. PattyE


    I'm so sorry. She was beautiful.
  8. I'm so sorry for your loss. It has to be quite a shock.
  9. PattyE


    Your tribute was beautiful. I will never forget Larry. He had such a sweet face. How could we not fall in love with him? I cried so many tears for Larry last week. After I learned of his passing, I cried again, but then I thought of Larry being reunited with his first Daddy and I smiled. That is some reunion, I'm sure. My thoughts continue to be with you and your family and sweet Ollie. Thank you for sharing Larry with us.
  10. :yay I'm so happy to hear that Larry is feeling better. I hope that he continues to improve. Prayers and good thoughts are still coming your way.
  11. :hope :hope Larry, you have so many people pulling for you. You have been on my mind all day. I really hope that you start feeling better soon. Tell your Mom that you want more chicken and Dairy Queen. I bet you will get it.
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