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Everything posted by PattyE

  1. PattyE


    I'm sorry. I know how much it hurts.
  2. I'm so sorry, Carrie. She had such a wonderful life with you.
  3. I'm so sorry. She had a wonderful life with you.
  4. PattyE


    I'm so sorry. I always loved seeing photos of Steak.
  5. PattyE


    I'm so sorry for your loss. He was a handsome guy. RIP Chips
  6. Welcome from Missouri! Your pups are beautiful!!!!
  7. I'm so sorry. I know how you feel. We lost our sweet Jack this same way in June. It was so sudden and shocking and didn't seem fair. I thought my tears would never stop. I hope that Mirage does okay on his own. Our Scout had never been alone either and she did fine for the first week and then we knew we needed to find her another brother. You are in my thoughts. Please take care of yourself.
  8. PattyE

    Harrison Is Gone

    I'm so sorry for your loss. Your tribute was beautiful. You definitely have so many wonderful memories. RIP Harrison, you were one of a kind.
  9. I'm so sorry. He sounds like he was a wonderful guy.
  10. PattyE


    I'm so sorry.
  11. I'm so sorry. I wish you could have had longer with her.
  12. I'm so sorry. I lost my boy suddenly in June and I thought I would never stop crying. You are not alone. There are so many of us who understand what you are going through.
  13. I'm so sorry. She was beautiful!
  14. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  15. 3 months....oh my! That had to be so hard. He's been home for 10 days and I'm tired. I really hope he is out of his cast in another 3 weeks. The vet at first was just going to put him in a soft cast, but changed his mind. We go in on Monday for a cast change. I'm anxious to hear that his foot looks good. I had a really hard time having him away from me for ten days when he had his surgery. He has definitely helped me heal after loosing Jack, but having him away for that long felt like another death to me. I was hoping to find a boy who loved toys as much as Jack did and I think I found one. He's a sweet boy.
  16. Scout is a little jealous. They haven't been able to play at all because before his surgery, he had to be on a leash when outside and couldn't run in the fenced yard. He had to be quiet while in the house. He was at the vet for a 10 days for surgery and recovery time. I think she is starting to like him a little. I hope they become friends. She was really lonely without Jack. She likes having another hound in the house, even though she is a little jealous. I just noticed I typed my other dogs had been in "foster care" before coming to me.
  17. We waited three weeks after our Jack died suddenly to choose another greyhound. We waited an additional three weeks for UCME Bubbasparks to arrive. He arrived on 07/23/11. I noticed that something was wrong with his foot, so our vet checked it out and sure enough there was a problem. We then took him to the vet that our group uses and after many x-rays and tests and four weeks of medication, it was determined that he needed surgery. He had a career ending injury on 08/06/10 and unfortunately his hock was infected and full of arthritis. He had the surgery on 08/31/11. He now has a plate in his foot and it is fused together. We are now waiting for him to heal so that he can run and play. He is a very happy boy. He came to us directly from a farm and I was nervous as my other two greys have been in foster care before I adopted them. He is very curious about everything, but does not get in much trouble. Well, he can't get in much trouble these days because he has to be quiet since his surgery. He has to be crated or lay quietly on his bed for 4-6 weeks. I think he is going to be a wild boy once he is able to be run again. This is our boy, Joey. I rarely post photos, so I hope I did okay.
  18. He is so handsome! Congrats!
  19. I'm so sorry. I know she was so special to you.
  20. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  21. PattyE


    I'm so sorry for your loss.
  22. I am so sorry. You are in my thoughts.
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