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Everything posted by Devotion

  1. first I just want to say I always enjoy reading about Loca and Phoenix. they are gorgeous. My 12 year old Scooter has osteo. He is on tramadol plus several other things. I didn't know at first what was wrong with him and like so many greys he is stoic. I decided to give it to him though when he wasn't baring weight on his leg at all. There was no panting, shivering or crying. Obviously, this is different but I went ahead. I kept telling him "wish you could tell momma Scoots" and he would look at me and wag his tail! I will be saying an extra prayer for Loca.
  2. Scooter is on rimadyl, tramadol, and previcox. He does seem to be resting better this evening. But this is only temporary. I don't want to do it for me. It is for my Scooter. Thank you all for well wishes. He is truly an incredible friend. I am totally heartbroken.
  3. Devotion


    May you find peace and comfort during this time. I followed your thread the entire time and always said a special prayer for Snowman. May the memories remain alive forever in your heart.
  4. Just a quick update on Scooter. His limping is more pronounced today and he is not bearing wait at all on his left front leg except to put it down for balance. He won't stand long at all. He got excited when he saw his leash but couldn't walk more than a few yards. This is amazing that all of this has happened in 4 days. No clues before this! I am giving him his pain meds round the clock and he isn't panting or anything, but intellectually I know if he is limping like this and not bearing wait it must hurt like hell. Today he got a special treat by going to see my speech kiddos with me. I am a Speech Pathologist and he loves to go with me!We then had a special lunch of chicken breast and for dessert fig newtons, His favorites! We are now resting together on his big bed. He is such a loyal wonderful friend. I don't think Scooter will me here much longer. I have been down this road before with osteo. Every time it has gone incredibly fast. I still remember the look he had 2 years ago when We got him from the GPA. It was like I finally have a forever home. he has smiled every day for the last 2 years. His presense lights the room up. I know he would want me to remind everyone about the love of a senior. Although you may not have the gift of time that we all want the rewards are unbelievable. Scooter is the bomb as my 14 year old son put it!
  5. I am truly sorry for you and Tara Sue. She is stunning. I remember when you first posted about her osteo. I said a prayer that you all would be at peace. I have been down this road before and we are returning to this road with my wonderful 12 year old Scooter. It is devastating but I know he will always be right with me in my heart. Scooter is going down hill quickly. I have a feeling he will meet Tara Sue at the bridge. Scooter is such a gentle soul. I know he will be with greyt company with your girl.
  6. Lots of hugs Gail. It will take time. But remember that Flecka is just a thought away.
  7. I am so sorry, How terribly shocking. I send prayers of peace and comfort to you all during this time. Run free Big Brett.
  8. I hope when it is time for Scooter to make that journey that your Scooter will be there to greet him. My Scooter HATES to be alone. Oh and he really loves girls so maybe a lot of girls will be there too. I followed your journey with Scooter. It is so heartbreaking.
  9. thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Grey Talk is the best family out there. It is very touching to know people are pulling for my Scooter. There are a lot of us who are traveling this road or have been down it before. it is greyt to have a place to come to where everyone gets it!
  10. Man, that is a lot to endure. May God's peace get them through this.
  11. What a legacy Alex created. He was stunning. Cherish the memories and hold them close.
  12. I am so glad Carrier is doing well. He is so loved.
  13. Lynn, You did what was right for Magic. I know they don't know about the missed tomorrows only the present and the love they feel from us. I have always believed in quality of life and putting them first. It is not about me it is about Scooter (although I feel like I am going to have a heart attack). Someone once told me, It's better a day to early than a day to late. May we all have peace and comfort. It doesn't matter how much I want this to go away it's not. What does matter is that I honor Scooter and let him leave with dignity and quality still in him.
  14. thanks Diane. Yes Scoots in on 75mg of tramadol every 4-6 hours. Basically they said give him what makes him comfortable. He is ok for now, but not bearing a lot of weight on it at all. My worst fear is he will slip. I have wood floors all downstairs but do have a lot of throw rugs down for him already. We keep our upstairs gated off anyway due to his weak back end. I am really not taking this well.
  15. I am so devastated. We just found out today that our 12 year old Scooter has osteo. We were so in hopes it was just a piece of cartilage that broke off from his shoulder. After xray readings from a radiologist and oncologist and our vet it is confirmed. I adopted Scooter 2 years ago from GPA Houston. He helped heal my heart from losing Devotion to osteo. Scooter is my soul. I love him so much. He is without a doubt the smartest and noisest grey I have ever met. Scoots is a perfect gentleman who has such a presense. Everyone loves him. He is the reason I will always have a senior and also why I will always have a black grey in my pack. Please send prayers for him. I will not let him suffer and I want to make sure to do right by him. There are no treatment options for him. He has a neurological problem that makes his back legs not work together well all the time (not LS). He has to have his front leg. I can not even begin to make sense of this. My brain feels like jello and I feel totally sick. How do you ever get yourself ready for this?
  16. Prayers for Otis!!!! Hopefully, the antibiotics will kick in (well minus the big D) and help him. Poor thing. And you are doing what is right by him. Put the previous vet out of your mind. sounds like you are in good hands now!
  17. Buster is very handsome. My crew would disagree. My seniors 12 and 13 wouldn't like that comment. They are full of LIFE. I do however, take mine in for senior visits 2x a year just to be careful.
  18. Flecka was breathtaking in pictures and in spirit. Run with the angels sweet girl. May you find comfort and peace and know she loved her life with your family. May she be in your heart forever!!!!
  19. loads of prayers for you, DH and sweet Mattie. How truly stressful for you. I so hope she rallies and finds her zest for eating again. Please keep us updated.
  20. May you have peace and comfort. What a boy Malone must have been. Run with the angels sweet one.
  21. lots of prayers for Cannon and for you. I am so sorry. I have been down this road and it is devastating. Prayers for strength and wisdom. Remember Cannon lives in the moment and just wants you to love him. It is the hardest for us.
  22. Sally was adored all over the world. who could resist that face? I am sure it was wonderful to be loved and have loved sweet Sally. I love the stories and the pictures you have always posted. Run free Sally. Keep everyone in line at the bridge.
  23. Devotion

    Daphne Is Gone

    may the memories of your sweet Daphne always be close in your heart. I am so sorry. Sending prayers for peace and comfort during this time.
  24. of course you are doing the right thing for Flecka. Like you said, live for today, we should all do this!!! Don't worry about tomorrow. Love her and enjoy her that is what she wants and knows. Hugs to you all.
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