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Razzputin Ives Has Passed

Guest GreyZoi

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Guest GreyZoi

As some of you may know, we rescued Razz from St. Louis a few years ago from a lady with many many dogs. We organized a relay (before there were actual GURs) by contacting various rescues along the route and requesting volunteers. We picked up Razz for his final part of the relay from WV and brought him home to MD.


Upon his vet examination, he tested positive for heartworms, not to mention that his teeth were terrible. Though his heartworms were severe, he came through treatment. We were told that his heart and kidneys did have some damage, but that he'd still have a full life ahead. He was then 6 years old. We got his teeth cleaned and he was a much happier and healthier dog.


Razz was such a joy. We expected him to be aloof, but the first night he was home, I sat on the floor to be at his level (although he towered over me), and he promptly attempted to lay IN my lap. He honed in on several Laps since! I had never experienced such canine devotion. Razz reciprocated love tenfold.


On Monday, July 26, 2004, Razz passed away. We suspected congestive heart failure. His illness came suddenly. Within 48 hours he was gone.


We know that Razzy will be waiting for us at the Rainbow Bridge, but in the meantime, we know that he's snuggling with the Angels, as he always preferred the company of people rather than a canine race around the field.


To learn more about our dear Razz, please visit: Click and then Scroll to see Razz...


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I am so very sorry, I can relate to this a bit because I lost my boy Mulder to congestive heart failure back in March. :(

Edited by scullysmum

<p>"One day I hope to be the person my dog thinks I am"Sadi's Pet Pages Sadi's Greyhound Data PageMulder1/9/95-21/3/04 Scully1/9/95-16/2/05Sadi 7/4/99 - 23/6/13 CroftviewRGT

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Guest Joe_N_Mists_Mom

Oh I am so sorry. I can feel your pain.


He is now running free, waiting for the day he will see you again.



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Erin, Russ :grouphug I'm so sorry! Razz was such a beautiful boy, I could not take my eyes off him when I met you guys. He was one lucky Borzoi to have found you.

"To err is human, to forgive, canine" Audrey, Nova, Cosmo and Holden in NY - Darius and Asia you are both irreplaceable and will be forever in my heart beatinghearts.gif
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Guest wmlcml6

I thought I had cried enough for one day (high stress level resulting in crying spell two days in a row), but the loss of this pretty boy touched my heart, so here we go again with the huge lump in throat. To know you gave him a good life as long as you could should bring some comfort, as well as knowing he'll never be sick again.

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Guest adriahna

What a handsome boy Razz was - such a loving, beautiful face. Know that he's watching over you now, and would be so happy to know how fondly you remember him, and celebrate the full life he had. Our prayers are with you. :grouphugf_yellow And now, having just read your feature on Razz, I think it's so beautiful that you're taking his ashes with you, to spread at the trails he so loved. You're a saint for doing that.

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Guest lisa73

Erin and Russ please accept my heartfelt sympathy. I know how much Razz meant to you both :(


Run free beautiful and play nice at the bridge

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Guest auntiesara

I'm so sorry for the sudden loss of Razz. Our Piper came to us with H/W and Kidney disease and we only had him a year and 1/2. Just know that he's playing with friends at the Bridge and waiting to be reunited with you.



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Guest how888

I am so sorry.What a beautiful boy and I know he was loved dearly.My deepest sympathy.May he leave those special paw prints on your heart to get you through this. :f_red Linda and Nike :f_red:f_red

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